Aramex Shop & Ship - Get anything from US/UK Toooooo much cheaper than Borderlinx

hi guys, can u please tell me if i buy from ebay usa which invoice i have to send to
aramex guys, paypal invoice or the ebay invoice.
hi guys, can u please tell me if i buy from ebay usa which invoice i have to send to
aramex guys, paypal invoice or the ebay invoice.

I don't think you need to send any invoice. Seller will attach invoice with the Item and post it to your aramex Address/Box. What ever comes to your exclusive Aramex address will be re routed to your India Address.
shopandship is also asking invoice, so that it will be easy for customs clearance.

i usually send once shipment lands @shopandship

once when i didnt send the invoice, the customs-tax was higher.

might be that if invoice is there the price is know, if not customs evaluated price is taken and taxed
shopandship is also asking invoice, so that it will be easy for customs clearance.

i usually send once shipment lands @shopandship

once when i didnt send the invoice, the customs-tax was higher.

might be that if invoice is there the price is know, if not customs evaluated price is taken and taxed

Oh Ok...I didn't know that. I didn't send any invoice in my recent purchases... those are not expensive items to get charged from customs anyway.

the coupon code you provide is working only in india

can i use them in other country by making my account country to any thing else then changing the address of shipping after sing up :)

another thing does anybody has a promotion code for the shipment charges ? :)
It is better to send the invoice to shopnandship, especially for ebay buys. There is no guarantee that ebay seller will include the invoice with the shipment. I leaned it the hard way when customs on my shipment was computed on a price of 399 USD whereas I bought it for only 258 USD.
Aramex Shop & Ship - Diwali offer

) Please send us all your Purchase invoices as on 26th, 27th, 28th October

2) As per the discount scheme for the month of October, get a double discount on the actual eligible discount for these 3 days.

Eg: if it is your 10th shipment for this month (purchased during the mentioned dates) , as per the season surprise offer, you will be eligible for 50 % discount. But, on these three days, if you purchase this product you will be entitled to a 100 % discount*

(*The terms would be the same as season surprise.)

3) This discount will be applicable only on the products purchased on the mentioned dates. Hence, request you to send the proof of purchase/order to [email protected]
i will recommended Aramex, the price of speaker is around 4720 Rs, the shipping charges
will be 10$ for the first 500 gms, and then 8$ for each additional 500 gms, so i think as the
speaker weight is approx- 5.3 kg, so shipping charges will be around 4400 Rs, as the product will be under 10000 Rs, u can send invoice to shop and ship and they will try to
clear it as duty free, but if it doesn't gets cleared by custom, 27% duty will be charged on speakers. U can register on the shop and ship website, use the promo
code and only 5$ will be charges as one time fees, u can pay shipping charges online or at delivery time and cutom will be also paid at delivery time
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Beware , aramex did a DOA of BnW tweeters ...Expect NO claims .As Until to day my claim they never settled .
Pay lil more use bord-linX etc
Shop and Ship Important Notice

Dear SnSers

We have a very important information to share,


Please refrain and advise the suppliers/vendors/websites purchased from in US/UK/China to strictly not mention the term GIFT on the Package or invoice.

As per Sec 13 we being Authorized Courier to clear the shipments, it has been strictly be informed to Us to educate Customers that only Bonafide Gifts and Sample from a person to Person is considered duty free up till value of INR 10000 as per Courier regulations of 1998

And not purchases made in foreign countries which are imported into India.

All shipments being carrying foreign transaction its bound to attract duty going further which has been informed to us by Assistant .Commissioner failing to comply with regulation there will be fine and penalty as per sole discretion of Customs.

So , all the process will be the same, the only request is not to mention GIFT on any packages purchased , this will ensure smooth clearance.

The above is applicable to all transport companies in India.


Anuradha Iyer

Manager - Shop and Ship (India)

Aramex India Pvt. Ltd.

Tel: +91 22 39419900 - Extn: 1507;

Fax: +91 22 28248760

Shop and Ship :: Home
Hi all,

Last month I bought 2 LP's frm Elusivedisc & used Aramex for the first time to get them shipped. I've purchased LP's frm abroad before also but never had to pay any customs duty. But Aramex charged me INR 838/- customs duty for a shipment costing 55USD(Approx INR 2860/-). This is almost 30% of the cost of the LP's. They never gave me the original custom duty payment receipt. When asked the Kolkata office about the custom receipt while delivery, they told that they "forgot" to send it with the shipment, next day someone will deliver it. I'm still waiting for it. Today Kolkata office informed me that they have asked Mumbai office for the receipt. If they don't have the receipt with them how did they "forget" to send it with the shipment? I'm not denying paying of duty on an imported item. My idea of writing this is that there should be more transperency in the system for a company like ARAMEX. If they have really paid the customs duty on my shipment then they should be able to produce the original customs bill also, thats all.
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