Batery powered DIY CNC phono stage

Hi O Mishra,

Thanks for a very detailed cost break up. You mention that you collected the various components over a period of 6-8 months. Was this long time period due to difficulties in identifying sources of supply or natural delays.

Hi Sachu888,

Thank you for a very positive and encouraging response. Mishraji mentions a total cost of around Rs.11k to Rs.11.5k while you mention a figure of $100. Am I comparing apples with oranges?


Hi Miroflex,
I was talking about my CNC phono only,which I built in $100(PCB from Ak member Hypnotoad+Digikey parts+shippng+Custom duty and Octroi),later we had a group buy for the same and members saved more than 50% in that.

The total solution for a pre amp may turn out to be very expensive.

Power Supply -> Rs 700
PASS B1 -> Rs 2000
Lightspeed -> Rs 1100
R-Core trans -> Rs 700
CNC Phono -> Rs 2000
Source selector -> rs 1500
RCA connectors -> Rs 500
Knobs -> 600 Rs
Cabinet -> 150
faceplate -> unknown
Misc/mounting -> 200

Total ~11-11.5K

Am I comparing apples with oranges?

Miroflex, actually speaking, yes you are:) $100 that is sachin is talking about is just for the phono stage whereas what Mishra quoted is for a complete line stage (Pre-amp) plus LDR (far superior to the regular pot) plus CNC phono stage.

Check this out for comparison: -

Nelson pass sells B1(fully completed,commercial version)@ $1000.

That is about Rs. 52K + shipping and customs

George sells Lightspeed @ $500

That is about Rs. 26K + shipping and customs

I built my CNC in $ 100.It can compare with any highend phonostage and has a variable cartridge loading option(very few phonos offer this for mm cart).

A phono stage worth it's salt comes in nothing less than Rs. 20K + shipping and customs

We are talking about a product worth more than a lakh here! Even assuming that the DIY product gives just 50% of the performance of commercial products mentioned above, (I'm sure that the performance would be > 90%) it still works out to more than Rs. 50K

Plus DIY satisfaction as Bonus. :)

How about that?
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Capt Rajesh,

Thank you for giving a very complete and holistic picture of the comparative advantages of this DIY project. I find the following difficulties in taking up DIY projects either on this site or elsewhere.

1. A lack of clear cut statements of the capabilities of the finished product.

2. Sourcing of components from different sources with the danger that some of the sources may have dried up.

3. Inadequate information about total cost of the project due to a lot of loose ends left for each constructor to tie up on his own.

It may be a good idea for a person or group of persons to come forward in respect of 2 above. I am glad that this is happening in the case of certain projects like the best ever deal for loudspeaker kits.

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snip snip///

I find the following difficulties in taking up DIY projects either on this site or elsewhere.

1. A lack of clear cut statements of the capabilities of the finished product.

2. Sourcing of components from different sources with the danger that some of the sources may have dried up.

3. Inadequate information about total cost of the project due to a lot of loose ends left for each constructor to tie up on his own.


Well said could not have put it better....add one more a fixed
budget when you start up.....

and that is precisely the reason why I enjoy DIY....what a challenge!!!:ohyeah: and finally most times you are pleasantly surprised...:D

of course YMMV
Sir Jee no offense meant.

I find the following difficulties in taking up DIY projects either on this site or elsewhere.

1. A lack of clear cut statements of the capabilities of the finished product.
Capabilities of these widely published projects are easy to know once you follow first post in the thread. It is understood that person knows about the project and own usage. Here we always discussed probable use case and current project under consideration. We are not designers, just copiers or arrangers.

2. Sourcing of components from different sources with the danger that some of the sources may have dried up.
Here we try to help fellow FM to rip same benefit and joy which we encountered in building. There are always sources and parts available, You need to ask for the same. Somebody will know good source for it.

3. Inadequate information about total cost of the project due to a lot of loose ends left for each constructor to tie up on his own.

It may be a good idea for a person or group of persons to come forward in respect of 2 above. I am glad that this is happening in the case of certain projects like the best ever deal for loudspeaker kits.
Cost of final product can not be predicted. Because much efforts it takes to locate and bargain for the same. Rupee is fluctuating everyday, Custom Duties are charged or not (depend upon which side of bed that Custom Officer got down that morning) etc. Still we try to give ballpark figures with 10% +/-. Final goal is to maximize quality and minimize cost. [no profit expectation] Again where and how you use it, cost escalates.

What else I can say?
for example - I told my use case, price quote is difference. Because I used knobs costing >500Rs, It could cost 25Rs also. I ordered R-Core 30VA transformer for ~700Rs but EI will settle to ~50Rs. Some other fellow may not like my idea, he/she will use this project in different way, cost will be different.

