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Of course, I must admit that I do not have the extensive experience listening to top end commercial brands unlike some FMs like you.

Actually Capt. I still consider myself a novice and still feel that I have a lot to learn. Secondly I also firmly believe that preference for equipment is strongly influenced by the listener's bias (as well as his music preference), and really there is no good or bad. Good sound is essentially what is perceived by the listener. I have had good and bad listening experiences but what I have learnt is not to generalize because one man's meat could be anothers poison. For instance, I have yet to warm up to single driver (cross-over less) spkr. designs, and a recent experience with one such design (that has won numerous raves in the global audiophile world) just did not motivate me enough to consider buying it.
I kind of prefer the 801 matrix over any of their current designs. The non diamond domes are too bright and metallic for my taste. The diamonds are okay but I'd take the matrix over them anyday.
Good sound is essentially what is perceived by the listener. I have had good and bad listening experiences but what I have learnt is not to generalize because one man's meat could be anothers poison.

Can't agree more.:thumbsup:

The guy who came up with the B&W Nautilus design now designs for Vivid.

The designs were so similar! Huh, now I know why.
One model of louspeaker that really blew me away recently, was the Usher be20. I heard it at ARN systems and the macro & micro dynamics of this speaker was amazing and the soundstage it portrayed was stupendous. Unfortunately due to its size it will not work in my room.
Here is a link of a professional review comparing the 800D with various speakers including the be20.

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sidvee, do you have any idea about the Quantum pro device mentioned in the article that you posted the link to ( dagogo)?
sidvee, do you have any idea about the Quantum pro device mentioned in the article that you posted the link to ( dagogo)?

Sorry iaudio,
No idea about this device. Sounds interesting though but Shhh! you will get the rationalist/anti-tweak brigade all riled up:ohyeah:

Great posts about your journey. Really enjoyed it.

As an aside, the anti tweak brigade is not necessarily rationalist. They just follow a certain kind of rationale.
Some Recent system upgrades:
1. Ayon Skylla II DAC
2. M2tech Hiface Evo - trio usb to spdif converter
My computer based source has finally come of age, and I feel it is now equal to or better than cd playback with FLAC and WAV files.
Next - Music PC to replace the Sony Laptop (consulting with FM rud3dawg) & Speaker upgrade.


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Absolutely Drphil, and thanks a lot, but with one difference, IMO, it is digital done right:)
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Sidvee, did you evaluate any other SPDIF converter ?

I auditioned the emprical audio off ramp. I wanted to get a Berkley Audio designs Alpha, but only option was to buy. My plan was to choose between these three - emprical, BADA and m2tech. Down the road I plan to get BADA unit as well. One thing however, the converters sound way superior than direct built in usb's of DAC's.
Here is a fairly accurate review of the m2tech units IMO:
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Thanks Sid, I have been reading on the audiophelio + power supply. I liked the fact that there is an option to connect it direct to the Dac without a digital cable. It's like takin one link out of the chain.
Not sure if anyone has heard it
Thanks Sid, I have been reading on the audiophelio + power supply. I liked the fact that there is an option to connect it direct to the Dac without a digital cable. It's like takin one link out of the chain.
Not sure if anyone has heard it

Yes that should be a good option as well Arj, but I have not heard it.
Most recent upgrades:
Added music pc.
Added creative cable concepts green hornet dig. coax cable replacing tara labs.
Oppo bdp83 is being used as an occasional cd transport, which I plan to do away entirely with once I digitize my preferred jazz cd's.
System is sounding excellent.
This concludes computer based source upgrades hopefully for the next year or so.
Now I will concentrate on speaker auditioning.


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Uhuh, until that dreaded disease with no known cure strikes again-upgraditis!

I look at it in a different way George. You know the famous saying
"Lack of ambition is equal to death", well I want to feel alive through my system.:lol:.
Wharfedale Linton Heritage Speakers in Walnut finish at a Special Offer Price. BUY now before the price increase.