skdMrk: Any ideas about Avatar in 3D at Inox for thursday. As of now only Urvashi seems to be showcasing the movie in 3D on 17th and thereafter. I will check with Inox and Fame later today
I dont think so, Urvashi is the only one in Bangalore!!!
skdMrk: Any ideas about Avatar in 3D at Inox for thursday. As of now only Urvashi seems to be showcasing the movie in 3D on 17th and thereafter. I will check with Inox and Fame later today
well, 2012 is good to watch. Certainly not a disaster.
I dont think so, Urvashi is the only one in Bangalore!!!
I dont think any Indian Cinema has Real3D or Dolby3D projector. IMAX is the only latest technology India has.
Looks like Fame Lido is showing Avatar in 3D on Thursday atleast and at the Shankarnag Chitramandira
Fame Cinemas
Inox, Garuda Mall is showing Avatar in 3D on thursday. Just got my tickets booked.
Hi Fellow Members,
But, Art direction, Cinematography, and 3D stereo scopic layout, was simply mind blowing. Fantastic visual colors.
This is a must for all ART enthusiasts.
But, the theater I went to see the movie was very bad in SQ, and the screen was dirtyWill try another theater tomorrow.
Good to know Subhash's and your inputs. Not surprised at all with your views of the story. I guess you had been to Inox ,Garuda Mall. Was the sound really that crappy?? I thought Inox was decent in terms of sound quality
IMAX 3D (film projected) - 70mm image projected on an approx SEVEN STORY screen. Picture is ENORMOUS and VERY BRIGHT, the sound is nothing short of FANTASTIC in my experience. As for the 3D - the theater uses a 2-projector, polarization system which involves lightly tinted glasses. PROS: Mind-rapingly enormous screen, great sound, it's like a freakin' sports event. CONS: tinted glasses leads to loss of brightness, audiences have reported lots of 3D artifacts such as "ghosting" and "stuttering". Glasses are recycled and are reported to be uncomfortable and poorly cared for in some centers.
Please be aware IMAX 3D comes in Flat Screen and Dome Screen formats - check your local IMAX center for details.
IMAX DIGITAL (digitally projected) a.k.a. "LieMAX" - Regular digitally-projected theater owned as part of the IMAX franchise, made to their own standards. Very similar to other digital projection systems, 3D projection uses a polarization system, similar to RealD and IMAX 3D. PROS: less ghosting than IMAX 3D and crystal clear and sharp digital projection. CONS: tinted glasses lead to significant loss of brightness.
To find an IMAX 3D or IMAX DIGITAL near you - go to IMAX
Here is an alternate list of large-format cinemas if you're still keen on IMAX:
For US - US Theaters
For Non-US - International Theaters
RealD (digitally projected) - currently the most widely installed 3D system in the USA, this is a regular digitally-projected theater using a 2K projector and a polarized 3D system. PROS: less ghosting than IMAX 3D and crystal clear and sharp digital projection. Glasses are brand new and you can take them home with you. You can buy your own RealD compatible 3D glasses in designer brands on the net. CONS: tinted glasses lead to significant loss of brightness.
To find a RealD cinema near you - go to RealD - The Global Leader in 3D
DOLBY3D (digitally projected) - currently the lead competitor to RealD, this system uses a Color-Wheel 3D system off a single 2K digital projector. Glasses are slightly tinted red-green. Dolby3D is the new kid on the block, but has had a lot of positive responses to its technology. PROS: Glasses are transparent and screen brightness is not affected. Crystal clear and sharp digital projection. Glasses are reported to be very comfortable. Audience members have reported that this system has LESS "ghosting" than RealD and it has a significant INCREASE in the "3D-effect" of movies. CONS: Slight color-aberrations can occur in certain scenes across the red-green spectrum. Glasses are recycled.
To find a Dolby3D cinema near you - go to l
So what does this all mean?
It means that there's really no 'ideal' system to watch AVATAR on. Because even the 3D system that's had the best public response (Dolby3D) still isn't projected on a massive 7-story screen and the 7-story screen still doesn't have the 3D tech working seamlessly as it does in any other system.
If you want the best 3D experience - then you're better off going for RealD or Dolby3D. RealD has tinted glasses resulting in a significantly darker image, but Dolby3D apparently has slightly off-color look to it.
If you want to watch it on a gigantic-screen-o'-doom with guaranteed ear-shattering sound quality, then IMAX 3D is your better bet or their much smaller, but still impressive, IMAX Digital format.
You pick and choose what you prefer.
Yeah, INOX is supposed to have good SQ, but donot know what happened yesterday. It was really bad. The initial dolby digital add itself, the SQ very poor.
Found this on the IMDB forums:
Guys who have seen Avatar in 3D in PVR, Inox, Fame or others, can anyone tell us what technology they are using???
2012 was pure Crap. About AVATAR, I am a bit skeptical if the movie would hold purely on the base of its effects than its substance. Anyhow in India most people will end up watching in plain 2D rather than 3D, that too on a normal one. I dont think any Indian Cinema has Real3D or Dolby3D projector. IMAX is the only latest technology India has. For that matter the movie if does not add up to its character development would fail, not commercially but definitely with serious movie goers. Commercial success is more or less inevitable bearing the hype it has created.. same as 2012, which was a crap as far as the substance goes but was a hit just because of the hype which attracted even those who would not usually go to a theaters to watch a Hollywood flick......
That is what I was referring to on my following post......India does not have any of the mentioned Projector Technology except as I said IMAX.