46 inch plus TV .. HX750 or HX850 or ST50

Actually I forgot to add one more dimension to the buying process..

I am planning a family holiday next season around Apr (2013) to Thailand.;) . as we are aware that Thailand is the place for cheap TVs.. how about getting the TV from there? It will save me quite a bit.. So let's say if 46HX850 is available around 60% of the best Indian price, I think it will be great bargain (getting greedy).... wat say?

Regarding the hassles, these days I think it is too common for anyone to get TV from South Asian countries.. you'll see whole lot of people doing that.. So I think that should not be a problem..

Mate, i would suggest that rather then looking at only saving money on HX850do keep an option to upgrade and buy the HX950 instead....maybe you might end up spending similar amount for HX950 there of what you would have paid locally for HX850.....

I have seen the HX925 on display last week and was very much impressed with the PQ except for the exhorbitant price.
In short there are and will be fans of both technologies. Its upto indivisual to adopt it.
I would just add that for movies and blu rays plasma wins and for normal viewing DTH, broadcats lcd led wins (Considering required ambience, power for both)
Very aptly put. These were my parameters as well - 60%+ viewing of true 1080p stuff via BDs and hence plasma. I was very much inclined to 46HX850 too and would have gone with it had there been price/delivery hassles.

Actually I forgot to add one more dimension to the buying process..

I am planning a family holiday next season around Apr (2013) to Thailand.;) . as we are aware that Thailand is the place for cheap TVs.. how about getting the TV from there? It will save me quite a bit.. So let's say if 46HX850 is available around 60% of the best Indian price, I think it will be great bargain (getting greedy).... wat say?

Regarding the hassles, these days I think it is too common for anyone to get TV from South Asian countries.. you'll see whole lot of people doing that.. So I think that should not be a problem..
If you are looking to import, then I would suggest LED. The reasons are as follows:
- LED is lighter in gross weight and many airlines do not accept heavy plasma packages or charge heavily for it
- less chances of damage
- less headache
Or manzb, how about getting the 55HX950 then from Thailand ?
Also by April Hx850 will be replaced with the 2013 model.
Note that oversize packages are accepted only upon payment of excess baggage charges. I have seen this happening with people carrying ski's, music equipment, large boxes. And then there will duty to considered. My brother-in-law got a 46" Samsung 5 Series from Singapore and had to pay Rs. 5000 as duty. On a 55HX950, the duty will be much higher. And don't forget that at Mumbai airport, there will be 5% Octroi levy also. So any cost advantage may be nullified.
Note that oversize packages are accepted only upon payment of excess baggage charges. I have seen this happening with people carrying ski's, music equipment, large boxes. And then there will duty to considered. My brother-in-law got a 46" Samsung 5 Series from Singapore and had to pay Rs. 5000 as duty. On a 55HX950, the duty will be much higher. And don't forget that at Mumbai airport, there will be 5% Octroi levy also. So any cost advantage may be nullified.

You are right.. I have already checked now with Indigo (which most likely to be the airline we are going to use as being the cheapest), and they charges 1000 (all inclusive) for any TV bigger than 39inch.

Yes, I was referring 46HX850 as the ideal one for import considering today's situation, if by then a newer & better model is available at the same/ similar price point, I will definitely jump for that.. HX950 can also be considered..

Talking about customs Duty.. we are a family of 4.. so how much we can carry back as duty free? Can individual duty free amount can be clubbed?

Regarding Octroi, are you sure you need to pay anything at the airport, I never saw any octroi post there in the arrival area, and one of my friend got it about 2 yrs back, and I remember he paid some 2500 (as kharcha paani to customs) for a 40 inch Sony LCD he got for 23K (at that time it was costing 60k in India) as bulk deal (6/7 guys bought & brought together)
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Then I think I will opt for Kharcha paani system.. who collects octroi at the arrival terminal of Mumbai? I have not seen any counter or system there..

