Batery powered DIY CNC phono stage


Hi all,
I am going to order another batch of CNC PCB from Pcbpower.Omishra has done some modification in PCB.Please express your interest in this thread for PCB.Cost of PCB would be approx Rs200+shipping and will take 15 days.

Re: PCb

Hi all,
I am going to order another batch of CNC PCB from Pcbpower.Omishra has done some modification in PCB.Please express your interest in this thread for PCB.Cost of PCB would be approx Rs200+shipping and will take 15 days.


This is the pcb -

Re: PCb

Hi O Mishra,

I am interested and would like to know the total cost of the project per unit and also something about its sound quality compared to that of low to medium priced equivalents available commercially.


Hi Miroflex,
Total cost would be approx Rs 2000/-.SQ is also very superior than most of low to medium budget and even some high end MM Phonostages.You can find some very good reviews on Audiokarma.

Re: PCb

Hi O Mishra,

I am interested and would like to know the total cost of the project per unit and also something about its sound quality compared to that of low to medium priced equivalents available commercially.


There is no different as compared to previous CNC phono stage PCB. It was provided to us as pdf image file. So manufacturing limitation was there. Now I recreated it using CAD software. So we have machine files for getting it done from automated machine manufacturing process.

This has same components and similar layout with rearrangement of some components. Sound impressions are supposed to be intact (or enhanced) as reviewed by earlier kit.

Now your question about comparison wrt other phono stages - I have good impression of CNC MM phono stage as compared to my 75.00 USD price phono stage. No complaint about this design. Also it sounded at par with 500.00 USD phono stage.
Can we do the changes in the previous battery powered CNC pcb (assuming the change is only in the power supply to have a proper AC-DC converter)?
Can we do the changes in the previous battery powered CNC pcb (assuming the change is only in the power supply to have a proper AC-DC converter)?

Hi Sajith,
I am running it on cheap (15Rs each) two 9v batteries and lasting me 36-38 hrs(approx).Batteries has an advantage over power supplies as it has pure DC voltage and no noice.Power supplies can add noise that's why most of higher end Phoostages are powered by batteries.You can use B1 power supply in place of batteries,I am going to use B1 PS for CNC.Our DIY B1 powersupply should be very low noise and hopefully it will do a good job for CNC.
You can always return to batteries if you don't like its sound on powersupply.

My plan was to use 2 or 3 sets of rechargeable 9v batteries which can be selected using a selector switch to power the CNC. I need to find a solution to recharge them when they are not in use without disturbing the working battery. I will stick with the battery PS if it is the best solution.

So what you mean to say is that, if I want to check the performance of the external PS, I can use it from the B1 pcb w/o doing any modifications, right?
Hi O Mishra and Sachu888,

Thank you very much for your clarifications. Can the phono stage be built as a full fledged pre amplifier with switchable inputs and volume and other controls? Will this require considerable additions and alterations to the original design or is it a feasible proposition?

Hi O Mishra and Sachu888,

Thank you very much for your clarifications. Can the phono stage be built as a full fledged pre amplifier with switchable inputs and volume and other controls? Will this require considerable additions and alterations to the original design or is it a feasible proposition?


If you have missed another DIY thread where this is already happening.

Preamp - PASS B1
Volume Control - Lightspeed
Power Supply this and this with and 30VA R-Core transformer.

And from ebay I am going to use this kind of source selector. One input to source selector will come through CNC phono as dedicated TT source.

I am expecting total solution for preamp in one box.
If you have missed another DIY thread where this is already happening.

Preamp - PASS B1
Volume Control - Lightspeed
Power Supply this and this with and 30VA R-Core transformer.

And from ebay I am going to use this kind of source selector. One input to source selector will come through CNC phono as dedicated TT source.

I am expecting total solution for preamp in one box.

Hi O Mishra,

The total solution for a pre amp may turn out to be very expensive. Do you have any estimate of the expected cost of construction? I have been away from the DIY scene for so long (late 1960s or early 1970s) that I have no idea of sources for components or of prices thereof.

