Avatar! Avatar! Avatar!

I saw Avatar for the second time today - at the Serene hall in Sathyam complex. Utterly disappointing. The idiots charged 20 Rs for a pair of plastic goggles that would not have costed more than 10 bucks, and were threatening to charge 150 if you did not return them !!

More important, the projection and sound were really wanting. The video was out of focus and kept switching between 3D and 2D, and I could see half the movie without glasses ! The sound was really the pits. When the Tree fell, the sound effect was muted like the fall of a sampling. The surround sound effect kept coming and going like a bad connection.

Unfortunately people who have not seen a better version will not know what they have missed.

If Mr.Bean is Avatar


This will be really hilarious. I'm waiting for the Scary Movie version of Avatar. :lol:, if at all they spoof it, it's going to be real fun watching it.

If Mr.Bean is Avatar. This will be really hilarious. I'm waiting for the Scary Movie version of Avatar. :lol:, if at all they spoof it, it's going to be real fun watching it.

That was quite cute. But, all this reminds me of Amir Khan. When he took Gajini, fellow and TV artists made fun of him for over two years. They even had artists shaving their head for these shows. But Amir had the last laugh walking away with nearly 400 crores. And, to prove his capability, he went ahead and made Three Idiots that also was a hit.

I am sure James is also chuckling to himself looking at his growing bank balance every day. And, he is also planning for Avatar II.

Whatever said and done, it has been a long time since I have heard people clapping at the end of a movie in a cinema hall.

....Whatever said and done, it has been a long time since I have heard people clapping at the end of a movie in a cinema hall.


I heard the 3D version is amazing. Unfortunately in the not-so-garden city of Bangalore we only had access to 2D versions. Personally I thought it sucked. but it coudl just be me (or my age) venting.
thank god! the hurt locker was a decent film, nothing great.....but a typical 'oscar film'....very well made.....of course any day superior to Avatar.
Oscar has once again shown us that Talent wins over Techology..........8-))
To make good films you need good actors not computers.......
usually dont believe in OSCARS , most of the time movies which are hard to understand win oscars ,atleast this time Hurt locker and avataar both of which are extremely well made , one very realistic and the other a absolutely visual treat have won :clapping:
Whatever said and done, it has been a long time since I have heard people clapping at the end of a movie in a cinema hall.

Thats a nice feeling. The last time I remember experiencing such claps were for Independence Day and Border. Yeah, two completely different movies but something about it made the audience very happy at the end that they actually clapped for a very long time.
Avataar DVD reg 1 ,is released

watched yday

absolutely amazing stuff , in fact enjoyed it much better in my set up then the theatres

wonder how the BLu ray release wud be ,

mindblowing i guess!!!
Hmmmm so that';s it, I'll have to keep Avatar also on list just to see the amazing Blu-ray quality. It might follow Saving Private Ryan to my blu-ray collection.
As much as I enjoyed the immersiveness of Avatar, it was really a dumb movie all the way if you took out the special effects. But again it can be a great demo material. I know the tech is still catching up, just wish the blu ray was 3D.
Avatar is available, at least in some places. Got mine from Gurgaon. The Landmark over here is supposed to get it in a few days, but a shop called 'Music Festival' in Metropolitan mall had it. Will see it tomorrow with parents.
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