In any case, I think I can ask for refund, even if it is collected, at the Octroi Naka at Vashi (if the amount is substantial)

Another query was .. we are a family of 4 (miya, biwi or do bacche)..

so how much we can carry back as duty free?
Can individual duty free amount can be clubbed?
Assuming that stay outside India is more than 3 days:

- each person above 10 years will be entitled to Rs. 35,000
- children below 10 will be entitled Rs. 6,000

Amount is clubbed.

I assume that you and your wife are above 10. :p ;)
Thanx Kix.. I also got the info from net.. 35K per adult.. 6k per child (under 10 yrs).. except from Nepal, Bhutan, Myanmar & China.. where it is only 6k & 1.5k respectively :ohyeah:he he China as well, may be because if you buy goods worth 35k, you may have to charter a cargo ship :D:D:D

Clubbing/ pooling not allowed even for family .. bad for me..wat do you mean by "amount is clubbed"?

and :ohyeah: yes we seems to be are over 10.. by a wide margin :ohyeah:
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You can club the entire amounts and cover all dutiable items under that. So assuming that one of your child is above 10 and the other below (you already declared that you and your wife are above 10 :lol: :D), you will get a total duty free allowance of 111k.
I will only speak for myself and I beg to differ on some points here.

  • I am not a blind plasma supporter
  • I did a survey for 2 years before taking a decision
  • I readily admit all plasma flaws
  • I never ever said that IR is not an issue but I am saying that it is overstated
  • I am totally convinced that only the top-end LEDs can come close to plasma PQ but none save Sharp Elite Pro has ever tipped it
Well i know not all plasma owners are blind supporters.But like i said from what i have seen from the past 6 years in internet forums,is that its the plasma camp on a agenda to increase the sales of plasmas.
Again not all plasma are good or better then lcd,the basic models are just basic,just like not all lcd are good.

In forums such as ours, there is bound to be majority plasma supporters. This is because such forums will be full of people who give 99% weightage to all factors that contribute to PQ. And when it comes to PQ in HD, plasma remains the king at least till OLED arrives (in realistic commercial terms). My reading tells me that LED lovers or plasma bashers are unable to digest this fact and are irked that their choice is in minority. So we get all sorts of counter arguments which are quite true but many times irrational/overstated. For instance, the IR argument is brought about in such a way that the user is led to believe that the TV will be rendered useless in no time at all.

In india VFM scores over anything else.Just turn the clock some 8 to 14 years ago when flat panels tvs where non existent .We had CRTs tvs even at that time the bigger means better was the trend,while i went ahead and bought my second Sony 21" CRT tv for 27k in 1996,my neighbors ,friends where buying a BPL or onida ,videocon or a philips 25" or 29" tvs for even lesser price .They didn't care about PQ and don't tell these tvs could match the Sony trinitron marketed picture tube.

Fast forward today that trends still continues i have seen people who wanted 32" lcd and who said 40/42" size was too big for there living room(those people had a 29" crt who sit at point blank range to watch).They went to the showroom and came back home with a 42" plasma(what ever happened to the size being to big).Even my dad was so keen on buying a 42" plasma some years ago since it was bigger then a 32" lcd,but i made sure he understand the drawbacks of it in our living room which has windows totaling around 40sqft.
I have seen people in small towns by a plasma they don't even read magazines or have access to internet,they bought it because of bigger screen size .

Now lcd owners are not the minority ,they may be a minority in participating in debates of lcd vs plasma in here and in avsforums.But lcd owners still outnumber plasma owners in this and avs forums.

While plasma camp is so keen on highlighting the cons of lcd even if some are insignificant,they completely fail to mention the cons of plasma.Now average joe(who may be even filthy rich) will not want any kind of IR or burn in or having to run slides for hrs etc.They want to switch on tv and watch,without worrying about those issues.

Now the OLED will obviously be superior to both tech,but until then the lcds will remain the king of PQ in my bright living room.Even at night i don't watch with lights OFF.Sure the plasma as a darker shade of blacks then lcds on pixel level,but i can live with that .

