My B&W speakers Journey.


Well-Known Member
Nov 30, 2009
I have started my Audio Journey way back in 1994 and from then on the upgrades and changes and brands were haunting me. The last non B&W high end Speaker package I had was Jamo D7 series. By now I had learnt a hard lesson that whoever in Audio Hobby should settle and consolidate in the Speakers first as they are the ones which does not undergo big technical/format changes like Receivers and Processors. So I decided to go with B&Ws.

First I started off with 300 series in B&Ws package. I owned all the models in 300 as my Home Theatre set up.

Then upgraded to 600 series in this also I owned all models excepting 604 S3. I need to mention one thing here, the 603S3 was highly musical with clean clear rounded bass and was jellying with almost any integrated I threw at it.

In the meanwhile I got my hands on CDM 7NT, CDM CNT, CDM 1NT then ASW 675 sub. I got two packages of the same one in Natural Veneer and another one in Black ASH. In this the CDM 7NT and CDM 1NT were great performers. These were real upgrades from 600 series.

This CDM series was then 700 series later became CM series and this CM series is the one which I hate the most in the B&Ws line. I briefly had CM9 and gave it off with in a week. Actually 700 series was discontinued by B&W only because the price difference between 800 and 700 was marginal and hence customers were either buying 600 or 800 so 700 has become slow runner. Having launched a product with a price tag B&W could not reduce the pricing so they launched it as CDM series with a decent price gap.

I changed (NOTE: not upgraded) to Full 680 series. ie 683, 684,685,686 I had everything imported from Dubai before even it was launched in India. This was a big mistake these were no where near to CDM series.
683 was too boomy in the same set up and I had tough time in pairing them with suitable amp combinations and ended up spending a lot on Amp correction.

Having auditioned 68series S1 I just wanted to get the feel of 68series S2 versions so just bought 685S2 and I should admit that lot of refinement has under gone in the S2 versions and this was sounding lot better than 685 S1.

Here comes the high light while getting 683 I had also bought Nautilus 804. My god it was a phenomenal upgrade and the difference in performance was from sky to deep sea. Though the driver complement was almost similar to CDM series still this is all together a different league.

Then I started building the chain of 800 Series so I imported HTM3S for my center, SCM1 for my surround and one more SCM1 for Surround Back. The whole set up has become lively and no words to describe that too after started to drive them with Anthem Receivers and Anthem Processor and ATI power combo.

In the mean while I had purchased B&W 801 Matrix S3 from Manav Malvai for my Stereo set up. This is one of the best B&Ws I heard so far and this was paired with Accuphase E303X and The deadliest combo mesmerising. Our forum Friend Clearcut was wanting this from me but for him I would not have given this combo to anybody.

Briefly I changed to 805N book shelves with Symphonic line and this combo was blowing the synergy out of proportions.

I had a luck favouring me. I had a call from our forum member Rajeev one day that one of his friend is moving away and wanted to sell some B&W speaker he said. I called his friend he said its 802 Nautilus. thats it I took my car and was in his place the same day and picked 802 Nautilus. Which I still own.

By now it has become that almost any B&W movement in India the news started flowing to me either the seller wanted to know the best price or the Buyer called me to have my opinion on the lowest possible price that he can offer.

This way I had an info of 803D with box packing is available for sale along with HTM3S and 805S so I rushed to this place and bought the package. Retained the 803D with me and sold my 804N along with HTM3S and 805S to our forum friend.

Here I have to say one valid point. In any HT setup all the speakers will be configured as SMALL only, that too by ANTHEMs ARC1 room correction I thought the size of the speaker will not add any change in sound performance, but to my surprise the upgrade from 804 to 803 taught me a lesson that though both are configured as small and the frequency band width being the same but then the body that the sound gets with in that frequency band width is phenomenal and one should hear it to believe it. In fact I tried my 802N in HT set up it was a great addition in that chain. But then it would be brutal on my part to kill them in a HT set up.

With the same connections I had got 802D2 in Mint condition and the sound signature when compared to my 802N was a sure shot improvement especially with smooth and far more controlled bass. Being D2 If I dont say about its Tweeters performance then there is no point. The highs were neither bright nor grainy it was excellent and non fatiguing even after hours of listening.

