Amp for Harbeth Compact 7eS3

Alan Shaw also says higher power is always better and also it is better to have high power amps to get best out of the speaker.

Yes, that is why I asked you (in my earlier post) if you are in need of more power. His thought is based on the simple physics and nothing to do with Harbeths - More the power, better the dynamics. Again, he also states the power requirement based on your listening habit and the type of music you hear.
Thanks mpw for the information. I was not aware of this price reduction for outside UK. This is true for Naim also?
One of my friend recently came from UK. Hmmm, could have asked him to bring.:mad:

if you are buying a new unit - this will apply ( to my info ) and there are certain provsions under which used items may get a rebate but it gets complicated for the dealers.

similarly - singapore - you get 7% rebate at the changi airport if you purchase new items in singapore for use in India ( outside ).

Please check latest travel info though.

My info would be outdated though i do remember to go to the refund counter at Changi airport to get 7% refund back on some stuff i got there

Please re-check all the info provided

if you are buying a new unit - this will apply ( to my info ) and there are certain provsions under which used items may get a rebate but it gets complicated for the dealers.

similarly - singapore - you get 7% rebate at the changi airport if you purchase new items in singapore for use in India ( outside ).

Please check latest travel info though.

My info would be outdated though i do remember to go to the refund counter at Changi airport to get 7% refund back on some stuff i got there

Please re-check all the info provided


Buying from UK allows for VAT refund. But as "mpw" says it is complicated.
- You purchase from a dealer who participates in this program.
- The dealer gives the buyer a voucher stating that so much VAT has been paid.
- You have to carry the item in your flight (checked in or carry on luggage)
- At the airport you have to go to VAT refund desk, fill out forms and then get it processed
- At the discretion of the officer he/she may refund VAT if satisfied it will not be brought back into UK
- any excess baggage fees need to be paid to airline. European routes allow only 1 carry on (7-10 Kg) and 1 check-in baggage (23 Kg)

This is OK for small items, but for bulky items like Amps/AVRs it may turn out be a hassle, specially if you don't get VAT refund (for whatever reason) and have to fork out excess baggage fees.

There is another option look for used amplifiers. Just search look for used amplifiers with reasonable weight like NAIM amps they are very easy to carry buy from ebay uk with your friends UK address.Then tell him to carry it for you.

This is the method I used to buy an old B&W aura integrated amplifier 2 year back and it worked like a charm and I got my amp without any customs duty.Also it look like brand new item I never saw such a clean item in my life.

But only problem is that you need to look on less weight amps like NAIM.UK made amplifiers are not too heavy I hope so.Eg:- NAIM,CYRUS, Roksan ,Heed Audio etc
Just look on ebay and have a fun
do you have someone in UAE who can receive the package for you ?

I know for sure that dealers can give you a flat 20% off the listed price on the basis of VAT refund alone ( besides actual discount on the product - if any ).

get it to UAE and maybe someone can carry that for you - there is so much traffic between UAE and India.

But all this is conjecture for now - the amp you may like may be near you - so get out there and audition :)

try the exposure 2012 s2 as well or a roksan maybe..depends on the flavor you like or maybe a Creek

Bangalore has lots of audio dealers..
mpw, my sister lives in UAE. But how to get amps to UAE?
I can get things from Dubai with out much trouble.

Thanks once again for all suggestions.
I'm pairing my Harbeth 30.1s with a Croft Integrated R amplifier. It sounds very detailed with excellent dynamics and a "fuller" bass than my Marantz PM7001, the same amp that you have. If you want to come over for a listen, you're very welcome.

(Apart from all the useful suggestions offered earlier, I would suggest you also experiment with placement, if you haven't already. Just a few inches make significant differences to the bass in my room.)
very simple..

if you have zeroed down the choice of amp - pay the UK dealer and ask him to courier to your sister.

The payments to UK can be tricky - but maybe you can ask your sister to xfer the funds and then give her the funds at a later date - that will be a personal arrangement with her and its upto you largely to manage this.

But first - zero in on the amp you want and thats where i say audition in bangalore first.

from my experience - when you start auditioning - you may get surprising choices or offers which dealers make and which may satisfy you totally. In which case the UK idea need not come into play at all.

So get moving


Yes MPW well said just try to audition many amps mainly UK based amplifiers from our forum members who are very near to you and decide.When you take audition do carry your favorite cd so that you can hear the difference.
It probably doesn't need to be said that when auditioning amps, you will need to carry not just an audition CD but also your speakers. What is almost as important however is to carry your room. Which is obviously impossible so the next best thing is to get home auditions if possible. I know that's difficult but in the 2-year-long search for my system upgrade, I discovered that the same speakers could sound different in different rooms not to the extent that they lose their signature sound but enough for one to distinguish distinct nuances. To be really sure of what you're purchasing, I suggest you lean on friends, dealers and forum members here to see if you can try out various amps on your system in your room. I'm happy to bring over the Croft if we can work out a time suitable for both of us. For all you know, you may find that it's not the amp but the room you may need to fix. Just a thought.
Renjith as I said in the earlier thread dont forget to add Viren Bakshi Tube amplifier if any FM have near by you.Those will be a very good VFM products.
one more think to say is that first of all you fix on the budget on a new amplifier then just audition those amps which is in your budget otherwise it will a total mess up for you.

Please plan accordingly dont audition very expensive amps first.
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You can consider PrimaLuna Dialogue Premium integrated amp. I had used their Prologue Preamp and it was really good, (sound signature, build quality etc). Had to sell later on due since want to move to integrated than pre-power combo.

However there is no authorized dealer in India as well as it might not be possible to audition.
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