Beware of this OLX seller (scammer)

olx is 100% safe if we remain cautious as long as we do not fall for greed owing to attractive and often unrealistic offers.
Faceless transactions always have a risk factor. Tread carefully and always remember the adage "The ain't no such thing as a free lunch"

I would agree with you Sir. OLX is safe provided precautions are taken and one does not fall for unrealistic prices. A person selling valuable stuff generally knows the price and will never sell it at a throw away price.
I had sold my Definitive speakers and subwoofer on OLX and the buyers were nice and genuine to my good luck.
In fact one of them is still in touch and have become friends.
Ideally the deal should be in cash and carry basis within the same state/locality for certain items which need to be personally viewed or heard.
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How do OLX allow these kind of spoofs. Don't they have any basic check point before allowing these kind of posts?
Probably these types of sites has millions of ads. Most of these websites are auto managed. the actual human staff intervention may be less. They just oversee critical things. Can not afford to have salaried employment for huge data management.
Most of the social websites which are free for example --- classifieds, selling buying, real estate, social media etc. etc. and mobiles, remote wireless public CCTVs are personal data gathering points. They know most about ones onlne activity and some personal information, from mobile no. to emails to locations to your rented taxi travel history, to things you bought or stuff you browsed to buy in future. Maybe some other information too which only they know. I read/heard they can hack your emails too and see the contents.

Modern times. Be careful.

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