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And here are the ATC scm 11 v1's in my main system. They are loving all the higher end upstream equipment:lol:. I have heard the SCM 19v1 here and IMO the 11's are performing significantly better here. They are totally disappearing into the stage - there is no physical connection between the location of the speakers and the sounds emanating. However I still prefer the Ascendo C8R's - of-course they cost 6 times more! For such large speakers (c8r) their imaging is almost similar to the scm 11. I give full credit to the coaxial drivers in the ascendo. But putting things in perspective at their price, the 11's sound superb.


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Hi Sid,

Wow! i just love the set-up and how the diffusor plates look like a background art. Now am definitely inspired to make changes to my room!
Hi Sid,
Thats a lovely system there. How is the ATC liking the exotic Symphonic Line power ?

Thanks Dr. Bass. The ATC is thriving on the SL. Very neutral presentation with suprising bass for a relatively small sealed cabinet/driver and superb pinpoint imaging. I really like the ATC 11.
Thanks Dr. Bass. The ATC is thriving on the SL. Very neutral presentation with suprising bass for a relatively small sealed cabinet/driver and superb pinpoint imaging. I really like the ATC 11.

Yes, when I was in the market for my first ATC speakers I went over to buy the 19 but after listening to 19 and 11 I was forced to think hard on the 11. I knew the 19 has more ATC technology in built and should be better but the 11 sounded more convincing. Probably if used with an ATC integrated or pre-power the 19 sounds more convincing (a bit of voicing may be). I have also heard the SCM 20 and 20 active. Definitely the Super-Linear drivers take the whole game further but they need much more care than the 11 to sing and dissappear. The 11 is one that I guess just falls into place given a good amp.

Which preamp do you use with Symphonic Line ? The Lamm ?
I have also heard the SCM 20 and 20 active.
Yes the 20's are on my radar now. Something I will be considering down the line, if I can accomodate them in my 2nd setup, sizewise.

Which preamp do you use with Symphonic Line ? The Lamm ?
Yes I am using the LL2.1 deluxe. However the 11's main location is in my 2nd system with the Parasound JC2 pre and the Trigon Tre50 monoblocks. They sound excellent there as well, of-course not as sublime with the Lamm/Sl combo though.

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Sid, I also had the Lamm LL2 which I sold recently. It is nice. Very solid sound for a tube preamp. Have you considered the Symphonic Line "Die Erleuchtung" ? It is a suppose to be extremely well matched to the SL Kraft.
Sid, I also had the Lamm LL2 which I sold recently. It is nice. Very solid sound for a tube preamp. Have you considered the Symphonic Line "Die Erleuchtung" ? It is a suppose to be extremely well matched to the SL Kraft.
I have the LL2.1 which has the -15db gain switch. IMO critical when using digital sources. With the switch engaged I get a better gain match with both upstream equipment and the Kraft250. Yes I did consider the "Die Erleuchtung", but have not heard it, not sure if it is made anymore.
Recent review speakers in my listening room. The Triangle Antal EZ. Excellent speaker, liked them a lot.


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Another pic. of the Ascendo C6 with the C8R in my room. Superb finishing on the ascendos in general, perhaps the best finished speakers I have ever had in my room.


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I recently installed 4 GIK gridfusor diffusers at the first reflection point on my main listening room drop ceiling. I could immediately discern better instrument separation and more air around the instruments in the soundstage. All in all a significant improvement to my room acoustics which in addition to these includes 6 GIK 244 panels and 4 vicoustic wavewood panels.


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Received the GIK Evolution polyfusor - diffuser/absorber. They will be placed at the first reflection points on the sidewall.
My room now has a combination of absorption and diffusion, sounds very nice, just right amount of sparkle in highs, detailed and lush mids and great low frequency extension.


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I guess my thread title makes lot more sense now. Recently acquired the LM501IA amp. Having lived with tube power amplifiers for over a decade, I was missing that warm lush sound, so I decided to take advantage of this opportunity to get one. Though this is an integrated amp. it has a pre in option - all gold series Line Magnetic amps. have that option. Currently I am listening to it in the integrated configuration with some NOS, 12ax7 and 12au7 tubes. Sounding very nice indeed with about 5-10 hours of listening. Though this amp. is rated for 100wpc with a quad of KT120 tubes, it is sounding very nuanced and subtle. Also build quality is fantastic. I will soon use it as a power amp. only with the Lamm LL2.1 as the pre.


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Using the Lm501 as a power amp. being fed by my Lamm LL 2.1 Deluxe Pre. This pre. has really made noticeable difference to the overall sound quality. Of -course the power amp. is not even close to the performance of the Symphonic Line Kraft 250, and I wouldn't expect it to, but as a tube amplifier the Lm501 is sounding very nice indeed. The tube warmth, lushness is very inviting. To me at-least an excellent alternative for tube sound in my setup. And the 100 watts can perhaps drive 99% of the speakers in the market today.
Next I will pair it with my ATC SCM 11 to see how it will fare.


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The KEF Reference 1's in my setup. Superb sounding speakers!


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The Cabasse Java's being driven by the LM 501. Sounded very good indeed.


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Some recent additions to my computer based source setup. The M2Tech Evo 2 and Clock2 converter. I am finding this combo to be more resolving than the previous version, in addition to more features such as automatic resolution setting to the clock and basic control of Jriver MC with the included remote. Really enjoying the last feature. This unit is also capable of passing DSD audio, though limited to the I2S connection (HMDI cable PS audio format).


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Hello Sidvee,
The LM 501 is a fine amp. I heard it for a while and liked it very much. Any chance of your being able to review the Ayon 3sx preamplifier-cd player some time. Its packed with digital goodies and has an analog vaiable output.
Hello Sidvee,
The LM 501 is a fine amp. I heard it for a while and liked it very much. Any chance of your being able to review the Ayon 3sx preamplifier-cd player some time. Its packed with digital goodies and has an analog vaiable output.

Thanks Soundbuff. Unfortunately there is no Ayon dealer in India as of now as I understand. So I doubt if one can get any of the newer ayon units here anymore unless one imports directly from ayon Austria.
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