Well, I see that Dr.Bass has already addressed the issue of the cartridge compliance and its compatibility with the SME 3012 S2. I found the audiogon thread
AudiogoN Forums: SME 3012 S2 + DL103Pro = thin sound ????
where this issue is brought up and discussed.
In that discussion, a member "213cobra" has produced a very nice answer. He has stated that Denon's own compliance number (measured at 100 Hz) is to be multiplied by 1.8 to arrive at the industry standard compliance (at 10 Hz). Well,from vinyl engine.com I get a figure of 6 for compliance (in standard units). Multiplying by 1.8, the compliance then becomes 10.8
Using the formula (given for example in my cartridge compliance thread:
http://www.hifivision.com/phono-turntables/18378-cartridge-compliance.html), I get a resonance frequency of 11.42 Hz (using 9.5 g for the effective mass of the arm, and 8.5 g for the mass of the cart).
Now, the ideal resonance frequency should be ideally around 10 Hz, and usually anything between 8 to 12 Hz is regarded okay. I personally think even 7 Hz is okay in concrete buildings as in India.
True, the SME-Denon pairing is on the edge of that 8-12 Hz window, but should it really be that unsatisfactory? Generally when the resonance freq becomes close to 15 Hz or above, it is a bad match.
Can anybody explain why this is a bad match? It may be a marginal match, but not a particularly bad one, in this theoretical estimation based on the given numbers.
Only one doubt. If the vinyl engine data on the cartridge compliance is actually based on industry standard, then the multiplication by a factor of 1.8 is not needed and the compliance value is really 6. Then putting the numbers back on the formula, we get 15.3 Hz for the resonance frequency, and this is really bad.
Any way, the Denon is gone. But I am trying to understand the problem.