Bravia HX850 successor -W900A with Quantum Dot !

But other companies don't own Music and Hollywood studios.They know first hand the revenue loss due to piracy.

That is an idiotic reasoning for blocking audio,video formats on their TV, unless they remove wifi and HDMI slots piracy cant be stopped.
That is an idiotic reasoning for blocking audio,video formats on their TV, unless they remove wifi and HDMI slots piracy cant be stopped.

Wifi is for wireless networking it has nothing to do with piracy as does HDMI which is a standard interface for digital video/audio and it also has HDCP.
But with Sony not providing certain media playback they are making sure that their customers can't play illegal stuff.
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"Sony's worst tv's" yes, so finally we are on the same page to agree that Sony does make many worst products.I see that you have the EX520 which you seem to be sympathizing with me. best of luck!

I mean look at the trend of this thread and past sony threads,in the past in all sony threads peeps said VA is superior and IPS is bad mostly with zero numbers to back up(specially avmaxfan and lake1988) or zero in depth explanation, now in this thread after knowing Sony uses IPS i see comments like "i am sure Sony can make IPS work wonders" , "i have a feeling Sony can do it" , " i have a dream there are angels" and so on :D.This is how most of Sony loving posts have been in the past, the company is a sinking ship along with philips CE lol.
Why do I bother about providing you back up docs on every comment I make....
It's an individual's view to decide which panel is superior and which company's tv to buy...
Samsung individually enjoys largest world wide market share in tv without even advertising what panel they are using like Lg,panasonic do.
These manufacturers who utilize IPS panel not even come close to the market share what sony or samsung got individually in market share in India...

My logic? lol its not my logic, its reality and a fact that all reference television on the planet since past few years have always been a plasma. So i guess when you say its my logic you fail to understand common known facts.

No, it actually proves i never force or push my personal preference into anyone's buying decision, however i also never fail to voice my opinion very clearly but the final buying decision is not mine unless it's me who is buying the TV.

That is why since past so many years i am happy with plasma's and never switched to LCD's but i cannot say the same about my family members :D

example :I really like the Nissan GTR and i would want to buy one but i am not going to convince my father or any other member of my family to get a GTR.

Its not Sony bashing or imaginary comments like some people post here, its rather my personal experiences with Sony products.I like looking at products beyond just the brand name and most definitely wont pay more for a product just because it has a fancy name.IMO Sony televisions are way over priced for the quality it offered, Sony televisions used to be good once upon a time but not anymore.

Of course i most definitely reply when people blindly post one liners like "Get the Sony if you want picture quality" like they are the absolute experts in picture quality and not providing the reason or any parameter in what way the picture is better.

Also my posts are more visible because there is a lot of Sony related posts started by members even for a small thing like "Sony introduced a new LCD model A" but you wont see that kind of marketing for any other brand here in the forum.

I am not sure how you judge by a comment-"Get the Sony if you want picture quality" that someone is forcing other to buy a sony...
I think it's a discussion forum...and I don't think a member just gonna buy a tv without even checking different models in showroom after getting this type of reply...
I have seen many threads where OP short-listed various model from different companies...while he himself declared that sony's pic quality is better but lags in media what do you think someone should start arguing with him that get your eyes checked cause sony always make crap products so pic quality can't be good...
while I have also seen comments like lg and panasonic leds lag in contrast, blacks etc.
If you think yourself an expert go start giving them advice about how you measure pic quality...
Here in this thread someone said contrast ratio does nothing in providing good pic quality..even an idiot knows why pic quality of superior leds/plasmas is better due to blacks and similarly bright in well-lit scenes..just by superior contrast ratio its pic quality is better.

Why do you bother if someone start a thread about sony..go and report the thread to mods for advertising for sony.

I can see Lg world record forum here..also I don't think if it's against forum rules to start a thread regarding new product of sony.

Go start a new thread about how bad sony product are and let a handful of people join on your worthless posts.
Wifi is for wireless networking it has nothing to do with piracy as does HDMI which is a standard interface for digital video/audio and it also has HDCP.
But with Sony not providing certain media playback they are making sure that their customers can't play illegal stuff.