Once I built an audiophile, hi-power, PWM amp kit with minimum cost. I was happy for the same. Other guy looked and took privilege of low cost for kit. He used that same kit for inverter to amplify 50Hz and send that to step up transformer. :sad: Still cribbing that this kit does not have support for low voltage operation. :rolleyes:
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I find the following difficulties in taking up DIY projects either on this site or elsewhere.
OK we will take your concerns point by point.

1. A lack of clear cut statements of the capabilities of the finished product.

All the components that are being taken up i.e. the CNC phono stage, B1 Buffer pre-amp and the Light Speed Attenuator have got rave reviews on the net and would give a reasonably clear picture of what to expect IMO.

@ Sachin, Omishra & Quad, it may be a good idea if you guys could post the exact parts of the several threads where the characteristics of these components have been described.

2. Sourcing of components from different sources with the danger that some of the sources may have dried up.

In respect of the CNC phono stage, Sachin has provided the PCB and all components. May be it is a good idea to also source the trafo of requisite rating, the Chassis, all the connectors and knobs so that people who are totally new to DIY can also join in.

3. Inadequate information about total cost of the project due to a lot of loose ends left for each constructor to tie up on his own.

I hope a ball park figure has already been given by Omishra. You can expect a cost escalation of may be 10% but since there are so many variables like better connectors, better switches, better chassis and the likes, as Omishra stated, the total cost can even go up by even 100%.

It may be a good idea for a person or group of persons to come forward in respect of 2 above. I am glad that this is happening in the case of certain projects like the best ever deal for loudspeaker kits
Thank you sir I'll take it as a compliment; only thing is there are still some loose ends to tie.:)
Hi O Mishraji,

I always enjoy reading your posts which I find informative and interesting. I would not dream of taking offense at a very considerate and patient attempt to help me as well as others who may be similarly placed. All your points are well taken.

I agree that most of us are following and copying circuits designed by others and are not designers ourselves. My point was that we may like to know more about the likely performance than is available in the first post which may be either too brief or too adulatory. It may not be enough to guide a beginner or one re-entering DIY after a long gap like me. When I first entered the field there were books on the subject containing circuit diagrams and constructional details. Normally the name and fame of the author and the reputation of the publisher plus the write up on the project helped us in deciding which project to take up. Here also some of the popular projects are by reputed designers and well known to some fellow members. Other projects may be less well known and some of us may like to know more before taking them up.

There was a time when discrete components were easily available even in smaller towns due to there being a large number repairers and a few hobbyists. With the growth of a "use and throw" culture and the prevalence of "buy back" schemes, it is only in specific locations of metros like Lamington Road, Mumbai that parts can be bought. Maybe the net also provides sources of parts but all of us may not be very net savvy. I agree with you that many DIYers may like to source parts themselves. Beginners, however, may be happier and more at ease with a kit of parts. This is a felt need which can be voiced through this site and may result in some suppliers coming forward with kits. A good example is the Capt Rajesh guided best deal ever for loudspeaker kits.

I agree with you that it may not be possible to accurately estimate costs of projects and one may have to go with a ballpark figure.

I am sorry to inflict my personal difficulties on so large an audience or rather readership but I may be voicing the concerns of other beginners or those living in smaller cities or towns, to say nothing of rural areas. Once again, let me thank you and others like you who are providing much needed guidance to many of us.

Dear Capt Rajesh,

Thank you very much for your very well worded replies to some difficulties expressed by me. Hifivision indeed provides much needed help and advice to DIYers and many interesting projects have been taken up and completed by fellow members.

Experienced DIYers living in the four or more metropolitan cities may find it easier to source components from local suppliers. I appreciate the efforts made by senior and experienced members not only in sharing their knowledge and experience but also in investing their time and money in sourcing parts and PCBs for those living in far flung areas.

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@ Sachin, Omishra & Quad, it may be a good idea if you guys could post the exact parts of the several threads where the characteristics of these components have been described.

The issue is that some of these modules were designed by DIYers,
either individually, or collectively on various forums (notable

Many of the designers may not have the resources for proper performance
characterization, or the info may be lurking in a thread running into
hundreds of pages on diyaudio.
Performance depends also on so many factors such as choice of components, build quality, such
as wiring, layout, chassis material, interconnects and so on.

All of these modules will come as the first hit in a google search for the appropriate
item - eg. search for "LightSpeed LDR". Do use this facility.

I think each person should sign up for the group buy only after
having researched about the item, it's performance, the cost benefit
of a local group buy, your own time, interest, inclination and capability
for DIY etc.

A lot of background effort and time goes in into these groups buys,
and I really appreciate folks like Sachin, Capt Rajesh, Linuxguru
for spending all the effort and time, for our common benefit.
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And from ebay I am going to use this kind of source selector. One input to source selector will come through CNC phono as dedicated TT source.

Om, I will post my source selector files on the B1 group buy list. Please
see if you find it useful to add. Cost will be very low - Rs 150 or so.
I am sorry to inflict my personal difficulties on so large an audience or rather readership

Hifivision indeed provides much needed help and advice to DIYers and many interesting projects have been taken up and completed by fellow members.