Let us looks at plasma cons:
  • Suffers from reflections
  • Not suitable for brightly lit rooms; colours appear washed out
  • Suffers from IR
  • Consumes more power
  • Technology is outdated
  • Prone to spider web cracks
  • Sales are dwindling, manufacturer will stop production and you will be out of support

All the above are true. But according to me only the first two are of real consequence while the 3rd is at best something to be careful about.
If I wanted to bash LED TVs, I will say:
  • Suffer from poor angle of viewing
  • Have poor contrast ratio
  • Suffer from light bleeding
  • Provide overstaurated/unnatural colours
  • Offer low black levels
  • Poor response time, fast action scenes appear blurred with ghosting
  • Simulated anti-judder features (that bloat the TV price further) result into "soap opera effect"
  • ... and finally, LED TV is still costlier when compared to plasma counterparts

Let me talk about above points if some one was using the above points to bash.

Just like some people here ask people to put heavy blinds or curtains for solving the contrast,color wash out of plasma.
The same can be said for lcd viewing angle just watch at the optimum viewing angle and trust me i sit at about 8 feet from a 46" lcd with a SPVA panel from a 3 people couch at and the contrast or color shift is hardly noticeable,even from the ends of the couch.

Poor contrast ratio its a problem in IPS based lcds,not so with VA based lcds sure the plasma achieve their contrast with deep blacks and lcds achieve that with not so deep blacks but with significantly brighter whites(not with torch mode settings,but rather acceptable backlight settings).
The low end plasma like the panasonic XT/samsung plasmas have about the same or inferior blacks levels to that of VA based lcd non local dimming lcd/led from samsung/sony.
Its only the panasonic ST/VT series that are few shades darker,but when you say contrast its a combination of both dark blacks and bright whites ,But then the panasonic plasma have rather poor brightness in both 2D and very poor in 3D.
So the best of the plasma works for dark rooms and lcds work for bright rooms,lcd tvs with local dimming can compete with the high end panasonic plasmas in darks rooms too,although those high end panasonic plasma has pixel level edge in blacks.

As far as screen uniformity with backlight bleed ,not all led tvs have it its a matter of luck which ,the backlight bleed offcourse can only be perceived in all black screen.At the same time newer plasma like the panasonic also have some form of screen uniformity issues with green/yellow tint visible with white color content again i considered it as a non issue.

I don't know about unnatural colors/over saturated colors of the lcd if it was everyone will stop buying a lcd .If it was giving unnatural colors why is it that all the pro who use lcd for animation/post production/photoshop/doctors using them for surgery?They will be first to stop using then,infact it wouldn't even sell if it had unnatural colors.

Response time in lcds are plenty fast ,ghosting is thing of the past.
You do however see some blur in fast action shots .
Many a times film makers intentionally blur a fast moving scene,so that it will be easy on our eyes.There was a video which i can't find of a animated ball displayed as sharp as possible moving slow to rapidly ,when its moving slowly you can see and admire the sharpness ,but when its moving fast its becomes very very uncomfortable to watch,but when they induce blur by slow shutter its easier on the eyes.
While the blur is still there in lcds,its certainly not a deal breaker,once again if it was a significant issue lcd should become a minority considering the higher price.
Regarding the Soap opera effect new techs have virtually eliminated Soap opera effect and yet gives the 1080lines of motion resolution like in the HX850 being discussed in this thread.It also has a new motionflow setting called impulse mode(which i haven't seen in action)which claims to reduce that small blur,although this new setting has some drawbacks as stated in reviews.

When I purchased my own TV, I did not go into a "Which TV" thread/debate. I read quietly all the posts on the internet, listed all pros and cons of both technologies, prioritized them as per my requirements, did lot of demos and then took the decision.
To summarize, this bashing and counter bashing is not going to get anywhere to a clear answer. There are pros and cons on both sides.

You know i was in this forum for a long time now,i have been and seen all the serious debates,sometimes threads have been turned into a war zone,with some members or mostly just a single member whose sole purpose is to bash a certain brand if not lcds in general.