Sony is not stopping piracy, they are just pissing of their customers and future customers by crippling their tv media player, any pirated movie can be played through WiFi and HDMI connections.
Sony is not stopping piracy, they are just pissing of their customers and future customers by crippling their tv media player, any pirated movie can be played through WiFi and HDMI connections.

Playing back file from usb drive connected to tv and playing back via wifi doesn't happen in the same way.
usb-It depends on how many container plugin is installed in tv's memory wil decode that container, strip the header and then decode raw data of video and audio.
wifi-Streaming software will decode the container and strip the header while there will be raw data of video and audio to be decoded by tv.

If you study the software licensing agreement of a tv you will know how many software license a tv manufacture need to purchase...and by adding a open source plugin as mkv in tv's software library means openly supporting piracy.
Playing back file from usb drive connected to tv and playing back via wifi doesn't happen in the same way.
usb-It depends on how many container plugin is installed in tv's memory wil decode that container, strip the header and then decode raw data of video and audio.
wifi-Streaming software will decode the container and strip the header while there will be raw data of video and audio to be decoded by tv.

If you study the software licensing agreement of a tv you will know how many software license a tv manufacture need to purchase...and by adding a open source plugin as mkv in tv's software library means openly supporting piracy.

WOW!! Adding an open source plugin = openly supporting piracy :lol::lol:

amazing reasoning for crippling the tv playback capability.
I have to agree that inability to playback mkv etc does hinder Sony sales greatly. This year they have suppposedly fixed the issue and 2013 range can play all formats. So let's not discuss it further.
I have to agree that inability to playback mkv etc does hinder Sony sales greatly. This year they have suppposedly fixed the issue and 2013 range can play all formats. So let's not discuss it further.
Somehow, I don't think so. Agree that MKV is a very popular format but it is just a format amongst the many. Most people do not rest their "buy" decision because it does not play a format. As lake1988 has written a guide on "how-to", there are still ways to make that work. Then there is always an option to play via laptop or media player.
i dont think sony is bothered abt piracy so much then thr blue ray players wudnt have support for diffrent formats
Sole criteria of a LED/PLASMA should be of having best possible PQ and that according to me should be the biggest buying criteria as well.

Now it's for an individual to decide if he wants to go for a brand which is jack of all trades or master of one!!

Even if Samsung is able to play all formats, then also their owners buy media players! Primary task of any TV should be PQ and leaves other things to other mediums (like blue ray dis player, media player, sound bars, AVR, HTIB).

Every now and then there would be new media formats (now it is MKV it could well be something else in future), a brand shouldn't loose focus playing this catch up game & loose sight of its primary task of producing great PQ in all this.

It's an eco system, one should not expect TV to do all tasks meant to be done by mediums which co-exist in a eco system supporting each other!!

I hope people should not now start expecting TVs to do tasks of having same sound quailty as a AVR/HTIB/sound bar has. I hope the point is clear!!
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Somehow, I don't think so. Agree that MKV is a very popular format but it is just a format amongst the many. Most people do not rest their "buy" decision because it does not play a format. As lake1988 has written a guide on "how-to", there are still ways to make that work. Then there is always an option to play via laptop or media player.

+1 to the above.
But other companies don't own Music and Hollywood studios.They know first hand the revenue loss due to piracy.

Piracy is due to two reasons, abnormally high cost of original vis-a-vis the pirated content, which is available at a fraction, and also due to non availability of the original content in certain geographies. Let us say if a original content is available for around Rs100-200, most of the people will shift to the original, rather then looking for the pirated versions, as you can be assured of good quality. There are hassles of getting a pirated version as well, whether from the roadside vendor or internet, apart from the pathetic quality of disc and print in most of the times, compared to the original.

Also another factor is timing. They now takes forever to release the original, whereas the pirated content is available almost simultaneously or in some case much before. It will be ideal if they can take care to release in theaters worldwide almost at the same time instead of staggered release and care to release the original home videos may within 3/4 weeks after at a cost majority of the people are willing to pay, then a majority of the people will shift. Or else they will keep fighting a loosing battle with such stupid measures like Blu-ray region, format non-support etc.

