A journey begins...

Bhagwan wrote:
Congratulations !


All the Best ! Nice TT [I do not know much about TT's so I cannot comment]

p.s. Speakers look awesome - hope they are not played so close;
They were just moved there for picture purposes.....

p.s.s. Power Cords ? Power Strip etc. all may need to go [sorry] !!

Thank you sir.
Actually this is how the speakers are playing currently:sad:. Just 4.5 feet tweeter to tweeter and 5 feet from speaker to listener. I will be moving into a bigger apartment next month and then the real game begins:ohyeah:.

Those cables are mostly Naim cables for the Naim equipments. They look ordinary but sound irreplaceable on Naim gears.
The power strip will go for sure. The nearest wall socket is 8 feet away so this temporary arrangement was necessary.

Any plans to eventually spring for a Leben amp to match your phono stage?

Not as yet Jaibir. I am not concentrating on amplification too much these days. The Naim and Tannoy sing really well. I am looking to get the source right. First it was digital, now it is analogue;).

To get a rough idea about the sound signature....How do you compare this with your previous setup?

Sajith, I am not answering that question:p;)

congrats Dr Bass!! Must be a musical system. Hope to visit spore soon to have a listen.

Most welcome anm. That part of the hobby I dont want to miss, audio friends jamming together listening music and discussing audio:licklips:.

Is the Leben a tube?

And I seriously envy your new speakers. That, or the Canterbury or Stirling is something I have lusted after.

I am sure you are already in audio nirvana

Impressions eagerly awaited.

Yes J, the Leben is a tube phonostage. It supports MM and high output MC.
Speakers, well yes, you should:lol:. Actually they are the star of the system. I will write about it on a different occasion. No audio nirvana as yet, who will setup the TT ?:rolleyes::D

congrats! i knew u were gravitating towards the vrdier, weeks in advance! :hint : art of sound! he he he! the gear looks real good!

Aaah..I chose AOS because I thought no one goes there:D.

Wow Abhi, finally!! Looks fabulous buddy. Enjoy... Hope to hear it soon

Actually Santhosh, it looks more functional than ornamental. Some will like it and some may not care.

You did mention about this when we met. Looks fabulous, though personally I am not a big fan of SME's old tonearms.

Congratulations dr bass! Was wondering just when this post would happen. Very nice setup indeed! Am sure it sounds lovely!


Torque ain't cheap but it sure knocks yer socks off
Looks very very elegant and high end. You have systems that can sound fantastic. Eagerly awaiting your experience after the set-up.
Hi Dr. Bass,

It is wonderful to see a diehard digital enthusiast like you launched on the uncharted seas of analogue sound. Wishing you all the very best on your new journey! Let all of us know how you progress.

Everybody was waiting for this thread. You have posted series of opinions on various TTs you auditioned at Singapore/India. The LA NOUVELLE PLATINE VERDIER is looking highly functional with heavy platter and heavy plinth. Congrats.
The Tannoy speaker though a real surprise. Please post your detailed review/experience of both the TT and Speaker. Another important component seen is Leben Phonostage, if I am not wrong. It is wonderful to see digital enthusiast starting journey to Analogue. Wishing you all the very best on your new journey. I am sure the Forum members will be benefited reading your experience.

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Dr. Bass,
Very exciting stuff indeed. Of course I was most fascinated by by the Tannoys and the heavy platter of your TT. I have heard the Glenairs. Can you compare your speakers with the Glenairs?

Hearty congratulations.

I am sending you a PM for something.Please answer.

Hi Dr. Bass,

What is the driver size of the speakers Tannoy Turnberry SE? Is this a sealed enclosure?

Hi Dr. Bass,

What is the driver size of the speakers Tannoy Turnberry SE? Is this a sealed enclosure?
Sumant, the driver is 10 inch dual concentric and the enclosure has aesthetically designed slotted ports on either sides of the baffle (not visible in the pictures, google for closer pics).

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You did mention about this when we met. Looks fabulous, though personally I am not a big fan of SME's old tonearms.


Anil, yes I remember you told you like old SME tonearms. I just went with the manufacturer's recommendation. They highly recommend 12" tonearms, especially SME.

Lovely set up Dr.Bass!!
Tannoy and TT looking awesome.

Thank you Myriad. It is just a coincidence that they look good:).

Congratulations dr bass! Was wondering just when this post would happen. Very nice setup indeed! Am sure it sounds lovely!

