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I was very very impressed by the Northstar design dac+transport at the Rethm studio. Very analog and open sound. I am not surprised you are finding it good. The fact that this baby Northstar does dsd is a huge bonus.

Well RoC, as you once said, the 192 at the Rethm Studio has the BB PCM1704K chip.
The new DACs have Sabre chips so might be quite different. The Impulso has 9016.
Well RoC, as you once said, the 192 at the Rethm Studio has the BB PCM1704K chip.
The new DACs have Sabre chips so might be quite different. The Impulso has 9016.

IMO Naturelover, the most important thing is the implementation. And that can only be determined by listening.
I have the LM 502CA which uses the same 9016 Sabre.
And my brief listen yesterday, the Impulso was equal or better even the warmth and lushness though it does not have tubes.
That is another comparison I will be doing as well I guess.
IMO Naturelover, the most important thing is the implementation. And that can only be determined by listening.
I have the LM 502CA which uses the same 9016 Sabre.
And my brief listen yesterday, the Impulso was equal or better even the warmth and lushness though it does not have tubes.
That is another comparison I will be doing as well I guess.

Very true, Sid.
It's great to see that the Impulso has these qualities. Very promising.
Waiting for more.
New additions for my 2nd system but shown here in my main system. The Trigon Tre50 Mononblocks. Build quality of these little amplifiers is amazing and sound quality is excellent as well. Trigon is a highly underrated company IMO. And they have an excellent dealer in the form of Jochen Semler of The Listening room. I can't wait to introduce these little beauties to my small ATC speakers.


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Look forward to your review of the Trigons.
On another note it looks like you have now moved almost completely towards German gear - not surprising considering their high engineering pedigree.
So finally my System 2 is complete - upgrades that I set in motion about 4-5 mos ago. The Trigon Tre50 monoblocks are excellent amps., they have pushed the little ATC's to another level. The 250watts of power into 4 ohms sure helps here, though I still feel that the amps. need a little bit of breaking in. The Impulso DAC is also synergizing well. I am running in full balanced mode right from the Northstar to the Trigons with signal cable balanced IC's. I also have the LM502CA DAC which with NOS 12AU7 tubes sounds fantastic on PCM. Torn between these 2 dacs, have to decide which one to let go. I also did the iscoacoustics tweak under the ATC. Helped a bit, not a great deal. Final touching up is putting the Sotm usb card in the computer, which I will have done in a few days and then back to listening to music full time. I am contemplating the new ATC scm11 as an upgrade to the 7's but nothing too soon.
And having compared the little trigons to my mightly Symphonic Line Kraft 250's for the last 10 hours of listening, I was pleasantly surprised. They sounded very good but they cannot match the sheer resolution and lushness of the Kraft, though at roughly 1/5th the price they are very, very good.


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On another note it looks like you have now moved almost completely towards German gear - not surprising considering their high engineering pedigree.
Yes the higher end German gear has superb fit and finish and fanatic attention to detail. Just looking and holding the gear, you feel you have invested in an audio component not just bought it. I felt the same with the Ascendo C8 speakers, the Symphonic line kraft250 and the Ayon Skylla II (though technically it is Austrian but close enough). Excellent products all of these and creates a sense of pride in ownership.
Hi Sidvee

Did you also consider the ATC actives?

I have very limited placement options Prem, since this is a bedroom setup. Hence my options as such are only small book shelves again limited to the size of atc scm7 or 11 or esentially 7 -11 litre enclosures. I do not think ATC offers actives in those sizes. The smallest active I can think of in their range is the small floor stander scm20aslt. Won't fit, indeed even the SCM19 which I used in the past here was too large for the bed side table.
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The Trigon Tre50 Mononblocks. Build quality of these little amplifiers is amazing and sound quality is excellent as well.