Dear Miroflex,

Having interacted with you over phone sometime back, I preferred to address you by name rather than 'forum handle' but didn't want to do it without your concurrence.

Firstly, you don't need to be so apologetic for voicing your concerns; we are nothing less than a well knit family, may be of different textures, materials, colours and hues but nevertheless, well knit.:)

Trust me, we have come a long way since the first DIY group buy was announced by our forum member 'Linuxguru' who was given an infraction for 'violation of forum rules of promoting his product' Check the thread here


Dear Miroflex,

Having interacted with you over phone sometime back, I preferred to address you by name rather than 'forum handle' but didn't want to do it without your concurrence.

Firstly, you don't need to be so apologetic for voicing your concerns; we are nothing less than a well knit family, may be of different textures, materials, colours and hues but nevertheless, well knit.:)

Trust me, we have come a long way since the first DIY group buy was announced by our forum member 'Linuxguru' who was given an infraction for 'violation of forum rules of promoting his product' Check the thread here



+1 agreed.

CNC Phono stage -

Original PCB

Our PCB (next batch)


Part list -

All CNC parts are available with Element14 link:

2 X Opamps ANALOG DEVICES|AD823ANZ|IC, OP AMP, FET R/R DUAL 16MHZ | element14 India
4 X 3.83Kohm MULTICOMP|MCMF0W4DF3831A50|RESISTOR, 3K83 , 0.25W 0.5% 50PPM | element14 India
4 X 3.32K OHM
2 X CAP FILM 0.027UF 50VDC RADIAL PANASONIC|ECQV1H273JL|CAPACITOR, 27NF, 50V, 5% | element14 India
2 X CAP .033UF 50V STACK METAL FILM PANASONIC|ECQV1H333JL|CAPACITOR, 33NF, 50V, 5% | element14 India
PANASONIC|ECQV1H473JL|CAPACITOR, FILM, 50V, 47NF | element14 India
4 X RES METAL FILM 100 OHM 1/4W 1%KOA|MF1/4CC1000F|RESISTOR, METAL FILM, 0.25W, 1 | element14 India
4 X RES METAL FILM 150 OHM 1/4W 1% KOA|MF1/4CC1500F|RESISTOR, METAL FILM, 0.25W, 1 | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 18.0K OHM 1/4W 1%MULTICOMP|MF25 18K|RESISTOR, 0.25W 1% 18K | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 2.20K OHM 1/4W 1%KOA|MF1/4CC2201F|RESISTOR, METAL FILM, 0.25W, 1 | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 200 OHM 1/4W 1%KOA|MF1/4CC2000F|RESISTOR, METAL FILM, 0.25W, 1 | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 27.0K OHM 1/4W 1%MULTICOMP|MF25 27K|RESISTOR, 0.25W 1% 27K | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 33.0K OHM 1/4W 1%KOA|MF1/4CC3302F|RESISTOR, METAL FILM, 0.25W, 1 | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 47.0K OHM 1/4W 1%KOA|MF1/4CC4702F|RESISTOR, METAL FILM, 0.25W, 1 | element14 India
2 x RES METAL FILM 62.0K OHM 1/4W 1%MULTICOMP|MF25 62K|RESISTOR, 0.25W 1% 62K | element14 India
2 X RES METAL FILM 750 OHM 1/4W 1%MULTICOMP|MF25 750R|RESISTOR, 0.25W 1% 750R | element14 India
2 x DIP SWITCH SPST Gold confirm specifications before buying)

Other remaining non critical parts can be bought locally:

2 X 9V Batteries
2 X 9V Battery connectors
2 X Op amp Socket
1 X TOGGLE DPST switch
4 X Chassis mount RCA jacks

Part Source local + online

Total approx. cost PCB+ Parts = 2000Rs
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Dear Miroflex,

Having interacted with you over phone sometime back, I preferred to address you by name rather than 'forum handle' but didn't want to do it without your concurrence.

Firstly, you don't need to be so apologetic for voicing your concerns; we are nothing less than a well knit family, may be of different textures, materials, colours and hues but nevertheless, well knit.:)

Trust me, we have come a long way since the first DIY group buy was announced by our forum member 'Linuxguru' who was given an infraction for 'violation of forum rules of promoting his product' Check the thread here



Dear Capt Rajesh,

You are welcome to address me by my first name.

I agree that hifivision is like a well knit family with each member contributing his/her thoughts and suggestions.

It is interesting to know that the growth of the DIY movement within hifivision was not without some teething troubles.

Re: Cnc pcb

Is this to be combined with a phono or is it going to be a standalone preamp like Pass B1?


Hi G0bble,
This is a standalone preamp and can be paired with any source.Total cost should not be more than Rs 1000/-

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