Thank you everyone for all those wonderful comments. However, I would like to say that the purpose of those pictures was something else. The pictures incidentally also describe the theme of this setup, the sound of this setup. There is an internal warmth to the sound which I had never heard before. The illumination of the stage or say the tones is also pretty similar to the illumination you see in the picture, a combination of warmish daylight and incandescence. And yes, the view from the window accounts for 60% of the reason I took this place

hyeah:. Anyway, it is not mine, just a rented place so all your compliments goes to the owner

First some courtesy replies:
Apart from that, a warning bell sounded in my mind. Are those shelf lamps giving off any heat at all? If so ... move your precious records away from them urgently.
Nothing I can tell you about high-end hifi --- but I was living with vinyl back in the days when it was all we had, and my experience includes a number of accidents. The memory of one or two of them still hurts forty years later!
Thanks for the alarm Thad. I immediately went checked. The heat is not enough to reach the vinyls. The vinyl covers are at normal room temperature. Anyway thanks for suggesting, it will be helpful in future.
great looking simple setup. Will that center table reflect sound before it reaches you?
Yes anm, it does. So my center image is sometimes right infront of the table but it is okay because it is not glass, it is wood, so except for some image shift, the smear is negligible. I will have to live with it here because it is a rented place. Good catch though

why cant the other electronics go on the same table next to the TT ?
I have the same question as magma. Why the other electronics could not be housed on the same cabinet? That way the speaker cable lengths could be minimized.
Asit and Magma, the reason the other equipments are not on the same table as TT is because the other equipments are on a Solidsteel 5.2 rack. It is a very decently built rack with good isolation (if not great). The sound is a lot cleaner with equipments on it. These all wooden tables slow down the sound and smear up the lower mids to mid bass big time. The TT is hence on a TAOC.
Congrats . Excellent set up . Lookwise and sound wise perhaps ( since not heared )
Thank you sir. It is a good setup. Excellence is some distance away still

A very cozy set-up. Perfect for listening to music - looks a very quiet place, very peaceful especially with that view through the windows.
Thank you Asit. Yes this is a nice place, I am happy about it as well. It makes listening to music more relaxing because it becomes difficult to get analytical when everything around you is natural, wood, sunlight, trees and air.
Congrats. Now the real fun begins. Vinyl hunting.
Thank you Prem. Vinyl hunting is going on for the last 7 months. It is the only way I could keep the fire alive. Even though I listened to CDs for 6 months here I only bought few CDs, mostly it was Vinyl shopping. It is still on. But now it is medium paced as I have lots of Vinyls that I havent yet listened.
Now for the general question on how the Tannoy sounds in the new place with a bigger room. So, the bigger room has some acoustic issues like more than desirable echo and some bass suck out on the left speaker. But overall this is a much more satisfying listening experience because of the realistic size of everything. Tannoys are not the speakers which will inspire you to gaze at the soundstage, everything is there but not for gazing but to enjoy as a recipe. But everything seems lifelike sized here so it is just more fun and also more serious. Interestingly I still listen to music at the same volume as I did when I was in a smaller room with a listening distance of 5 feet. At 9.0 clock position the room is filled. Could be also because of the extra echo. Now I have an itch of trying Leben, small itch but there

. I always thought 15 watts is not enough for this speaker and most users confirm this but in my exisiting room it may actually work. Lets see. Tannoys will work in any room that is granted. The sound will change with every room but it will all be enjoyble, so it is okay.
Lets get back to the analogue domain.
The Leben and the A23 SUTs are sold.
The new phonostage is an RCM Sensor Prelude. It is not a popular mainstream brand. A boutique Polish brand. They make only one phonostage. Recently it ha gained a lot of appreciation. I listened to it 4-5 times in the last 6 months. It was on my short list ever since I heard it first but the Leben did things which made me just pay and take home. The other phonostage in consideration was the Naim Superline. I had to reject it only because It needs a seperate Naim power supply which needs to be bought individually and the power supply which suits it well is "Supercap" which costs $2.5-3k in the used market. The phonostage itselft cost $2.5k. I am not in the market to buy a $5k phonostage so, rejected. Anyway the Naim dealer here is very friendly, he gave me a Naim Stageline MC phono to home demo. It is their entry level phono, costs just $400 but one needs a external flatcap power supply which I already have (to power my CDP). So the stageline gave me a good idea of what to expect from Naim and as usual I loved everything about it. Being an entry level phonostage it did not have the dynamics or extension of the Leben but it was very good.
The RCM phonostage is a very good all rounder. I had to sacrifice a little bit of tonal beauty of the Leben and Naim (yes tonally they are both extremely accurate) but it is just a shade more SS sounding than the other two. But otherwise it is a good reference grade phonostage. I bought it over anything else because I could hear it in 3-4 different TTs and my observations remained consistent about this phonostage.
Now that I have a very good phonostage I really understood the potential of the Denon 103pro cartridge. I have heard the Denon in 3 different TTs now, all good TTs. The Denon has the capability to produce some real WOW moments. Those moments will really make you feel the legend of Denon. But

, yes the "but" is important. But the Denon lacks dynamics, especially micro dynamics. I know people have complained that it lacks extension or refinement but that did not bother me too much, it lacks dynamics and has a sound which is a bit fake

. Not easy to explain but I am trying. Denon is a nice cartridge to listen to rock, why ? Because in rock, micro things are not important, as long as one gets his share of attack it is all good. The Denon has the attack and this is where the slight fakeness comes into picture, the attack gives an illusion of dynamics but whatever follows the attack is flat, the tension is built but it doesnt remain and by the time the decay arrives, there is hardly any decay ..period. If this happens throughout the music, what will it feel like ? Feels like the attack was not to be there or everything else should have followed suit. This is the reason the Denon cannot do Western Classical or Pure Jazz. Both these genres require very good dynamics to be reproduced well the Denon clearly shows its weakness in these genres.
Secondly the Denon lacks colour. It is not tonally rich, it feels like red is a bit light red, black is off black, white is faded white. I would borrow the words of Romy the Cat, it is like watching a TV which has high contrast but low colour saturation. I would also like to add that Denon 103 is very efficient in picking up low hanging fruits, meaning if you give it a Vinyl which is well pressed and has a lots of detail on the higher level of the groove the Denon can sound stunning (wow moment remember ?) but give it anything slightly deeper and the fall is exponential. I did not observe this with other cartridges in general.
And well the Denon is also pretty non forgiving of surface noise, it can get annoying. This doesnt help playing Indian music which are mostly used records with surface noise. If I cannot use the Denon for good western music and also it doesnt work with Indian records due to surface noise then what the f*** am I doing with it ?
The Denon is sold !! Someone offered me a Technics SL-1200 in superb condition as trade in for the Denon. I grabbed it

hyeah:. The 1200 is supposed to be better than the latter MK2 versions because of its die cast body, sp10 bearing mechanism and overall much better QC. I have it now. Not yet played it bcause I dont have any cartridge now. I took the TT as trade in because I know I can sell it any day and secondly I always wanted to listen to this TT. This will be a good opportunity.
More to follow...