I never understood this language("...") in the past, i am not even going to try but this is how your post makes sense to me.:ohyeah:

BTW that someone who spoke about contrast knew what he spoke and from what he posts here in the forum i certainly feel he is much more knowledgeable than you.The problem is you did not understand his point because not every one can have the same amount of intelligence.
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I never understood this language("...") in the past, i am not even going to try but this is how your post makes sense to me.:ohyeah:

BTW that someone who spoke about contrast knew what he spoke and from what he posts here in the forum i certainly feel he is much more knowledgeable than you.The problem is you did not understand his point because not every one can have the same amount of intelligence.

Let's not talk about intelligence here where someone's life ambition is centered on bashing a particular brand in selected posts.
In this forum, Panasonic plasmas receive more threads and praise posts than Sony. Some are even huge plasma fanboys who ridicule LED and say plasma is in another league. But nobody has a problem with that, then why this guy has problems if we talk about Sony.

If we are breaking the rules or doing something wrong, the admin or mod can ask us to stop or take actions against us. But the person who has problem is neither the admin nor a mod.
Guys: Like motorheads, we are all electroheads who become passionate and emotional when it comes to AV. Lets not get carried away and start pumping our personal emotions to our replies. Stick to the topic and do not get personal. If it continues, I will have no other option but to lock this thread.
What i want to make one thing clear is that Panasonic has not divulged if it is going to introduce its 2013 plasma models in India. Their after sales support has not shown any signs of improving. Who knows they may just pull the plug altogether from the plasma business in India. I would wait till Panasonic reveals it plasma plans for India before biting the bullet.

After sales support is like Life insurance policy where as long as things are going fine you may not miss it but boy don't you thank your stars for going in for one when things do go wrong. Any electronic item can develop problems and it is NECESSARY imo to go for a brand with a good after sales support. I am the first one to concede the top line plasma models of Panasonic have stellar picture quality but contrary to what is being made out, LCD models are fast catching up especially the the top models. Plasma still wins the value for money department but that gap is shrinking as well.

Let me make it simple. A prospective AVERAGE buyer will not go wrong in going for any a mid-top range LED from any of the three leading brands with his eyes closed but before buying a plasma one needs to do a thorough home-work. An informed, researched judgement is necessary before jumping in for a plasma IMO.
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The only way to find out if the new Sony will live up to its standards especially after the success of its highly acclaimed HX850, is to test it with a reference bluray.

Until then the fans of various technologies/brands have to put forth their opinions. There HAS to be fierce fight(I think the forum encourages these fights until it crosses a limit). That's the way it is.

At the end there would be a surprise ,good or bad,when the new sony gets released. Then we have to come back and see if our opinions were right.

But one thing is for sure. If Sony has to justify its premium price, it has to set lofty standards compared to its peers. Or it will lose out to brands like LG and Samsung. Infact ,most of the guys to whom I suggested HX850 ended up buying LG after they visited the showrooms.;)
The only way to find out if the new Sony will live up to its standards especially after the success of its highly acclaimed HX850, is to test it with a reference bluray.

Until then the fans of various technologies/brands have to put forth their opinions. There HAS to be fierce fight(I think the forum encourages these fights until it crosses a limit). That's the way it is.

At the end there would be a surprise ,good or bad,when the new sony gets released. Then we have to come back and see if our opinions were right.

But one thing is for sure. If Sony has to justify its premium price, it has to set lofty standards compared to its peers. Or it will lose out to brands like LG and Samsung. Infact ,most of the guys to whom I suggested HX850 ended up buying LG after they visited the showrooms.;)

I agree

People end up buying LG/ Samsung is because they are always value for money and I think following are the reasons

1. normally gives lots of bells whistles like multi format etc
2. Has some great offers like free HT etc.
3. widely available (specially in Display)
4. Ready for negotiation to customers satisfaction
5. Really great aesthetic appeal
6. Tech-wise they are ALMOST (if not equal) at par

So with all these they become huge VFM and you are always tempted to buy them and there's nothing wrong in that. Even I am ready to buy if they give me a great price and a Fridge as freebie (which I need now as replacement) along with the TV, instead of the HT etc (as I don't need them, not being audiophile).
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