Looks very very elegant and high end. You have systems that can sound fantastic. Eagerly awaiting your experience after the set-up.

The Tannoy speaker though a real surprise. Please post your detailed review/experience of both the TT and Speaker. Another important component seen is Leben Phonostage, if I am not wrong. It is wonderful to see digital enthusiast starting journey to Analogue. Wishing you all the very best on your new journey. I am sure the Forum members will be benefited reading your experience.


Looks awesome. Am sure will sound awesome, and then some.

somehow, thanks button seems inappropriate..! wheres congratulations button? :P

Thank you all!
Ultimately it is the sound that matters. While I do not want to write about it at such an early stage especially when the cartridge is sounding different every 5 hours, but still my very basic impression is:

1. The TT excels in tone and 3 dimensionality. Tonally I havent heard anything better even though other comparable TTs I have heard were all fitted with multi thousand dollar cartridges and they were all very good sonically. Also everything sounds 3 dimensional, very difficult to explain this. I will wait to listen more and then comment further.

2. Another thing worth noting is the composure. Even the heaviest of the passages sounds totally sorted without any nervousness with a very clear view deep into the soundstage.

3. On very good recordings the deepest bass, highest highs and every thing in between, whatever the cartridge can dig out just comes through. It is easy to see that TT is limited by the cartridge.

4. One area where I need to work is PRAT. Being used to a complete Naim setup any lack of PRAT bugs me. This TT currently lags behind my CDP in PRAT. I am told by some Verdier gurus that there are certain things I need to do to get the PRAT right. I will be working on those. But yes, at this point I am not satisfied by the rhythm and timing. It is not audible in faster music. It is more audible in slower music.

5. Finally the reason I bought this TT. When I play old classics the TT sounds like a Thorens TD125 and when I play 45 rpm direct tape to master latest recordings the TT sounds like "no limits":).

All said, I can see quite a bit of work before I can settle. As someone once told me "TT performance cannot be bought", now I realize what he meant:o.
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It is wonderful to see a diehard digital enthusiast like you launched on the uncharted seas of analogue sound.

It is wonderful to see digital enthusiast starting journey to Analogue.

Well, I was never a digital "enthusiast" but that was the only medium I could pursue so I did it seriously and still take it seriously because I know what music I can never get on LP. Generally I am much more of an analogue guy, even in my daily life. I dont use a touch phone simply because I like phones with real push buttons. My close audio buddies would know that even though I never used an LP player I always used to go ga ga over vinyl sound. Didnt pursue because I didnt have vinyls to start with and the hassle was also hyped up. I didnt want to miss the fun of listening to music for the sake of spinning vinyls. Some unknown fear.

I have heard the Glenairs. Can you compare your speakers with the Glenairs?

Asit, yes I have heard the Glenair. It is not even close to a Turnberry. In fact it doesnt sound like a Tannoy Prestige at all. It sounds more like a conventional hifi speaker, nothing special about it. I dont know what is the purpose of that speaker in the Prestige line-up:indifferent14:.
Hi Dr. Bass,

What is the driver size of the speakers Tannoy Turnberry SE? Is this a sealed enclosure?


No helium, it is not sealed but it is not the typical ported design. Internally the sound goes through a series of passages to finally emit from a port thats located on the sides. Someone told me it is partial horn like thing. I actually dont know.
It is easy to see that TT is limited by the cartridge.

I guess this aready leaves the field wide open for 'em fancy Koetsus, Lyras, Clearaudios and Benzes:) Anyway, do allow the cart to put in more hours.

4. One area where I need to work is PRAT. Being used to a complete Naim setup any lack of PRAT bugs me. This TT currently lags behind my CDP in PRAT. I am told by some Verdier gurus that there are certain things I need to do to get the PRAT right. I will be working on those. But yes, at this point I am not satisfied by the rhythm and timing. It is not audible in faster music. It is more audible in slower music.

Could it be the 3012?
@Dr. Bass, nothing beats a DD or an idler for PRAT... do get your hands on a DD or idler as a side project... analogue is all about experimentation...
I saw a big box, thought it must be, maybe, a power amp.

Enlarged to picture to discover it is the phono pre-amp!


All teamed with an old name in British hifi. How is Naim? ten or more years ago, it was considered an acquired taste. Now I wonder if this might have meant that it gave a natural sound?

Errr... No pun intended, even my sense of humour is not that bad :o
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