Beware of waveking on this forum (RESOLVED)

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he is going to log on and off unabashed and indifferent to the repercussions of his actions !!

IITK or slumdogs notwithstanding.....a crook is a crook and should be dealt with accordingly!

i have a feeling this guy will resurface with a new avatar and be back with a bag of tricks all over again!

just my two cents
IITK is closed for summer holidays. Will open only in July end. So the premise he is studying is wrong. Suggest write to the warden/dean of the Hostel 9 where he is residing.
You have a point. Let's give him some leeway. Maybe he is tied up with exams or slogging for placements. These things can mess you up seriously. Though he could have spared a few seconds to respond but considering the value of the item he is accused of appropriating, we should give him the benefit of doubt :)

Another point I clearly remember from college days is taking things for granted..

I for one never bothered to return anything from close friends or never worried them taking things from me.. Lost innumerable things in the mess that is the hostel room..

All Iam trying to say is, we were different people in college.. All this can be attributed to carelessness, lazyness and indifference which IMO are not bad attributes especially in college hostel..

Here we have people bringing in analogies of persons defaming girls by posting private stuff in public and what not?? Give a break and think about it!
Here we have people bringing in analogies of persons defaming girls by posting private stuff in public and what not?? Give a break and think about it!

It was a very valid point that was made. Losing a hard disk is just not the hard disk. It also includes the cost of data which is on that. It may be containing years of data and personal time that OP has spent. It cannot be taken lightly.It is better to be safe then be sorry later. To the OP, If you have kept anything confidential (passwords, etc), do change all your passwords, etc.

Being an alumni of IITK (goes back long long time ago), I can say we had great Professors and lecturers who did not tolerate the kind of things that is being attributed to college life and chalta hai attitude. We were serious about studies and got a D grade if we did not deserve the grade. This guy deserves a rap on his knuckles. He is being a disgrace to the academics. If not nipped in the bud, one rotten apple ....
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he is going to log on and off unabashed and indifferent to the repercussions of his actions !!

IITK or slumdogs notwithstanding.....a crook is a crook and should be dealt with accordingly!

i have a feeling this guy will resurface with a new avatar and be back with a bag of tricks all over again!

just my two cents

Very much possible... If HE really has some major doom impending situations then He shouldn't be active in any social sites be it to get some peace or relax..But the honourable and decent thing would have been to answer the rightful owners calls and respond with whatever excuse he has. If 'snorkel4u' has sent the HDD then he would be willing to believe another excuse for the lethargy or any delay caused by other priorities. Believe me I have very little faith in such people because of all the experiences that I v had and it mostly turns to be a disappointing result for me..

I only react aggressively and in almost an Inhumain way because . I am very grateful for all those comments, guidance and suggestions I ve got. I mean an audio NEUB(I hope this phase catches up)I learnt alot and am still a neub..and would really be annoyed if anyone is trying to ruin this kind of faith which is hard to come by these days Peace !! Nothin else from my side cuz only actions matter now.:annoyed::indifferent14:
It was a very valid point that was made. Losing a hard disk is just not the hard disk. It also includes the cost of data which is on that. It may be containing years of data and personal time that OP has spent. It cannot be taken lightly.It is better to be safe then be sorry later. To the OP, If you have kept anything confidential (passwords, etc), do change all your passwords, etc.

Being an alumni of IITK (goes back long long time ago), I can say we had great Professors and lecturers who did not tolerate the kind of things that is being attributed to college life and chalta hai attitude. We were serious about studies and got a D grade if we did not deserve the grade. This guy deserves a rap on his knuckles. He is being a disgrace to the academics. If not nipped in the bud, one rotten apple ....

I agree and understand.. But the HD is sent by the OP only and not like it is stolen or something.

So, the OP is responsible for all the data in the disk. Lets discuss about only the HD then.

From the earlier posts he made, I get an impression of a college kid interested in all things gaming.. I don't think he has any serious motives more than just plain carelessness.. But that is only me..
All Iam trying to say is, we were different people in college.. All this can be attributed to carelessness, lazyness and indifference which IMO are not bad attributes especially in college hostel..

Here we have people bringing in analogies of persons defaming girls by posting private stuff in public and what not?? Give a break and think about it!

No sympathy for the youngster's bad behaviour, but scammer implies someone who either scams on a regular basis or set out to swindle you on this.
I think since the thread started, obviously it has generated a lot of interest. But I think this reaction to a barely working hard disk not returned by an engg. college student is somewhat overboard. I mean, bachhe ki jaan loge kya?

