Hi All,
Yesterday one of our forum member Shanpson from chennai dropped in to audition my SSP Preamp with Emotiva power amp. He had earlier heard my Marantz PM6003 and always felt and expressed that his Norge Concerto Gold (125 w rms/ch) was not sounding like that. I asked him to wait for my tube pre build(under progress) to be over so that he can take an audition and decide if he can add the same in his chain. I had told him that a seperate pre-amp would always make a difference in his chain.
His system consists of Cambridge Audio DV-99>Norge Concert Gold>Mordaunt Short Aviano-2 BS Speakers. So I asked him to bring his Norge amp and DV-99 DVD Player(as he felt some doubt about SQ of the source). I had only recommended this source to him a couple of years back.
First I played his CA DV-99 DVD Player + SSP Pre with my Emotiva mini-X-a-100 power amp (50w rms/ch @ 8 ohms) with MS Aviano speakers, the sound was very detailed with good bass and highs. My SSP Pre was built using 2x49990 opamp mounted on a SOIC to 8 Pin DIP adapter.
Next we connected the Norge Concert Gold amp as repalcement to the pre + power amp, retaining the rest of the chain. Now the bass had considerably reduced, sound stage was small, mids were rough and highs not well extended. Overall the sound was less engaging.
Immediately shanpson asked me to connect the SSP Pre instead of the Norge Pre-amp ckt so that we can audition the amp. Earlier when I had the Norge 2060 int amp with me I had tweaked the pre amp with some better spec opamps and this gave me the courage to meddle with the Norge concert gold amp. So with the permission and the encouragement, went ahead to remove the cover of the amp. The pre-amp inside it was the same as the Norge 2060 (using TL072 opamps) and I could locate the input wires of the power amp , which were actually 2 mono amps. The pre amp is powered by a -15-0-+15 V power supply which is tapped from Toroid transformer having 2 secondaries (one each for the power and the pre). Now I disconnected the power amp's signal input and connected it to a wires terminated with 2xRCAs at one end. I connected the RCA plugs to the SSP pre's output, and the SSP pre was fed from the CA DV-99 output. Now we played the same track ( a tamil film song).
What happened after that was that the FM was in disbelief, his jaw dropped , he was speech less, he could not believe that his Norge amp was playing. Now the soundstage was improved, details increased, vocals were mellowed, not the harsh as earlier, and the bass was increased and very tight. We ran a couple of tracks and for my ears, the 49990 sounded a bit bright and forward, since there was a slight emphasis in the high frequencies( I suspect could be due to the Norge power amp) which made the voices sound a bit shrill, and definitely create ear-fatigue for the listener. So I told him that we can try with 2134 opamp. So we switched off the entire thing and I replaced the opamp of the SSP Pre with 2134 opamp. Now we again played the same numbers and I one was in for a surprise that this 2134 opamp used to sound a bit laid back in my set-up now sounded a bit nuetral, in the Norge set-up. Now the bright sound was gone, but the details were intact and the bass was still improved. The FM liked this sound very much and immediately wanted me to implement this change in his amp. Immediately I called Mr.Sachin at Nashik, and as usual he was prompt to respond to my request for a SSP PCB with 2134 opamp and other components. The board has since been dispatched by him, today and hope to receive it tomorrow after which I will install the same in the Norge amp.
So, my suggestion to all Norge amp owners, is try this SSP pre in place of the stock pre in your system, it definitely makes a very significant sound improvement. Also pl post your feed back in this forum for all others members to benefit.
Just thought I will post my experience.