Hi all
Thought I could jump in now into the discussion
First and foremost.. I would like to say that iam thankfull that Hari sir has accepted my request to undertake this time consuming build on my behalf.
Money is always secondary.. I could never make up for the months of simulation that went into the cabinet design or the driver choice or the cross over design. So I will be ever gratefull to hari sir..for undertaking this build on my behalf. Just for kicks..it might help to know that each speaker weighs 100 kg +
This is a one of a kind build. Which is very very custom to my specific room and listening habits.
I started this journey with a thread called...has anyone heard the new Kef r series. And I was coming from PMC twenty 26 speakers. So they were really big boots to fill for my next speaker.
As the conversation prolonged...I realised that no ready made speaker could satisfy my exact needs.
So on a hunch, as suggested by
@prem...I reached out to hari sir. With a request to kindly build my next speakers that would gell in my room, and still best the present PMC speakers . We just spoke and discussed it down to the last detail for months.. before the whole build started.
So I guess what You see in those pics is pretty much my next speaker
But please bear in mind that this is not a cheap build. Every single driver here is top of the line from their respective companies . And the component cost alone is huge. But Iam still very very happy I went down this custom route.
Thanks a ton for reading