Owing to the fact by now I have got in to full Tube set up and Altec building I had to let go this rare gem 802D2. So this was given to the same forum friend who bought my earlier 804N.

This is how I have become Balagopalan to B&WBalagopalan.

Still the search and Journey continues on B&Ws.

Thanks for Reading such a long post patiently.

R. Balagopalan
OMG. I should say this.
I think you are one of the very few guys spending this much in india probably.
Long since my dream was to replace my wharfedale floor stands with b&w 682 model. Man... you blew me.
Meanwhile iam very happy that people are crazy than me spending on audio gear.

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Dear Mr.Balagopalan, your long B&W journey have been in King size. God Bless you. Still, it would be most interesting when you reveal your great experience with Matching amps, Sources , Cables and placements in different combinations. Those all tried things will be much helpful to us. Thank you and best regards.

Dear Mr.Balagopalan, your long B&W journey have been in King size. God Bless you. Still, it would be most interesting when you reveal your great experience with Matching amps, Sources , Cables and placements in different combinations. Those all tried things will be much helpful to us. Thank you and best regards.


Great Point!
Dear Mr.Balagopalan, your long B&W journey have been in King size. God Bless you. Still, it would be most interesting when you reveal your great experience with Matching amps, Sources , Cables and placements in different combinations. Those all tried things will be much helpful to us. Thank you and best regards.


I am not good at putting things in written format. The No., Brand and model of Integrateds, Pre Amps, Power amps, Processors and DACs Those I have tested and tried are reasonably good. It may not be possible for me to put in word format here as I said I am not good at it. For sure I can share my experiences with any one once they get in touch with me.

May be my thread on my "MY HOME THEATRE JOURNEY" may be of some interest to some one here.


R. Balagopalan
Yes Mr Bala I am very much thankful for your kindness in giving your B&W 801 mx iii with Accuphase 303x. Still I am using it as my high end set up. True to say that I have never auditioned such kind of sq in reference show room also which has been acoustically tuned. With this Deadly match between these two beasts I find little tough to compromise myself with another rig or upgrade. My Krell Fbp 200 and tube pre combo is a classical type of listening means studio type of listening where I feel myself at a concert. In B&W combo I feel myself rattled with all frequencies engulfing me. Once again thanks Mr. Bala. Actually I myself have an idea of his symphonic line but do not want to land myself in dilema of selling any one of my rare collection. But his symphonic sq is hovering over my mind. Since its performance is so and so is its built up also,
Here I want to voice my feeling in achieving a good sq we need good audio gears with good combination up to your budget. That needs vast R&D which will land us more failure and dissatisfaction. Finally after a huge expenditure only we will use to settle according to our taste. But we should need to settle at one stafe if we go on for upgrade frequently one thing we should do know that there is no limit for investments. While we go further and further our investment will be heavy but the improvement will be very less. But when I get acquainted with Bala I felt myself with spoon fed with his vast genuine knowledge and experience. He is of a person with more helping tendency. I have spent more hours of his precious time in his home but with previous call He whole heartely helped me in auditioning his setup and fed me with latest technology. He is ready to accept my ideas and tweaks also which put him in my mind great because in hifi I am novice comparing to him. I am happy to say most of the things which are shown in my signatures are because of him. Basically he is a compressor engineer but his passion towards hifi with his attitude he has won friends all over the world. May God bless you. This message from your friend with out you I would not have come across many things in my life
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Dear Mr.B'gopalan, you are being suckled music by many many models of B&W since many years. I hope that, no one could sum up or explain like you about B&W. No hurry, you may write at your leisure as one by one. This also will be a different experience to you on this forum. Cheers.

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Wish I stayed next to your house :-) cheers..

Never mind Bangalore and chennai are not far off. Just drop in we can have a session. Many from bangalore have visited individually as well as in groups. Of course mine is not a great set up in a dedicated acoustically treated room. The best part is getting the SQ in the living room and bed room.
rbalagopalan, it was really nice and inspiring to read your journey and love affair with B&Ws. A specific question, how would you rate the Matrix 805 with the other Matrix 8xx models and/or other B&W modern models?

I ask because a while ago, I was actively auditioning for speakers with my better half. In one of our listening sessions, after listening to a bunch of new B&W speakers and other makes like Thiel, I noticed the 805 Matrix lying in a corner, and asked to listen to it.

