Electricity bills adds more heat this summer


Well-Known Member
Sep 24, 2009
Chennai, TN
With the recently revised rates in April 2012 by our TNEB, I now end up paying 4K adding more heat to the already hotter season.

Owing to the frequent fluctuations in power, I end up using A/C more than anything else. For now, AC is my best buddy than anything else.

With the recently revised rates in April 2012 by our TNEB, I now end up paying 4K adding more heat to the already hotter season.

Owing to the frequent fluctuations in power, I end up using A/C more than anything else. For now, AC is my best buddy than anything else.


I already got the hot bill yesterday delivered with almost 30% rise from the normal rates.. It is really hell:sad:
:mad:hmm.. you guys have power!! woah!!.. here in AP.. the APSEB doesnt upgrade the transfromers which inturn blow up (according to them) on high loads during summer so.. they are cutting power for crazy hours in day time like 11-3 or 2-5:mad:
We have two hours a day scheduled power cut (and outside the city it is much worse) and, of course, other unscheduled short cuts. The voltage was so low last night (I'm a night bird, as a glance at my posting times shows) that I could not run the hall AC. Temperatures rose to 31C at 3.00am --- but thankfully the smaller bedroom AC was able to run.

Temperatures inside my PC cabinet hit 42 (on low CPU load too). I am glad that I now have low-heat WD Caviar greens. The failed Seagate used to reach well over 40.
In UP too power condition is pathetic.
Thankfully the summers are dry here and desert coolers work well and I am able to run mine on an inverter. Added advantage - low static to deal with while playing vinyls and low electricity bills.

Guys wait for next two months bill which will touch the roof as what we received last month is only one month revised rate.

:mad:hmm.. you guys have power!! woah!!.. here in AP.. the APSEB doesnt upgrade the transfromers which inturn blow up (according to them) on high loads during summer so.. they are cutting power for crazy hours in day time like 11-3 or 2-5:mad:

We have two hours a day scheduled power cut (and outside the city it is much worse)

From the guy who lived in hell to the guys who live in heaven .... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Let's look at our power cut schedule till about a month ago

9 AM - 12 AM
3 PM - 6 PM
8 PM - 9 PM
11 PM - 12 AM
2 AM - 3 AM
5 AM - 6 AM

In other words, 3 hours of power followed by 3 hours of power cut in the day time (6 AM - 6 PM), 2 hours of power followed by one hour of power cut every night (6 PM - 6 AM). The situation was worse in villages.

For a few months, we had almost forgotten about what we did with power. Even when power was available, we lived in constant fear of when it will be taken away from us. And finally when everything seems to look stable (barring a random power cut here and there), we pay more.
From the guy who lived in hell to the guys who live in heaven .... :mad::mad::mad::mad:

Let's look at our power cut schedule till about a month ago ...
My god... you might as well sell the hifi :eek:

I really don't see why Chennai should get preferential treatment, and I'm sure you don't either. But I'm not complaining about it :rolleyes: :cool:
All this mess happening all over (leaving aside the cow belt, of course) JUST due to one appliance .... air conditioners!

With everyone's comfort benchmark rising due to higher incomes, there is a blatant urge for 'comfort', without really trying to understand whether the infrastructure is geared to take this kind of electrical load or not.

Hardly any new Power projects have come up .... whatever is present is running on full load, so, just the 'base load' is currently being catered to. The moment peak comes in ... just when every Tom Dick & Harry switches on the ACs ... all hell breaks loose!

South Delhi had its 'first' :p power cut this morning! Power coming on and off for a period of @ 2 hours. The online Inverter came on, so were'nt put in discomfort. Only hope it does'nt worsen in the coming days ... Delhi's touching 43-45 deg C at present ... hot, dry and dusty. Thankfully, not humid till now.
We Keralites are lucky. There was load shedding of half an hour which started from a month back. Now the load shedding has been removed. Voltage fluctuation and low voltage is a problem in my house, but the voltage is rock steady where I work. Its almost heavy rain everyday resulting in lower temperature.
All this mess happening all over (leaving aside the cow belt, of course) JUST due to one appliance .... air conditioners!
Yesterday we went to visit an elderly widow who can barely afford her small rent, let alone an AC machine. We had about 15 minutes power cut there, before we were able to at least have the fan again.

It was quite a lesson in appreciating what we have and can (at least for now) afford. A blessings-counting day!

But yes... add the uptake of domestic AC to the replacement of individual houses with apartments, and there is the recipe for so much power demand. Not only that, but entire cities had to be re-cabled to support the current
@Avidyarthy: I dont think its about the domestic comfort level raising alone thats the cause for these load issues. I ve spoken to few people from relevant areas of profession about this as a common evening discussion and found that theres more than that meets the eye here :( as usual. It's the several other ways we (As in common man in INDIA) are getting robbed of our hard earned comfort rights by the less deserving and lets not forget the exploitation of the nations wealth which has become a part deux of the corrupted individual.

I v always had this thought/Vision in my mind along with my mom... What is the most abundant natural resource we can harness/ Exploit (in a good way)..... SUN... and I am sure given proper support all the suppressed plans will be disclosed to the public. Infact if each able individual starts solar powering their own home, me thinks there will be abundant power to donate to the needy :P

Conclusion: Damn u Govt.. spare some change for the rest of the nation.
We use ACs (5 star and Inverter) only during night in three bedrooms. My drawing cum music room does not have AC. Once thought to put Ac in drawing room also, but kept on hold as electricity bill will make me sweat more...
My electricity bill remains around 2.5K during normal months and goes upto 4k during summer.
My god... you might as well sell the hifi :eek:

It was quite a lesson in appreciating what we have and can (at least for now) afford. A blessings-counting day!

I was about to reply on the same lines. With scarcity comes clarity and the need to prioritize what you do.

As for Hi-Fi, it was just a question of adapting. With just about 2 x 2 hours of power in the night, I switched to watching TV series from movies ;). Due to unpredictability of power, I am using portable players and IEMs for the past 2-3 years anyways.
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Generally how many average hours do you run your AC daily ? Please share which AC you are using?

3 hitachi 5 star splits from 8pm-8am so 12 hours (got them really cheap as stock clearance from reliance)

All our lights are led lights bought at wholesale rate, mostly 1-3watts.
3 hitachi 5 star splits from 8pm-8am so 12 hours (got them really cheap as stock clearance from reliance)

All our lights are led lights bought at wholesale rate, mostly 1-3watts.

running 3 ACs for 12 hours each ...... and elec bill juuuuuuuuuust 5 k? :eek:
Your meter is 'robbing' the Haryana Govt pal!
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