Beginner stereo setup(for Movies) under 30k

provide a good movie experience
Good Movie Experience Depends 55% on Audio System and 45% on display when they're equally matched. C9 is a brilliant display, what you are looking for is a comparable audio quality. I'm afraid you'd have to raise your audio budget to C9 levels.

Otherwise if Budget is not extendable; a decent HTIB from Onkyo, or Yamaha is a good starting point. Jbl S350 Soundbar with Wireless Subwoofer is another good option. Don't waste your budget in FX audio amp in my opinion, YMMV. Step wise upgrade option is good too. Don't buy anything without listening first.
The c9 has a line out which is quite decent. Use the option audio-line out from the sound menu. It’s quite decent. Most TVs have a bad headphone out but lg has a switchable port which is a dac out. At your budget I would pick up the best speaker I can afford, then spend less than that for amp and the cheapest decent sounding dac possible. But since like I said the tv has a proper line out at the beginning I won’t bother to get an entry level dac. Less complications is the benefit here. Check out audiosciencereview.comto see what speakers at your budget measures the best. If you are a subjective person, then choose what feels the best to your ears.
I just checked my back panel. It does have Headphone and AV out. It’s a relief that i can skip DAC for now. I am now looking at Norge 2030 as it seems decent and powerful enough to drive speakers like JBL A130/ Polk T50FS/ Tannoy Eclipse 2.
I was wondering how good Yamaha FS NS8390/NS F71 are as availing Yamaha services is easy for me.
Honestly your budget is little tight for a good sounding setup at a tv viewing distance. If you are getting bookshelf’s you need good stands to get the right spaciousness, imaging and so on. If you get floor standers they are not cheap as the bookshelf counter parts. Getting a cheap desktop based computer speaker is good for a desktop but not optimized for a counch listening due to their smaller drivers and narrow directivity. At this budget I think getting a active pairs like the jbl 305p can be a viable option if you invest the rest on good stands from soundfoundation. The best pick would have been a pioneer Andrew Jones speakers with a decent class d amp. But those are no longer available anywhere.

I know, the budget is really tight, but for right now this is my constraint(blame it on the oled that drained me). JBL 305p is within my budget but what confuses me is their soundstage. Will they be good and loud enough for a medium size room?
I just checked my back panel. It does have Headphone and AV out. It’s a relief that i can skip DAC for now. I am now looking at Norge 2030 as it seems decent and powerful enough to drive speakers like JBL A130/ Polk T50FS/ Tannoy Eclipse 2.
I was wondering how good Yamaha FS NS8390/NS F71 are as availing Yamaha services is easy for me.

Know that you won't be able to control volume with LG's own remote with line out. So whatever you get, ensure that it has a remote for controlling volume.
I know, the budget is really tight, but for right now this is my constraint(blame it on the oled that drained me). JBL 305p is within my budget but what confuses me is their soundstage. Will they be good and loud enough for a medium size room?

Might fall short. Check out the review of JBL 305P on audiosciencereview. Soundstage is pretty good though because of well controlled horizontal directivity. JBL Stage A130 will fare better for home usage in terms of volume.
Know that you won't be able to control volume with LG's own remote with line out. So whatever you get, ensure that it has a remote for controlling volume.
Aah. Thank you for pointing this out. Will definitely keep that in mind.
Also, I have already shortlisted A130.
@drkrack I am not a big fan of 5.1 setup, otherwise Yamaha YHT 1840 was a decent start and within budget. Auditioning any speaker is extremely difficult right now, but will ask Yamaha dealer for demo of Yamaha FS. Not a big fan of expensive soundbars though.
Since you've mentioned Yamaha as a preferred choice and from what I could gather, you're looking for a budget stereo amp, right?
I can suggest the Yamaha N303 stereo amp from recent personal experience. Cost me just around 25k and is being used in a CD playback + phone streaming listening setup for my mom. Sounds fantastic to me and more importantly, for her! Has all sorts of connectivity options, digital, analog and streaming. Is a very solid and worthwhile investment as a first stereo amp and will work very well for your movie watching need.
Speakers being used in the rig are Polk Rti A1s

@Jayant_S I will go and check with my Yamaha dealer. If I can get a good deal and audition, then it’s definitely going to provide peace of mind to me. I will also check their FS if they can arrange. Also, N202 is for 21k without discounts. It do lack optical inputs but now i think i can use AV out port of my tv to connect with it. And it also has A+B option which will help in adding a sub later, if needed.
I know, the budget is really tight, but for right now this is my constraint(blame it on the oled that drained me). JBL 305p is within my budget but what confuses me is their soundstage. Will they be good and loud enough for a medium size room?

