DENON Owners thread

Please check, if on it should be much cooler. Mine is, even with just 2 channels pre out, with 3 pwr. channels of the rcvr. working. Before with eco off in this configuration it was still getting very hot.
Anyway i use a cooler from amazon (1krs) no matter what i throw at it, its always cool. Anyhow will love to check it with eco on
Please provide link, I will buy, I think I prefer the eco off mode generally.
Fourdot® Exhaust/Intake Cooling System For enclosed System/Drawer/Almirah/Rack For Home (12 Inch Model 2120)

It comes with a 12v supply. I switched to 9v from my dump and its very good. Supplied 12v is very good but just to keep the noise little more down 9v helps. 12v ight not bother much if we have a fan running.
Needs space above avr

have a old cpu 12v fan which is very silent but not tried on avr, currently using it above my schiit pre amp which gets too hot. It has got an orange light glowing inside. Just bothered if its ok to keep it cool or it needs to be warm for better performance
anyone here who apart from me owns a denon 2600??just keen to know what floorstander speakers are good to go..i right now only use a Elac debut 2 B 6.2 setup .please pm me or post here.TIA
Hi All,

I have a Denon AVR X-1600H and have been using it since 2020. I notice that every time I watch a movie, at any random point of time the amp takes a 1 second pause where there is no sound output. It will happen only once during the play session. Has anyone else experienced this issue?
Otherwise i have no complaints on the performance of the avr.
Don't think it's an AVR issue , the hdmi cable handshake is what is likely causing it. I get a 1 second pause for sound and no video for 2-3 seconds too
Don't think it's an AVR issue , the hdmi cable handshake is what is likely causing it. I get a 1 second pause for sound and no video for 2-3 seconds too
Is this at the start of your viewing session?. I experience this at any random times, maybe even after an hour into the movie.
Is this at the start of your viewing session?. I experience this at any random times, maybe even after an hour into the movie.

Generally at the start , but have seen it happen occasionally in between movies too. Never happened when I had an optical hdmi running end to end , happens with blurigger hdmi I now use.
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