Denon x4800h new humming noise

I think normally we are using 0.75mm for wiring lights and thicker wire for power plugs. but i dont know in mm's i think 2.5 mm will be good. but lets wait for other FM's opinion.
hi. i just noticed today first time my dali opticon 2 left one is less louder than right one. is it normal? i ran auddessey setup today and left one was clearly less louder than right one?
hi. i just noticed today first time my dali opticon 2 left one is less louder than right one. is it normal? i ran auddessey setup today and left one was clearly less louder than right one?
I’ve never been impressed by Audessy - it’s only good for speaker distances. It’s quite possible it’s incorrectly set speaker levels.

Check out the speaker levels settings - it’ll be under something like Audio->Speakers->Level and see how much difference is there in the levels.

The 4800H is Dirac Live compatible - I strongly recommend spending the $350 and getting the full bandwidth license it’s a game changer
I’ve never been impressed by Audessy - it’s only good for speaker distances. It’s quite possible it’s incorrectly set speaker levels.

Check out the speaker levels settings - it’ll be under something like Audio->Speakers->Level and see how much difference is there in the levels.

The 4800H is Dirac Live compatible - I strongly recommend spending the $350 and getting the full bandwidth license it’s a game changer
Audissy app it self is good. Iam using it and quite happy. Dirac option that too in paid given to us recently. Fm is using 2.0 currently with 4800h.
hi. i just noticed today first time my dali opticon 2 left one is less louder than right one. is it normal? i ran auddessey setup today and left one was clearly less louder than right one?
Check your speaker level settings due to some room or microphone parameters; sometimes they optimise this way. You can manually set it up would be better, i guess. You are using the 2.0 setup now? or other channels also have some differences?
1. Transformer is not an active device. It cannot convert 50 Hz to 100 Hz. Your main supply is at 50 Hz. The worst a transformer can do is produce noise at 50 Hz. Your problem is not a transformer issue. Transformer just decrease (step down) or increases the voltage. It cannot increase or decrease the frequency. Also transformer output undergoes ac-dc conversion and then filtering using capacitors. The capacitors remove the ac ripple noise. Let us say your capacitors have gone bad. In that case you will get 50 Hz noise and not 100 Hz.
2. 100 Hz is not normal sound. Your main supply is at 50 Hz. If there is any problem with DC rectification, shielding, etc then the 50 Hz mains supply will manifest as 50 Hz noise and not 100 Hz. Remember that 100 Hz is exactly 2x of 50. This looks like some motor, refrigerator running in the same building producing the noise.
3. Without any input connected you should be getting almost 0 volts on the output. Oscilliscope measures the waveform. For DC it will be a straight line. For 50 Hz it will show a sine wave of 50 Hz. If it shows 100 Hz output without any input it means that some component in the AVR is oscillating and generating a 100 Hz tone. If your AVR is fine, It will show nothing. Worst case it will show a sine wave of 50 Hz indicating mains leakage. 50 Hz noise is like a hum. 100 Hz noise is like more than a hum, something less than a motorboat sound.
4. If your AVR has no issue then there will be absolute no sound with any input connected, provided the noise is not from the mains and noise is not being injected from external source
I tested it in my pc table today which is open and not closed denon still hummed even in open and then i put on floor there is nothing at all. I guess denon does not like wood lol


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Audseey setip is setting these values is it good?
No reason to have your fronts at -5 and -5.5. What’s important is the relative difference - and the larger the deviation from zero, the most the DSP is playing a role and the more ‘unnatural’. It’s better to keep them closer to zero with the same relative difference, in your case FL at -0.5 and FR at 0
No reason to have your fronts at -5 and -5.5. What’s important is the relative difference - and the larger the deviation from zero, the most the DSP is playing a role and the more ‘unnatural’. It’s better to keep them closer to zero with the same relative difference, in your case FL at -0.5 and FR at 0
Of course depends on the settings for the other speakers
No reason to have your fronts at -5 and -5.5. What’s important is the relative difference - and the larger the deviation from zero, the most the DSP is playing a role and the more ‘unnatural’. It’s better to keep them closer to zero with the same relative difference, in your case FL at -0.5 and FR at 0
but why in minus? what if i set +5
My appletv 4k is connected directly to sony oled then denon receveiver with anither hdmi cable. Now the thing is played youtube through appletv 4k denon was showing as airplay. Can i change mode ?
Do you connected apple tv4k with both TV and Av receiver?
You connect apple tv to sony and from sony earc or arc to avr with another hdmi.
In tv remote press home button then select inputs and arc
Or in tv inputs select hdmi1 or 2 to which you connected apple tv 4k to your television.
Do you connected apple tv4k with both TV and Av receiver?
You connect apple tv to sony and from sony earc or arc to avr with another hdmi.
In tv remote press home button then select inputs and arc
Or in tv inputs select hdmi1 or 2 to which you connected apple tv 4k to your television.
yes i always have to do this on tv inputs changing to hdmi 3 but i am saying on denon screen i see airplay. why airplay?
Did you notice ??
My denon x4800 only got 2 prongs (no earth prong) and even the plug that goes inside wall socket only got 2 prongs!!
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