2011 Samsung Plasma 3D PS51D550

can you guys who got this TV confirm what kind of 3d glasses work with this TV? is it bluetooth based glasses or unfra red??

2011 Models i.e., "D" Series Models only come with Bluetooth 3d glasses so no infra red based glasses it means it is not compatible with yesteryears 3d glasses

For more information SSG-3100GB 3D Active Glasses - Black (Compatible with 2011 3D TVs)(Battery Operated CR2025)

SSG-3700CR 3D Active Glasses - Black (Compatible with 2011 3D TVs)(Rechargeable)

SSG-3300GR 3D Active Glasses - Black (Compatible with 2011 3D TVs)(Rechargeable)

No pal i didn't demo the tv today,my bad ,instead spent the whole day in a service station servicing my car,which suddenly developed some snags on the road! Mayb tommorrow @earliest,for a proper demo,it takes a quite bit of time involvement & that's my biggest problem! Anyway doubt d550 would b too reflective for my choice,going by experience of d490....still a demo is very much wanted!
New d550 owners plz input ur reviews ... We want that all!
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My friend called me now and said the model is in stock sheds so i can get it whenever i want so all i am requesting you people to give a proper review
otherwise i have to blindly purchase
Update: Price:65k including 1 pair of 3d Bluetooth glasses nothing less nothing more
i wonder where the new d550 owners r hiding or r they so much blown away by the amazing pq of the tv,that they fail to return to the forum to give even a small brief initial impression about the tv & pq !..this way community would loose faith!

anyway, abhi, the price u r getting is a steal with 1 pair(2 3d spectacle unit), so i reckon u should buy it blindly & immediately! lol :)

tomorrow,i want to see ur review than anything else!:)
My friend called me now and said the model is in stock sheds so i can get it whenever i want so all i am requesting you people to give a proper review
otherwise i have to blindly purchase
Update: Price:65k including 1 pair of 3d Bluetooth glasses nothing less nothing more

Are you sure about the price here? Can i get it tomorrow? Please count me in the list too. Maybe we get a better discount..
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where did u get it for 65k with 2 3D glasses?

one of my friend is interested and we are also from bangalorr

The Plasma TV looks great,
glare on the screen is negligible.

Will post the pics soon.

Actually, i was busy, in deciding how to enable, wireless acess/streaming of movies/content to all my Plasma Tv's, Laptops, iPhone.

but still, i'm confused.

As of now, i have decided to buy

1. 2TB HDD (internal with market casing @4000 + case cost /or WD mybook with 3.0 USB @ 5600)

2. Asus wifi-n router, with USB.

3. Wifi-usb adapter for my Samsung D550 plasma tv. or a cheap router that can be used as a repeater, & connected via LAN to the tv.

This way, everybody can access all the files, rather than copy-pasting every movie on the pendrive.

Do u suggest something else...

Also, some dealer suggested that 3d glasses come inside the box, but mine didn't had it, any 1, know what's the issue ?
thanks isawugoing...for the initial impression..waiting for a quick detailed review with pics though!
plz read this thread here >>> http://www.hifivision.com/television/17993-brighter-tv-crt-plasma.html & if u can help me here... ..also member borg has put some pics of his 50c550...which i find quite good without much reflection...so is the d550 equally good in not being that reflective?
what sort of room light & natural direct sun light is there in the room where u installed the d550? & how much glare distraction & picture wash out due u find in the d550(i find much negative talk about its reflection on the net)...So plz do reply this very important questions..best with pics! (photos talk a 1000 words)

anyway, u do deserve reps & here u go!

plz come back with a more detailed review &replies to the pertinent "glare" question...& surely for some more reps too! :)
We might be able to get the price of around 62K though my contact was not coming doing beyond 65k.. I am positive to negotiate at that price or even lower by the time we close the deal...
We might be able to get the price of around 62K though my contact was not coming doing beyond 65k.. I am positive to negotiate at that price or even lower by the time we close the deal...

Great. Then we can ask for people who are really interested and maybe we order 5 TV's and we can get a good deal.. I am surely in..
too bad this seems only a banglore good buy....i 'm left out!
best minimum at my place is approx 70k...& that too without 3d specs & that is(2011 glasses) r not yet available,told will b available after a week!...no bonus pack offer!

Anyway saw the tv just few hours ago...this is just a beautiful piece, real eye candy... amazing pictures with much more picture depth & clarity than a lcd (40"d5000 led-lcd tv was playing nearby),...pq was more like crt or even better(couldn't discern any flicker), colours were awesome,picture has great pop,practically no reflection/or very less found in the bright ambient light of the showroom(well this is night time view with many artificial lights cfl's on)....didn't go for a full proper demo with my hdd & hd movies,(ipl pune vs kkr in tatasky hd was playing)... me was just passing by for some other ordeal when suddenly stopped to look the tv in the showroom ...but by whatever i saw, i was really impressed....just couldn't get the compatible 2011 3d glasses to make a proper final purchase decision....still i think i'will b buying this gorgeous display when 3d specs stock arrive next week!

if everything seems ok(3d too), this is indeed a really awesome & high vfm tv to possess !
too bad this seems only a banglore good buy....i 'm left out!
best minimum at my place is approx 70k...& that too without 3d specs & that is(2011 glasses) r not yet available,told will b available after a week!...no bonus pack offer!

Anyway saw the tv just few hours ago...this is just a beautiful piece, real eye candy... amazing pictures with much more picture depth & clarity than a lcd (40"d5000 led-lcd tv was playing nearby),...pq was more like crt or even better(couldn't discern any flicker), colours were awesome,picture has great pop,practically no reflection/or very less found in the bright ambient light of the showroom(well this is night time view with many artificial lights cfl's on)....didn't go for a full proper demo with my hdd & hd movies,(ipl pune vs kkr in tatasky hd was playing)... me was just passing by for some other ordeal when suddenly stopped to look the tv in the showroom ...but by whatever i saw, i was really impressed....just couldn't get the compatible 2011 3d glasses to make a proper final purchase decision....still i think i'will b buying this gorgeous display when 3d specs stock arrive next week!

if everything seems ok(3d too), this is indeed a really awesome & high vfm tv to possess !

Don't feel bad you may come and join the team in bangalore it'll be a jolly trip way home but let prankey confirm the deal .Any way nice 2d review u got there.
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