DIY Enclosure/Cabinet for PowerAmp & PreAmp

F5 Turbo Cabinets for FM gvenu:







What is the dimention of cabinet? Heat Sink ? and of course the price ?



What is the dimention of cabinet? Heat Sink ? and of course the price ?



Hi Vipin,

The side dimension is 430mm x 203mm and it can hold two N56 mounted vertically side by side.

N56 Heatsink

I am not providing the heat sink with this, only the cabinet and Front/Back panels. Price is same as i mentioned earlier in this thread (page 8 or 9).

Hi Guys!

Today I am couriering 26 nos. Each of Potentiometer Knob (6.3 mm Dia, Marked with a Dot ) and 26 Nos. of Selector Knobs ( 6.0 mm Dia, Unmarked ) to Bibin.

The Knobs are packed individually in Bubble Wraps to avoid scratches and marked thus.

Bangalore folks are supposed to get 9 nos. Pot Knobs & 7 Nos. of selector Knobs. Can someone pick these up from my house at Koramangala ?

I all send a PM to Capt. Rajesh for his set of 6 Nos. of Knobs.

Hi Jayanth/Keith,

Most of the Bangalore FM's will be coming for audio workshop on 28-Apr-2012 and will be convinent to collect the knobs from there. Keith if you can share your bank details will help us in transferring the money.

Any FM who is staying close Jayanth place can collect the knobs else I can take this initiative.

Please let us know your thought.


OK, here it is:

Folks whose knobs were sent to Bibin:

apk::::::2 Pot Knobs + 2 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.340/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.16/- + Shipping cost=Rs.12/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.368/-

hydra::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

keith_correa::::::5 Pot Knobs + 5 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.850/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.40/- + Shipping cost=Rs.30/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.920/-

jls001::::::3 Pot Knobs + 3 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.510/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.24/- + Shipping cost=Rs.18/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.552/-

TheCoolestOne::::::4 Pot Knobs + 4 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.680/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.32/- + Shipping cost=Rs.24/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.736/-

vktarun::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

mbhangui::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

ruenigma::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

rohitmusic::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

jai1611::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

svaze::::::2 Pot Knobs + 2 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.340/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.16/- + Shipping cost=Rs.12/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.368/-

Omishra::::::2 Pot Knobs + 2 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.340/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.16/- + Shipping cost=Rs.12/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.368/-

sann::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-

sachu888::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.6/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.184/-
Sachin, your knobs will be sent in my package by Bibin and I will send them to you from Mumbai.

Bangalore boys [local pickup]:

baswamin::::::2 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.255/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.12/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.267/-

gvenu::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.178/-

hifipal4all::::::2 Pot Knobs + 2 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.340/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.16/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.356/-

j_jaga::::::3 Pot Knobs + 2 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.425/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.20/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.445/-

Santnai::::::1 Pot Knobs + 1 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.170/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.8/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.178/-

captrajesh::::::6 Pot Knobs + 6 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.1020/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.48/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.1068/-
Captain, I trust Jayant and you are aligned on how you will get the knobs.

I will send PM's to each about bank & account details to transfer the money to.
Thank you, Keith, for organising this GB.

Thank you, Jayant, for patiently making this happen.
captrajesh::::::6 Pot Knobs + 6 Selector Knobs<><><>Knob cost=Rs.1020/- + Grub screw cost=Rs.48/- + Shipping cost=Rs.0/-<><><>TOTAL=Rs.1068/-
Captain, I trust Jayant and you are aligned on how you will get the knobs.

I was to pick them up during my visit for Bangalore Hifi meet but can't make it. He now intends to courier them to me. I'm in touch with Jaybe.
Thank you, Keith, for organising this GB.

Thank you, Jayant, for patiently making this happen.
Please direct all thanks to Jayant only. He readily [very kindly] agreed to machine them for us, despite his busy schedule and patiently drew up various iterations of the knobs for us. Me? I was just the organ[r]iser :D

Oh, and thanks to Bibin too for agreeing to ship these along with the enclosures.
Please direct all thanks to Jayant only. He readily [very kindly] agreed to machine them for us, despite his busy schedule and patiently drew up various iterations of the knobs for us. Me? I was just the organ[r]iser :D

Oh, and thanks to Bibin too for agreeing to ship these along with the enclosures.

Yes, this group buy worked because of a lot of collective effort. Bibin for helping with the cabinets, Jayant for making the knobs and getting the grub screws, and Keith for all the co-ordination! Should also mention Sachin's name for getting all the B1 components and Om for helping with the r-core transformer. True DIY team effort! Thanks Guys!

Hi guys!

Thank you for your patience ! Now 40 Sets of Knobs- fitted with Grub Screw - are ready. I have further 5 sets extra (but do not have Grub Screw ) in case any one wants them.

Keith, I would appreciate if you can PM me nos. and address to which these need to be sent.


What dimensions are the grub screws?
I can pick it up in Bangalore itself,so shipping is not necessary for me.

Also,any hope that you can procure more grub screws?
Last edited:
It was a pleasure meeting Jayant. I got my knobs from him at hifi meet.

Jayant, thank you for getting the knobs done for the diy community.

Keith, please send me your bank account details, I will transfer the money to your account.

Please direct all thanks to Jayant only. He readily [very kindly] agreed to machine them for us, despite his busy schedule and patiently drew up various iterations of the knobs for us. Me? I was just the organ[r]iser :D

Oh, and thanks to Bibin too for agreeing to ship these along with the enclosures.

My pleasure to extend this little help.

It was a pleasure meeting Jayant. I got my knobs from him at hifi meet.

Jayant, thank you for getting the knobs done for the diy community.


Hi Baswamin,

It was my pleasure to meet you too. Look forward to hearing your OB7.

What dimensions are the grub screws?
I can pick it up in Bangalore itself,so shipping is not necessary for me.

Also,any hope that you can procure more grub screws?

Hi Suraj,

The Grub Screw size is M4 x 10 mm ( Length ).

You are most welcome to pick up the Knobs that you require out of 4 Potentiometer and 6 Selector Switch Knobs now available with me.

It is not possible for me to get Grub Screw. Sorry!

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