If you have a bigger room then the JBL LSR308 is better. It is listed as a midfield monitor. This means it is rated for use within 2-4 metres distance away and provide the intended effect.

For active speakers the amp is perfectly matched to the speaker and they tend to be better powered unless you're using an expensive amp. Do note you will need to power each speaker unlike passives.
I am a bit confused... The movie experience involves clear dialog and great bgm...which entails atleast 3.1 setup so the center channel delivers the dialog as it is from the display (above/below). Stereo setup is good for music for a large room but it is better to have surround setup for 220 sq ft room.

Also the quality of audio depends on the dac and iam not sure of the c9 able to produce them thru line out.
What will b the source for ur movies. If it is regular cable then u can forget quality. If it is HD channels/tv aops like netflix prime hotstar, u need amp to decode DD/DD+.
C9 may play them thru its own speakers but in lineout it will 2 ch pcm or passthru DD/DD+ to b processed at ur amp. Any other player or pc or stb u can pass them thru ur amp to ur tv so that ur amp handles audio and ur tv plays video

Invest in a good amp with digital/coax/4k passthru hdmi inputs. Preferably with zone2 outputs/ preamp mode. Add good towers/center/sub.Tv will pass audio thru hdmi arc or use digital inputs.

Source audio quality and the amp processing them plays major role in the speaker output.
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I am a bit confused... The movie experience involves clear dialog and great bgm...which entails atleast 3.1 setup so the center channel delivers the dialog as it is from the display (above/below). Stereo setup is good for music for a large room but it is better to have surround setup for 220 sq ft room.

Also the quality of audio depends on the dac and iam not sure of the c9 able to produce them thru line out.
What will b the source for ur movies. If it is regular cable then u can forget quality. If it is HD channels/tv aops like netflix prime hotstar, u need amp to decode DD/DD+.
C9 may play them thru its own speakers but in lineout it will 2 ch pcm or passthru DD/DD+ to b processed at ur amp. Any other player or pc or stb u can pass them thru ur amp to ur tv so that ur amp handles audio and ur tv plays video

Invest in a good amp with digital/coax/4k passthru hdmi inputs. Preferably with zone2 outputs/ preamp mode. Add good towers/center/sub.Tv will pass audio thru hdmi arc or use digital inputs.

Source audio quality and the amp processing them plays major role in the speaker output.
His budget is 30k, and that’s too many things to fit into a 30k budget. I personally had used many entry level dacs and some middle tier ones like the chord mojo, Audiolab MDac, had a borrowed rme device for some time. To me at the lowest budget, get good speakers, as that’s the one which contributes most to the sound. At a total of 30k budget, speaker of choice won’t reveal minute nuances between several dacs, and my b7s line out is “good enough”. It sounds something like an apples headphone out in tonatlity but since it’s a proper line out it won’t change tonality with change in volume due to no change Impedance.

jblA120 or 130, or pioneer andrew Jones bs or something of that sort + an amp would be best bet if he wants to stay in the budget. I don’t know why amp is best in this budget.somthing like this

Also the 2.0 output plays every Chanel of the audio down mixed or the content will always itself have a down mixed version. You don’t normally miss any sound in a 2.0 config.
His budget is 30k, and that’s too many things to fit into a 30k budget. I personally had used many entry level dacs and some middle tier ones like the chord mojo, Audiolab MDac, had a borrowed rme device for some time. To me at the lowest budget, get good speakers, as that’s the one which contributes most to the sound. At a total of 30k budget, speaker of choice won’t reveal minute nuances between several dacs, and my b7s line out is “good enough”. It sounds something like an apples headphone out in tonatlity but since it’s a proper line out it won’t change tonality with change in volume due to no change Impedance.

jblA120 or 130, or pioneer andrew Jones bs or something of that sort + an amp would be best bet if he wants to stay in the budget. I don’t know why amp is best in this budget.somthing like this