I have been lucky to have attended two similar prestigious educational institutions and putting myself in his shoes, I can imagine that something like this can happen. As somebody else pointed out lots of students borrow lots of stuff from others and then forget about it, hostel rooms are unclean, stuff gets lost all the time. This can happen, has happend to me also. Somebody's freshly ironed clothes disappeared from my hostel room once, and I had no clue how. He hounded me for new clothes but for me the choice was between paying the mess bill or buying him a new set of clothes. Eventually he got back to me by making himself an owner of my Scientific calculator. We left it at that I guess. While now us gentle citizens would look at this behaviour and call it irresponsible, but then here I am now - I dont break laws, dont bribe public officials, pay my taxes, etc and generally lead an honorable life.

Anyways, point of the monologue is that this behaviour on part of our subject is not an indicator of his character (in as much as a small sample is not stastically significant) and we should not malign him on a very public board. These things will stay on in the google caches for very long and indeed could be very detrimental to said person, at a cost much higher than that of the barely working disk.

I dont think that this is right. I would actually request the mods to close this thread.
As told, college kids (why even elders) can forget to give, what they have borrowed at times.

In this case, he is not responding to his calls, mails and sms. This does not seem to be case of "forgotten to give".
I think since the thread started, obviously it has generated a lot of interest. But I think this reaction to a barely working hard disk not returned by an engg. college student is somewhat overboard. I mean, bachhe ki jaan loge kya?

I have been lucky to have attended two similar prestigious educational institutions and putting myself in his shoes, I can imagine that something like this can happen. As somebody else pointed out lots of students borrow lots of stuff from others and then forget about it, hostel rooms are unclean, stuff gets lost all the time. This can happen, has happend to me also. Somebody's freshly ironed clothes disappeared from my hostel room once, and I had no clue how. He hounded me for new clothes but for me the choice was between paying the mess bill or buying him a new set of clothes. Eventually he got back to me by making himself an owner of my Scientific calculator. We left it at that I guess. While now us gentle citizens would look at this behaviour and call it irresponsible, but then here I am now - I dont break laws, dont bribe public officials, pay my taxes, etc and generally lead an honorable life.

Anyways, point of the monologue is that this behaviour on part of our subject is not an indicator of his character (in as much as a small sample is not stastically significant) and we should not malign him on a very public board. These things will stay on in the google caches for very long and indeed could be very detrimental to said person, at a cost much higher than that of the barely working disk.

I dont think that this is right. I would actually request the mods to close this thread.

For all we know, the disk dissappeared from the room - thanks to an unknown friend looking for p**n who discovered it is not working and probably it is lying under his bed for this long.
Unable to communicate this, he could be avoiding your calls.

Take problems in face value and dont blow it up please!

And mods, please close the thread. Everyone else, careful while dealng with the guy.
'waveking' returns HDD

This is in continuation to my thread

Call it mass impact, call it Luca braci or call it awakening of one's conscience.
By the evening of the thread's creation, I recd an email from waveking accepting that he was careless and had assumed he lost the HDD somewhere. And hence, for that sole reason, he was trying to avoid my calls and emails. DUH!!!
if only he would have come ahead and explained this, who wouldn't have understood.

Anyways, he shipped the HDD the same evening and it reached me in 2 days. Although the USB connector of the Drive's casing is chipped, but no issues. I was going to use it in a docking station anyways.

I sent a message to Hifivision to allow me to amend the thread with this information but never heard back from him. If someone can move this post to the previous thread, edit out his identity and close the thread, that'd be great.

The biggest relief is my faith returning to HFV :)

Thanks to all who made am impact :) :clapping:
Re: 'waveking' returns HDD

This is in continuation to my thread

Call it mass impact, call it Luca braci or call it awakening of one's conscience.
By the evening of the thread's creation, I recd an email from waveking accepting that he was careless and had assumed he lost the HDD somewhere. And hence, for that sole reason, he was trying to avoid my calls and emails. DUH!!!
if only he would have come ahead and explained this, who wouldn't have understood.

Anyways, he shipped the HDD the same evening and it reached me in 2 days. Although the USB connector of the Drive's casing is chipped, but no issues. I was going to use it in a docking station anyways.

In matters of truth and justice, there is no difference between large and small problems, for issues concerning the treatment of people are all the same.
- Albert Einstein

Be Brave and stick to truth, Your suffering shall be minimal!!!
Truth Shall set us free... !!! :D
Good to hear of your loss recovered snorkel4u... :ohyeah:
Re: 'waveking' returns HDD

Good to hear this. It will be good to erase the earlier thread.
Re: 'waveking' returns HDD

snorkel4u, good to know the problem has been solved.

avid, agree with you! But there should be a feedback system where waveking should get one negative feedback/point.
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