Well-Known Member
Yep beyond a point it is all about synergy, flavor and what one likes to hear.
It is time our 'esteemed' members make recommendations from their personal experience than what is 'hear say'
personal experience is paramount rather than views & reviews.
Hi Sid
Congrats on your new amp
Does this amp also needs about an hour or two before it comes to its true character liker the Stratos/Kismet?
How long you keep the amp on before critical listening?
Hearty congratulations, Sid. It would be very interesting to hear from you about the matching of the Harbeth SHL5s with this amp. I have not read about this combination.
An hour or two of warm-up is very usual for many amps. SL probably recommends powering on the amp all the time, but with the quality of power supply in India I wouldn't do it.
Well my compromise with the kraft is to turn it on an hour before any critical listening takes place.but Mr. Slee also recommends that his phono be powered on at all times at least during the break-in period. I have no idea how to do that in India.
BTW, Sid, here is my very humble set-up in my new apartment I have not fine-tuned the set-up yet).
Thank you kindly Asit. I will try to summarize my opinions of this combination. My reference point for this combo. was the use of the Symphonic line Rg7. The Rg7 was simply superb with the Harbeths, but one thing I felt that it was not controlling the 8" woofer to the level I would have wanted it to, which was compromising ever so slightly on bass extension. Though the SHL5 is of above average sensitivity at 91db, its impedence drops to 5 ohms and below at the bass frequencies (precisely where I felt the minor shortcomings of the rg7), so I got thinking that more power injected here would be better. With no desire to move away from the SL house sound I figured that upgrading to the kraft was the best (albeit expensive) option. At this point I would also like to point out that the widely held belief is that the Shl5 is immune to upstream components, and in my initial audition of 2-3 hours I felt the same, but it does respond very well indeed to good electronics and in doing so transforms from very good to exceptional. That is precisely what has happened now. The presentation is so relaxed that a 2 hour session (with brass instruments) is no longer fatiguing or tiresome at all, an experience I have never had before and the kraft is the proverbial iron fist in a velvet glove. Though it is still breaking in, glimpses of how well it can control the 8" woofer is clearly evident. Plus what dynamic swings both macro and micro. I have never heard the shl5's sing like this. Lastly the stage is futher extended well beyoond and above the speakers and there is absolutely no grit or grain in the sound.
You are absolutely right Asit, no way to keep the amp. on at all times.
Well my compromise with the kraft is to turn it on an hour before any critical listening takes place.
Very nice Asit. I like the equipment rack a lot, and the bookshelf adds a classy feel to the listening room, though if you had foregone the doors the books and the shelf would have made for a nice diffuser to first reflections, but dust on books would become a cleaning nightmare.
Though the SHL5 is of above average sensitivity at 91db, its impedence drops to 5 ohms and below at the bass frequencies (precisely where I felt the minor shortcomings of the rg7), so I got thinking that more power injected here would be better. With no desire to move away from the SL house sound I figured that upgrading to the kraft was the best (albeit expensive) option. ..
Congrats and Great going Sidvee. you may be in a very imp point above as very often have heard of Harbeths not being "fast" enough and being Euphonic.
It could just be the wrong synergy (like running with low powered tube amps).
Asit, where did you get the speaker stands from? They look very nice....also do they have a bigger top plate than the usual ones found in the market?
Your part of 2007 setup is now my 2012 year end setupThanks for letting out the Quicksilver mid mono out of your setup and truly it is performing well.
Sid, your rack looks super cool. Where did you procure it from?
And how is your speaker hunt going? Found any worthy successor to the Harbeths?