Confession time:
I have been having this nagging feeling that there is something wrong in my audio chain.
First, I don't get enough resolution. Experienced people I spoke to told me that Cadence electrostat are fast and resolving, but mine clearly wasn't.
Second, the left speaker seems to be very reticent, with most mid and treble duties being done by the right channel.
Third, I don't get proper imaging. Singers seem to be displaced slightly to the right from the central listening position.
A visiting audio engineer friend had pointed out months ago that the channel balance seems stronger in the right. I listened it for myself and agreed with what he heard, but let things be as there is no balance control anywhere in my chain. But the nagging feeling has been persisting. In fact I have been speaking a number of friends on the forum about this problem, asking their opinions on what could be wrong. I had even contemplated buying a new power amp and new speakers. I was getting rather frustrated.
Dr Bhagwan Steps In:
So I finally took up on the resident audio doctor's long pending offer (as old as before last year's Mumbai Meet) to come visit my place for a system tune up.
Literally within a few seconds of playing the first track, he identified the issue - the electrostatic panel of the left speaker was screwed. There was some output but it was barely audible even when placing the ear next to it. A quick swap of the left and right electrostats confirmed that it was indeed the panel and not the crossover. This was a big relief for me as the prospect of hefting these 38 kilo speakers (each) is not too attractive at the best of times.
A call to Cadence Pune directed me to hand over the panels to their Churchgate office, obviating the need for a 165 km drive to Pune. I dismantled the panels and drove 25 kms to Churchgate and now the panels are already on their way to Pune. Very prompt people this Cadence folks.
I am really glad Bhagwan took the time out on a Saturday morning and drove more than 20 kms to my place. Without his keen ears, honed over many years of listening to numerous setups, my lead ears were totally lost as to what could have been the problem. That's the difference between an audio veteran and a noob.
I will have to live without audio for the next one week at least. I guess I will find out how the onboard speakers in my new laptop sound

I will also catch up on a pile of trade and audio magazines waiting to be read.
@Bhagwan: Sir, once the panels come back, we need to spend at least half a day spinning some great classical records, especially Messrs Jean Sibelius and Pyotr Illyich Tchaikovsky. Perhaps one day you will come to love vinyl as much as some of us do

When that day comes, just holler and I will lead you to the best sources of vinyl.
And thanks for correcting my speaker placement. I will start working on the corner trap and side panel you suggested.