50VT20 offers accross India (Hyderabad - 80k)

Got the delivery of VT20D in Delhi, with wireless Keyboard, 1 3D glass and tata sky HD. Price was unbeatable, much below than whatever have been mentioned in the thread, 68K, :D. Though we bought 2 pieces and not 1........Delivery was by Panasonic people and it got a Panasonic seal.

Congrats, Enjoy ur new TV :)
Kindly share dealer details :clapping:
Thanks Kittu,
I have asked to open the pack & power it in the showroom to check this ..
Is 30hrs with ~35 switching ..Is this some thing to worry :sad:

Sounds like a display unit or returned from one of our members. Worry or not , I will let you decide.
Thanks to Khoj, got the vt20d, installation was done today,
Awesome HD pictures, Usage hours 3 min with 1 switch.

Cheers !!
:sad: oh.. He convinced me that is normal factory usage. I am stupid.
It is already billed on my name and will come home tomorrow.
please suggest , what to do ..
got the delivery of vt20d in delhi, with wireless keyboard, 1 3d glass and tata sky hd. Price was unbeatable, much below than whatever have been mentioned in the thread, 68k, :d. Though we bought 2 pieces and not 1........delivery was by panasonic people and it got a panasonic seal.


Congrats bro ;)

Next Stop.... 60k :p
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BTW, guys, I got my Tata Sky HD+ unit today. It's the one with the PVR (Personal Video Recorder). I've never had one of these before; really cool, especially for someone that watches a lot of TV.

1) The unit (w/ dish) was provided free of cost
2) Cabling upto 12m + 12m is free(PVR needs 2 cables... go figure!). The guy said they needed to use more cable and charged me an extra Rs. 200.
3) Rs. 200 recharge for the STB

That's it! All I had to pay was Rs. 400 and I got the whole package. Only 7 HD channels for now though.
Got the delivery of VT20D in Delhi, with wireless Keyboard, 1 3D glass and tata sky HD. Price was unbeatable, much below than whatever have been mentioned in the thread, 68K, :D. Though we bought 2 pieces and not 1........Delivery was by Panasonic people and it got a Panasonic seal.

Congratulations that is a good deal, pretty close to what we guys got at 74200/- but with tata sky + HD PVR and the 2nd 3D eyewear in our case. Monetarily there is a difference of 1400/- & 7000/- respectively on the two items. Overall our deal is sweeter by 2200/- and hence still the lowest :cool:
However, this is not about one upmanship so to add to satan's post above now waiting for 60K + 2 glasses :thumbsup:

BTW picked up two more panels this evening for a cousin of mine enroute to a family dinner. Coincidentally our cousin who hosted the dinner had bought a 50V20 couple of months ago for close to 80K. The HD reception on the set was mind blowing and the ensuing conversation regarding the panels fueled by some excellent smokey 'Laphroaig' resulted in several other members of the extended family becoming interested, with two of them fixing up firm dates to go with me and buy the same. I get drinks and dinner on two week nights, this tv is indeed showing me some good times even before I have spent a single paisa on the same :ohyeah:

In other news :p Auotpsycho became the first member to receive his set with an extra pair of glasses this evening. His tv set was lying at the store when I went with my cousin to buy the new panels. An interesting line on the card board packaging caught my eye, it read "MADE IN JAPAN". So the VT20s being sold now are all completely made in Japan, unlike the ones that were in the market say 4-6 months ago when they were advertised as "Panel made in Japan" and the country of manufacture used to be Malaysia. So guys another reason to line up for these panels.

Autopsycho, rsidhu & others do check the back panels of your PDPs and revert regarding the country of manufacture.

maradani said:
oh.. He convinced me that is normal factory usage. I am stupid.
It is already billed on my name and will come home tomorrow.
please suggest , what to do ..