Hi O Mishra,

The total solution for a pre amp may turn out to be very expensive. Do you have any estimate of the expected cost of construction? I have been away from the DIY scene for so long (late 1960s or early 1970s) that I have no idea of sources for components or of prices thereof.

Cost runs like this ->Approx values. w/o shipping etc

Power Supply -> Rs 700
PASS B1 -> Rs 2000
Lightspeed -> Rs 1100
R-Core trans -> Rs 700
CNC Phono -> Rs 2000
Source selector -> rs 1500
RCA connectors -> Rs 500
Knobs -> 600 Rs
Cabinet -> 150
faceplate -> unknown
Misc/mounting -> 200

Total ~11-11.5K

These parts I am collecting from long time, almost last 6-8 months. Now I will build them after all these kits are with me.
I know they are high in cost against $75 ready preamp. but I am sure I used every part which is reviewed worldwide by audio enthusiasts. This will be great than all of cost saving solutions. [This is my assumption and dreamed expectation]

Plus DIY satisfaction as Bonus. :)
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Cost runs like this ->Approx values. w/o shipping etc

Power Supply -> Rs 700
PASS B1 -> Rs 2000
Lightspeed -> Rs 1100
R-Core trans -> Rs 700
CNC Phono -> Rs 2000
Source selector -> rs 1500
RCA connectors -> Rs 500
Knobs -> 600 Rs
Cabinet -> 150
faceplate -> unknown
Misc/mounting -> 200

Total ~11-11.5K

These parts I am collecting from long time, almost last 6-8 months. Now I will build them after all these kits are with me.
I know they are high in cost against $75 ready preamp. but I am sure I used every part which is reviewed worldwide by audio enthusiasts. This will be great than all of cost saving solutions. [This is my assumption and dreamed expectation]

Plus DIY satisfaction as Bonus. :)

This is a great saving without compromising on parts.
For example :Nelson pass sells B1(fully completed,commercial version)@ $1000.
George sells Lightspeed @ $500
I built my CNC in $ 100.It can compare with any highend phonostage and has a variable cartridge loading option(very few phonos offer this for mm cart).

My plan was to use 2 or 3 sets of rechargeable 9v batteries which can be selected using a selector switch to power the CNC. I need to find a solution to recharge them when they are not in use without disturbing the working battery. I will stick with the battery PS if it is the best solution.

So what you mean to say is that, if I want to check the performance of the external PS, I can use it from the B1 pcb w/o doing any modifications, right?

Hi Sajith,
Omishra and Quad designed a well filtered regulated power supply which can be used for Pass B1,Lightspeed Attunater and CNC phono at the same time.
Hi O Mishra,

Thanks for a very detailed cost break up. You mention that you collected the various components over a period of 6-8 months. Was this long time period due to difficulties in identifying sources of supply or natural delays.

Hi Sachu888,

Thank you for a very positive and encouraging response. Mishraji mentions a total cost of around Rs.11k to Rs.11.5k while you mention a figure of $100. Am I comparing apples with oranges?

Thanks for a very detailed cost break up. You mention that you collected the various components over a period of 6-8 months. Was this long time period due to difficulties in identifying sources of supply or natural delays.
Actually, I did not want to sell fortune in one month.;) So I bought over time by reading reviews of each part/module and budget permissions. If you have money then everything could be bought instantly, online.

Thank you for a very positive and encouraging response. Mishraji mentions a total cost of around Rs.11k to Rs.11.5k while you mention a figure of $100. Am I comparing apples with oranges?
What I mentioned was total cost.
Sachin mentioned cost of ready items
Item -> ready cost -> approx cost after DIY here
PASS B1 -> 1000$ -> 2000Rs
LightSpeed -> 500$ -> 1100Rs
CNC phono -> diy 100$ -> 2000Rs
I hope I cleared everything
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