Thad E Ginathom
Well-Known Member
Don't try a water cooler together with an AC! Never!
why not?
I guess, the idea is...
--- An air conditioner does not only cool the air, it also de-humidifies it.
--- An Air Cooler cools the air by evaporation of water (your body works this way too).
--- Therefore: No point in using both.
You may do very well with Air ("Desert") Coolers up there in Delhi. Here, where our air is saturated with humidity, we must go for ACs ...or suffer.
I think Chennai has a record run of 40-plus days in its sights! Whilst we are getting shorter scheduled power cuts now, unscheduled ones continue, and late-evening/night-time voltages are very low.
Personally, I wouldn't swap Chennai's climate for Delhi's. A few weeks of summer suffering is the price we pay for not being frozen in the winter