Also the 2.0 output plays every Chanel of the audio down mixed or the content will always itself have a down mixed version. You don’t normally miss any sound in a 2.0 config.
I agree with your last para that 2.0 does not miss any data. For music which is intended to b heard as stereo 2.0 ch is best.
Since his requirement is majority for movies from tv apps which are meant to be enjoyed in immersive modealongwith visuals,better to have amp. As u said in 2 ch mode everything is downmixed so minute fine sounds are drowned in louder ones if it is not properly processed and directed to speakers.
In his initial post his budget for ind speakers itself was around the total budget. Assumed 30k for amp/dac alone
jblA120 or 130, or pioneer andrew Jones bs or something of that sort + an amp would be best bet if he wants to stay in the budget. I don’t know why amp is best in this budget.somthing like this

Isn't SMSL Q5 PRO a better choice, or the Amp offerings from FX Audio? I curious to know why you suggested this SMSL DA8s. Is it due to its power output?
If you have a bigger room then the JBL LSR308 is better. It is listed as a midfield monitor. This means it is rated for use within 2-4 metres distance away and provide the intended effect.

For active speakers the amp is perfectly matched to the speaker and they tend to be better powered unless you're using an expensive amp. Do note you will need to power each speaker unlike passives.
JBLs are within my radar. I have to wait till monday to check on them. Will also check Yamaha amp and FS also.
@Pons @Passive_audio_enthusiast I do understand the limitations my budget imposes on my listening experience. That is why I am not looking for something brilliant and amazing. I want to have a decent movie experience, better than the soundbars in the same budget. I can easily go for Yamaha Ys209 which is supposed to be one of the best soundbars within 35k, but I know an IA+BS/FS will provide me a better aural experience comparatively.
As I have mentioned earlier, i was aiming for an IA within 15k + Speakers for 15-20k, which I considered good enough for someone who have been using 4-5k 2.1 speakers till now.
This is going to be my first step into the HiFi world and I am trying to keep it reasonable and within budget.
If you are looking as passive speakers rather than the ones you listed below 20k I would by used so I can now get the speakers with MRP at 25-35K at <20K. Q Acoustics 3010, 3020, Wharfedale Diamond 220,225 and Dali Zensor 1,3 would be on my radar.

Get the least cost decent amp also used. Very good deals are to be had on the forum.
Also if you are clear that movies are your first preference I'd probably lean towards used Zensors. Polk or Klipsch are also good brands for movies but I honestly haven't heard any of their budget models nor do I know their prices so I won't comment.
@Pons @Passive_audio_enthusiast I do understand the limitations my budget imposes on my listening experience. That is why I am not looking for something brilliant and amazing. I want to have a decent movie experience, better than the soundbars in the same budget. I can easily go for Yamaha Ys209 which is supposed to be one of the best soundbars within 35k, but I know an IA+BS/FS will provide me a better aural experience comparatively.
As I have mentioned earlier, i was aiming for an IA within 15k + Speakers for 15-20k, which I considered good enough for someone who have been using 4-5k 2.1 speakers till now.
This is going to be my first step into the HiFi world and I am trying to keep it reasonable and within budget.

Actually you can get Samsung Q60R for 25-26k, and it'll give you a center channel for clearer dialogs, decently balanced sonic performance with good bass till 40 Hz and a decently wide soundstage. Plus, virtual surround if needed. Samsung's Surround mode doesnt hurt vocals like DTS Virtual X dows. If you aren't getting an AVR and can't upgrade, a 3.1 channel soundbar gives more functionality and good center performance. Plus, you can add rear speakers later if you want. Option is open. With an amp, you lose a lot of what's importantly for movies. Plus, a lot of the speakers that are popular aren't inherently better than soundbars. If I remember correctly, Fyne Audio's speakers measure horribly. Like worse that soundbars. Lol
I think the best bet would be to get the Tannoy Eclipse 2 from Hifimart and a decent Amp like Norge 2060 or 2000 (depending on the budget, both priced around 12k+ new)
You can connect them with the Line out from your TV for the time being and later when budget permits you could get a used DAC like the Schiit Modi 2 with optical input (around 5-6k)
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