Congratulation Sid!
Yes, they are wonderful in build quality as well as sound.
I had heard these at Jochen's about a year back when I had set out to search for my destination set-up. These stayed in my mind for a very long time but ultimately lost to Rethm.
Congratulation Sid!
Yes, they are wonderful in build quality as well as sound.

Not only that, I also had a pleasant surprise when I received a pair of volt powercords in the box. They don't package those cheap molded "made in china" cords or like some other companies who don't provide any cords claiming you will use upgraded cords anyway (Spend a few lakhs and can't even hook it up right away:sad:) Secondly Jochen mentioned that each trigon product is "burned in" at their factory for 48 hours prior to shipping (Lot of others claim to do this but not sure if they do so). All in all, this is a quality and value for money company that has their priorities right and focus on product quality as well as customers, and I for one am going to buy more of their products down the road. Considering the Dialog or the TRV100 pre. to match the amps, though I like the JC2 immensly.
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Great Move Sid.
The Trigon amps are really nice. I have heard them a few few times at the Listening room. Good to hear they are a good match with the ATC.
Congrats on the setup Sid. am sure you are really enjoying it !

Jochen had shown me the internals of the Trigon Phono. such a clean design and you can feel the quality of the components and the marvellous Engineering in terms of precision when you see it
am also really impressed by the Trigon.
I just spent about 3 hours listening to all kinds of music on my second system. Thoroughly enjoyed the performance on everything from rock to rap - Porcupine tree - Macklemore. Amps. are sounding smooth and relaxed (especially after a 1 hour warm up) and they are handling macro-dynamics superbly. In fact I was not aware that my little ATC's could sound so revealing of dynamic content or even handle such dynamic contrast - just goes to show how important matching amps. to the speakers is. They are synergizing very well with the Parasound JC2 pre as well. They sound effortless and I never could sense them running out of steam when I turned them up on some rock. The fact that they are still breaking in (recommended break in time - 50 hours) and they may sound better is a bonus.
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Ok recently I upgraded to a pair of ATC SCM 11's v1 from my beloved ATC 7's for my second system. These are being driven by the Trigon Tre50 monoblocks. Few options I considered before getting these were the Dynaudio Focus 160, the B&W CM5, Dali rubicon 2 and ofcourse the new ATC SCM 11 v2 . The first three I decided to avoid for 2 reasons, in this placement (on my nightstand) the rear wall is about 1.5 feet away. Rear ported and some front ported speakers did tend to sound boomy. Of-course the boom disappears when I pull them forward, as side wall is about 2 feet away, but that is an inconvenience. Secondly this is the third ATC speaker I have owned having gone throught the SCM 19 and 7. Unequivocally the ATC's have sounded the best here. I was almost set on the new SCM 11 V2's but unfortunately the dealer didn't have the Cherry veneer in stock so I settled for a dealer demo v1. However settled is not the right word, these are sounding excellent having the holographic imaging, soundstaging and treble airiness of the 7's with the midbass heft of the 19's. I also feel that the build quality of the v1 is superior in regards to the cabinet - and the change with the v2 is with the tweeter, the mid/bass driver is the same for both versions, and ofcourse a newer - albeit imo - relatively less sophisticated cabinet for the v2. All I can say after owning 3 models of ATC bookshelves are these are easily the best option of the 3 bookshelves offered and in general the ATC bookshelf speakers are perhaps the best I have heard in their respective price ranges. I still have a special affection for the baby of the bunch, the ATC SCM7, but they are severely limited in mid bass so I was missing that part, hence this move. On the whole I feel my secondary system has moved up a few notches and am quite pleased.


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These ATC SCM 11's are seriously good speakers. In the past 3 days I have spent at-least 10 hours listening to them - and would have listened longer if not for all the cracker noise yesterday:lol:. I usually plan for a hour or two of listening but end up sitting there for 3-4 hours, just concluded a 3 hour session today. Zero listening fatigue, highly musical and they literally grab your ears and entice you to listen. Wonder how good the new version is. They have been getting a lot of rave reviews everywhere.
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