But some times tv owners just worship their tvs.
In 2008 there where HD ready base model plasmas from panasonic called the PV8/80,it was the darling in this forum for the plasma camp,the plasma camp at that time used to argue thats its better then most lcds in all regards excluding power consumption,some would even say no lcd can match it,i said otherwise.
PV8/80 was the solution to every query here for whether it was for some one on a budget or for some one looking a 32" lcd or some one looking for a 40" lcd,you name it
And trust me at that time i was in debates outnumbering me by some 20:1 plasma owners.
People at that time used to say lcd had ghosting ,poor contrast,poor motion,no VFM,poor viewing angles giving examples for their laptop,computer screens as evidence.So it was really hard for new owners to make a informed decision ,since there was lot of false information.

In 2009 it was turn of the panasonic G10.In 2010 it was the V20,in 2011 can't remember but i believe a samsung was added to the list along with the panasonic models.In 2012 it continues with the new models.

So i have seen all debates.When i do post here on forums its to clear some misinformation,like some who make sound as if the plasma is clearly superior which its not.It still has cons which people or existing owners fail to mention and if a thread starter asked only about lcds ,plasma owners jump in and try to swing them into purchasing a plasma,do they want to increase the plasma market share,i don't know.

So what people from both the lcd and plasma camp is to accept the pros and cons of both tech.
@adder, Thanks for the valuable comments.

Perhaps my post did not bring about my thoughts coherently and lucidly. I never considered LED drawbacks as "deadly", just as I didn't consider plasma drawbacks as "overbearing". I said to myself (when I purchased my TV), there will be pros and cons on both sides and what is important to me should be considered. Just as plasma cons are overstated so are LED cons. :)

Now lcd owners are not the minority ,they may be a minority in participating in debates of lcd vs plasma in here and in avsforums.But lcd owners still outnumber plasma owners in this and avs forums.
I meant internet forums only ...
Sony Bravia HX850 is not in stock in grey market right now but you can get it for 80k withbill ( without glasses ) in delhi.
How about 40 inch HX850. Is this available in Grey Market and what would be its approx price. I am in Bangalore and love it if someone can suggest a dealer or shop name.
I don't want to accuse anybody of anything but the way a plasma is recommended by the plasma owners, right left and center no matter what the requirements is laughable. Plasma's are value for money in the 50" range and most keep their 50'' in the living room which are airy, bright and plenty of windows. There is a night and day difference in picture quality of a plasma TV in bright conditions and darkly lit room. A prospective customer need to be made aware of it before shoving a plasma up his throat.

You cannot teach kids, guests,family members and relatives the long list of precautions required to watch a plasma TV. For >90% people watching TV is a passive experience and prefer their pictures to be nice and bright [ read colorful and bright]. You cannot ask your guests/kids/relatives/parents to pull down the curtains, reduce the contrast and watch.

Certain section of plasma owners, not just on this forum but on most AV forums are creating a bandwagon of Plasma= picture quality which is far from truth. As i said in my earlier post, the aam janta gives two hoots about color accuracy and ultimate blacks for watching their soaps on regular DTH.

What a new customer also need to be made aware of is the fact that Plasma technology is on its way out and that it is not backed my many manufacturers. Panasonic, the biggest Plasma brand itself is struggling to offer decent After sales support to consumers in India.

I am not going to talk about Burn- in or image retention as it has been debated to death, only like to add that why no manufacturer includes burn-in in its warranty schemes?

Heck the major advantage Plasma has in price in the 50" segment will be cut to nothing cos LCD prices continue to plummet and most probably next year their wouldn't be much to separate the two in terms of price.
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adder.. thanx... a really great post.. will go a long way educating people about LCD/LED vs Plasma...

Cooldude - I am not sure that plasma owners blindly advocates it.. they says that you should stay away from it if you have a bright, well-lit room ... and also if you normally watch cable/ DTH.. it is recommended highly for two sets of people .. Movie lovers & Sports (fast paced like football/ hockey) lovers .. both needs bigger panel, which plasmas offer ... and that too at a 20-25% discount to similar sized LEDs.
I would request everyone to read the following post with a neutral tone ... :)

I don't want to accuse anybody of anything but the way a plasma is recommended by the plasma owners, right left and center no matter what the requirements is laughable. Plasma's are value for money in the 50" range and most keep their 50" in the living room which are airy, bright and plenty of windows. There is a night and day difference in picture quality of a plasma TV in bright conditions and darkly lit room. A prospective customer need to be made aware of it before shoving a plasma up his throat.
I seriously doubt this claim. I will speak for this forum only. Almost in every TV thread where plasma is proposed as a choice, someone or other always mentions that plasma is not suitable for brightly lit room.

