Back to tubes

I am curious to hear FM's opinions on integrated amps. that can drive the ATC's in my bedroom system. The belcanto does a good job, especially with the Parasound JC2 but since space is at premium I want a single box. Budget is under 2 lacs.
Great news Sid, congrats.

Your choice of rack i.e. part MDF and part marble sounds interesting. How were the both joined? Could you post some close up pics?

BTW, I can hear your equipment rack in the bedroom crying for more ventilation.;)
Great news Sid, congrats.

Your choice of rack i.e. part MDF and part marble sounds interesting. How were the both joined? Could you post some close up pics?

BTW, I can hear your equipment rack in the bedroom crying for more ventilation.;)

Thanks Captain - Actually the marble just sits on top of the MDF shelf. It is quite heavy by itself so risk of sliding is non-existent - and with equipment on top almost impossible, unless of-course one were to tilt the platforms. Did not want to glue it because then the area of contact between the marble and MDF would be limited to the glue bead. I did a bit of listening using granite, marble with and without mdf bases. The best sound - at-least to my ears - was with the marble. Felt that granite was causing slight congestion in mid bass, and both sounded better than plain mdf, mainly in area of overall resolution. Anyways I am planning to get some cork and use it as a layer between the two. Have to see if this improves the sound at all.
Yes the rack in my bedroom is stacked tight, but fortunately except for my preamp all the other equipment runs cool. Anyways hope to get an integrated eventually so source and amplification can be separated better.
I am curious to hear FM's opinions on integrated amps. that can drive the ATC's in my bedroom system. The belcanto does a good job, especially with the Parasound JC2 but since space is at premium I want a single box. Budget is under 2 lacs.

Might be little over 2 Lacs. Only ATC knows the right amplification that can drive their speakers. This is what I gather from ATC users on different audio forums


Might be little over 2 Lacs. Only ATC knows the right amplification that can drive their speakers. This is what I gather from ATC users on different audio forums


Yes this is definitely an option. Will consider it. Thanks Kevian.
My computer audio setup has finally arrived in the 21st century:yahoo:. Got rid of the crappy hp netbook and got myself a sony laptop and with jriver media center running in Wasapi event style. I am now getting great sound and Wow!, actually I am amazed at the SQ. Next steps for source - upgrading my DAC, which is now the Ayon CD2s. Some options Weiss, DCS etc., though I will take my time.
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Great Sidvee

Enjoy the convenience .

Just a query - apart from comfort is it wise to move to computer based system from cd format

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Just a query - apart from comfort is it wise to move to computer based system from cd format

Pratim, I asked myself the same question. Tell you what - SQ is no longer the reason one should hold back from Comp. based audio. I can hardly distinguish between a red-book cd playback or a FLAC playback from this setup. And in some cases, I feel, the comp. is better. And as the quality of the DAC gets better I am sure, at-least for me there will be no turning back. Similarly another Hyd. audiophile's setup is sounding superb with his prism Orpheus DAC and Mac mini. So this (comp. or HD based player) is the future in my humble opinion.
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Great Sidvee

Enjoy the convenience .

Just a query - apart from comfort is it wise to move to computer based system from cd format


Yes - quality !

HDD based playback is the future in digital audio.

These kinds of playback systems are currently evolving and most audiophile friendly solutions are currently grossly overpriced since brands are cashing in on the novelty factor. A simple mac mini (or PC) plus an external DAC is a possible solution and many friends who have tried this out have settled down with it.
Sid the Harbeth Super HL5's look great in your set up. Do try not toe-ing in them and see what suits you.

Thank you kindly, Prithvi. Yes I did try firing straight and at a few other angles, but feel that the imaging is most precise with the current angle. The Harbeths do require a bit of time for right positioning (as do most speakers I think), both from the side and rear wall placement, and toe in as well. All in all I arrived at this arrangement after about 2 mos of placement experimentation and have promptly marked the carpet with tape.
So we need to gear up for computer based audio.
What I heard from our fellow member that the Prism Orpheus DAC sounds like extremely good analog source and dead neutral - only negative is the cost :D

We wait for more time to pass so the things become more affordable

Re: Back to tubes (or hybrid)

Here is the latest update to my system. The mighty Symphonic Line Kraft 250 amp. This beast weighs 45kg and pumps 2x250 watts into 8 ohms, 2x400 watts in 4 ohms and a staggering 2 x 1kilowatt into 1 ohm load all highly biased into class A so it runs hot. Specs. aside, how does it sound? My amp. is just breaking in with about 10 hours or so (recommended break in by Rolf - very, very loooong - about a year's worth of listening:sad:), and even though it is new, it sounds divine. Easily, the best amp. I have ever had in my system, and probably the best I have owned. Also, another sublime buying experience from Odyssey(Sridhar) of ARN Systems.
Some future upgrades that I am contemplating:
1. DAC - Prism Orpheus or Dcs debussy or Ayon Skylla
2. Speakers - Planning a long audition process for offerings in the range of $10 - $15k
3. Isolation accessories
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I am guessing this Symphonic Line Kraft 250 switched from class A to AB above 400 watts,i could be wrong.

I thought proper Class A designs have to double as the speaker impedance decreases or dips, there are a few amps which double their power even way up to 0.5 ohms, gryphon class A amplifiers being one of them.

So if it delivers 400 watts at 4 omhs it should deliver 800 watts at 2 and 1600 watts at 1 ohm.This is just my understanding so pardon me if i am wrong :)

Even pass lab class A designs don't double above 4ohm load.

Nice setup you have i am guessing it sounds fantastic, congrats on the new amp and enjoy the music. :)
Purchase the Audiolab 6000A Integrated Amplifier at a special offer price.