Simple refuse delivery and you should visit the shop in the morning or during lunch hour and tell them very clearly that you are not going to accept and the reason thereof. As simple as that. Do ensure that who ever is at home refuses delivery politely but firmly. They need not give any reason and can give the delivery person your cell number so that he can talk to you and take the set back. Do not be fazed if they say you will have to pay for delivery charges if you send back tell them you will come to the shop and settle it, this is a cheap trick employed by delivery guys and works most of the times. Simple human psychology as 300 odd rupees become the prime focus and not the 30000 worth appliance which becomes secondary for those few moments. Ok now it is the single malt that is talking, so I am off and you stick to your guns. Worst comes to worst we will courier a panel from Dilli to you complete with 2 glasses et all ;)
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let me talk to Haneef (sold this yesterday to me)
Now searching back the threads,i can connect ,the two units with Unilet are run for 30 hrs .One is already picked by 'Nightmare' and yet to ship to Udipi.The other one brought by me .
can you give some referece on "returned piece from on of the member ofthis forum"
@maradani, i am getting the piece that Sudhir sent back.. suhir got a piece which had run 20 hours which he returned back... i am getting the piece for 71K, which includes Tata Sky HD, 2 glasses, logitech keyboard and a dongle..
Congratulations that is a good deal, pretty close to what we guys got at 74200/- but with tata sky + HD PVR and the 2nd 3D eyewear in our case. Monetarily there is a difference of 1400/- & 7000/- respectively on the two items. Overall our deal is sweeter by 2200/- and hence still the lowest :cool:
However, this is not about one upmanship so to add to satan's post above now waiting for 60K + 2 glasses :thumbsup:

Ah!!! but you made me sad, here I was thinking I got an amazingly slick deal, :p. Though was not able to negotiate further because my friend was not much into VT but V20D. And just got interested by the sub-70 deal knowing that ofcourse VT20 is anyways a better panel. Also he doesnt watch TV as such and doesnot want recording as well, whereas I was interested in both +HD and 2nd pair of glasses, :(. Anyways got a call that Panasonic service guyz are coming to install the panel, so hopefully by evening I would be able to watch my first movie on the plasma, :D
Actually, the cost of the 3D Glasses is Rs.9,210 as printed on the box of the additional set that i received :)

Are the glasses recieved additionally different from those in the box. The one in the box are not rechargeable but I think the additional ones are.
Are the glasses recieved additionally different from those in the box. The one in the box are not rechargeable but I think the additional ones are.

I'm not sure I haven't opened the other ones as yet as the TV came in pretty late yesterday evvening, shall look it up tonight as soon as I can.
Are the glasses recieved additionally different from those in the box. The one in the box are not rechargeable but I think the additional ones are.

The 2nd pair of glasses are the newer 2010 model. They are the same set of glasses that come with the VT30 series and the ones that will be provided for the ST30 if you purchase them.

They are available in 3 sizes
Small: TYEW3D2SE
Medium: TYEW3D2ME
Large: TYEW3D2LE

2011 Glasses


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Are the glasses recieved additionally different from those in the box. The one in the box are not rechargeable but I think the additional ones are.

Rechargeable is not a good idea as the battery deteriorates over time.

The one that came in the box has a cell and Panasonic has helpfully, provided a small screw driver to open up the battery compartment. I am due to go and pick up my secodn 3D glass later today. Will report on results tomorrow.
Are the glasses recieved additionally different from those in the box. The one in the box are not rechargeable but I think the additional ones are.

Just check one more thing.

1) TY-EW3D2: you've got the rechargeable ones, albeit the 2010 model.

2) TY-EW3D3: Rechargeable ones, latest ones from 2011, weighing 26 grams.

At least, I got the 2010 model with the GT20, and guess its the same with most free glasses they are throwing in.

Someone got TY-EW3D3 with a **20 Panny, consider yourself super-lucky :clapping:
Just check one more thing.

1) TY-EW3D2: you've got the rechargeable ones, albeit the 2010 model.

2) TY-EW3D3: Rechargeable ones, latest ones from 2011, weighing 26 grams.

At least, I got the 2010 model with the GT20, and guess its the same with most free glasses they are throwing in.

Someone got TY-EW3D3 with a **20 Panny, consider yourself super-lucky :clapping:

I have to check the exact model number, but I am sure there is no USB port on them like the pics that satan has posted. There is just one switch on it for on/off.
Got my free tatasky pvr installed an hour back. Compared SD channels on tatasky , airtel and airtel is clear winner. But the sound quality from tatasky box is loud (high) compare to airtel. PQ airtel. :thumbsup:
Got my free tatasky pvr installed an hour back. Compared SD channels on tatasky , airtel and airtel is clear winner. But the sound quality from tatasky box is loud (high) compare to airtel. PQ airtel. :thumbsup:

Till the satellite change and associated new realignment of dish, some 5 months ago, both were on par and airtel a bit poorer..

Now Airtel is definitely better..
For excellent sound that won't break the bank, the 5 Star Award Winning Wharfedale Diamond 12.1 Bookshelf Speakers is the one to consider!