You cannot teach kids, guests,family members and relatives the long list of precautions required to watch a plasma TV. For >90% people watching TV is a passive experience and prefer their pictures to be nice and bright [ read colorful and bright]. You cannot ask your guests/kids/relatives/parents to pull down the curtains, reduce the contrast and watch.
No one has to teach anyone anything. The TV settings once set are retained in memory and children, elders, non-techies, guests, etc. are not required to tinker with the settings once the set is tuned and/or callibrated. As far as pulling curtains/drapes, etc. this is required during day time only and it will become a natural habit. My folks at my home watch the TV as well as projector while I am away. I do not have to call them nor do they ever call me on what to do.

Certain section of plasma owners, not just on this forum but on most AV forums are creating a bandwagon of Plasma= picture quality which is far from truth. As i said in my earlier post, the aam janta gives two hoots about color accuracy and ultimate blacks for watching their soaps on regular DTH.
This is true. That is why the aam janata ends up buying LCD or LED. They believe that "LED = Latest Technology = Best Quality". So what do you say to that? And that is also why those who care to empower themselves with knowledge end up debating plasma vs. LED.

What a new customer also need to be made aware of is the fact that Plasma technology is on its way out and that it is not backed my many manufacturers. Panasonic, the biggest Plasma brand itself is struggling to offer decent After sales support to consumers in India.
For that matter Panasonic is a bad example because Panasonic's service is pathetic not just for plasma but also for their LCD/LED range and other home appliances as well. Whether plasma will be phased out is not the question, "when" is more relevant. I think I will give this three years. But just because it will be phased out, that does not rule out its merits (or demerits).

Heck the major advantage Plasma has in price in the 50" segment will be cut to nothing cos LCD prices continue to plummet and most probably next year their wouldn't be much to separate the two in terms of price.
Unfortunately I have not seen what you are saying. The only price drop I see is for previous years' models. In 2006, the Sony/Samsung/LG LCD's were selling for around 120,000. Today's mid-to-high range LEDs are selling for the same price. In 2010 the Sony 46EX720 was being offered at 100k, today the 46HX750 is the same price. Plasma prices comparison is no different either. The mid-high end Panasonic plasma continues to be sold around 100-110k, at least for the last three years. If you apply the inflation index then yes, the prices have dropped but that applies to plasma and LED alike.
adder made a comment yesterday that people on this forum continue to promote plasma - the V8/80 in 2008 to GT50/VT50 today. I seriously doubt that people love plasma technology any more than they dislike LCD/LED technology. Forum members are not paid for advertising/pushing any particular technology or brand. And they are not biased either (at least I don't think so). What matters to these people is that they are very serious about video and the picture quality. If LED display technology produced the best pictures then these same members would be singing their praises and promoting them instead. And then we would have seen some plasma lovers complaining that forums are full of biased people towards LED. A question to be asked to self is why is it that each and every TV forum is filled with people who blatantly praise plasma? Is there a possibility of truth in what they say? And what about experts? Are they also biased and with closed minds?

No one says that LEDs are bad but everyone says that, while some models have caught up the PQ standards of equivalently priced plasma, the majority have some to a lot of catching up to do. Now if this a world-wide conspiracy then I have nothing more to add.
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A few days back i went to SONY CENTRE , Hyderabad for looking HX 850, we asked price and they said it was 1.2 lakh,and finally agreed to Rs. 1,15,000 , with 2 3D glasses.
MRP as quoted on site is 123K. 115K is still a tad bit higher. 110K should be a good price. But Sony does not negotiate much. Try at Reliance Digital, eZone, Croma and other such multi-brand showrooms also.
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