It was magic - the way the speaker played music, the way it sounded "open" and non-boxy but still well rounded - to our ears, it was a revelation and by far our best listening experience. In fact, I was mulling over pulling the trigger and buying it but unfortunately the speaker got sold that very day to some other person.

However, I never got the opportunity to listen to the other bigger (and presumably more reputed) 8xx Matrix models. Hence my question. How would you rate the 805 Matrix with the other Matrix models?
@asliarun you are in Audio Heaven (USA) Most of my audio gears are imported from US only. So don't worry you will get in the US very easily.

Now coming to the point of Matrix series these are the ones were Hand developed by Wilkins and first ever internally braced cabinet design. The bracing is called Matrix so is the name.

In Matrix series the best ones are 805 and 801 S2. That too for 805 there is a special Bass alignment filter comes if you can add it my got you are in a magical world trust me. What ever the auditioning experience you had with 805matrix is true.

I would strongly recommend you to buy 801S3 or S2 cause the sound is very spacial and the bass is unbelievably natural and rounded. All matrix series are easy to pair. If you have space restrictions and budget then go for 805. Been watch out for the bass alignment filter too.

Right now one 805 matrix is in sale from California and many 801 matrix are available. The bass alignment filter comes almost ones in a year in some corner of the US.
Since I am using B&W 801 mx iii I hereby want to express my opinion here. 801 mk iii is tremendous speaker no complaint nor any shortfall in its reproduction. Hf are not ear pricking mid is as natural as. More over squakker and tweeers are separate over the enclosure. Which can be tilted in side ways. The bass driver is having perfect movement. So very clean articulate bass. All frequencies are at their position and maintain pure musicality. But needs good powerful clean amplification.

I have heard 805 too in Balas home. It needs a good stand and positioning. Also needs a good powerful amp with clean sq. I remember Mr Bala used to say this speaker is power hungry. With his parasound Jc1 mono block and jeff rowland capri pre I felt a mesmerising sound some time it was better than 801 in hf and mid. I want to say 805 was razor sharp in violin guitar cymbals Female vocals were very predominant. 805 bass was good in bed rooms but 801 bass was very clean and quality with quantity to fill a large hall

. To summarize 801 hf and mid is natural and cool so as we can hear for hours and bass is articulate. 805 hf and mid are very sharp not bright. In bass it is ready to fill the room it occupies.

Both requires a good powerful clean amplification and source with good links.
I would strongly recommend you to buy 801S3 or S2 cause the sound is very spacial and the bass is unbelievably natural and rounded. All matrix series are easy to pair. If you have space restrictions and budget then go for 805. Been watch out for the bass alignment filter too.

Right now one 805 matrix is in sale from California and many 801 matrix are available. The bass alignment filter comes almost ones in a year in some corner of the US.

Are these matrix speakers produced these days ? Specifically the 801 or 802.. Or do you need to pick them up from the used market ?

I have heard very good things about them.

Clearcut, you have this one right ?
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They have been stopped long long ago. After Matrix Nautilus then "S" series (Signature) then 'D' (diamond), then D2 and now D3.

They are very rare to find in India. In US you can get them easily.
Hello Mr. Bala,

It is really great to see your passion and love for B&Ws...You are a true inspiration for all of us...even I am a big B&W fan and currently owning B&W 603 S3, CDM1 and 805 Matrix speakers...Can you please let me know what might be the probable landing cost of 801 matrix to india if I have to source it from US/UK? I will love to have this pair (801 matrix) for my future upgrade but cost may be the constraint...Hence trying to get an estimate from an experienced person like you.

Incredible journey with the B&W Balagopalan sir. Waiting for a day to hear your awesome setup and also glow over your dream collection of equipments.

It was also nice to host you the other day, though I have a very humble setup.

Nice post Bala. Current setup on his signature is one of the brilliant setup currently which Bala has. Being tagged with him for the last 6~7 years & in my personal experience, this guy would've injected atleast $100k!! which none could've got the balls to do so, despite being capable of....

In addition the technical knowledge, with which this gentleman chooses / suggests any speaker is really mindblowing. Having said that, expecting Bala to build his own speakers, s/w, amps for the benefit of audio illiterates like me :)
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