For your very first example about the BIC subs ...wasn’t that a dead give away that the seller is unethical telling you Pay me first and then I ll show you the bill ?
From all your posts you seem to against price arbitraging. While some may find it unethical some may find them as normal since it is a business transaction based on supply demand.
As a buyer one is looking for value , that is why he is ending up in used market .if today’s MRP is a lac and am getting an used, well maintained and no repair history amp for say 60k(even though the seller might have got his for 50k 3 years back ) I will still buy it ! At least personally I don’t see an issue .
however Your side of argument is about how can he price is above his billed price ! Looks like you are more concerned about the seller profit or lack of it rather than the buyers
If bills are made mandatory do you think this would end price arbitrage ? I don’t think so.
As long as the new price keeps increasing (esp at the rate which it goes up these days) I don’t think it will stop arbitrage.
However one point I will agree is Authenticity of purchase ? Yes it will rule out grey market goods .
While you may have a great habit of keeping all bills secured (digitally or otherwise) you can’t expect all others to be on the same plane and give shock reactions for failing to do so ! For example i keep bills for high value items however for a 50k amp I don’t even remember the bill. Yes if I were to sell it, I can get a duplicate invoice from the dealer, if the buyer Insists but making it a mandatory field during posting I find it hard ! Moreover what about those items;
Which are brought as used from fellow members (who didn’t share you the bill)
I have seen Items here where the owners are more than 4 or more with long history !
What about items with vintage value
What about items brought abroad (that bill is of no use anyway taking into account the exchange rate and at the time of purchase)
my point is keep it simple. If you want HFV to protect members from unscrupulous sellers there are other better ways. For example the recently introduced 91 day 91 post mandate . After 91 posts you ll clearly know if that guy is an enthusiast or a random OLX seller ! All said and done, the onus is truly on the buyer than anyone else including HFV ! If you don’t do your due diligence you ll end up with a bitter story. Have been at a receiving end of one such bad deal and lost 15k over it . The interesting part isn’t he entire story is I was the Seller ! The buyer said he will pay the remaining once the product reaches his hand and then I never heard from him . But if there is one person to blame in that entire episode it’s ME !