Endhiran - The Robot.

The problem with this movie is it has raised too much of expectations. People simply refuse to watch it just as a movie. They expect a miracle, esp. because the team is so powerful. Look at the lineup of big guns : Rajnikanth, Aishwarya, Shankar, Rahman, Rasool, Stunt director (Matrix), Animations by Jurassic Park/ T2 team, VFX by Avatar/ Titanic team, Anthony (Ghajini/ Sivaji editor) and funds & promos by Sun TV group!
Robot is really awesome movie.....Rajinikanth is simply superb....Aishwarya was looking stunning asusual....really worth watching ....I enjoyed a lot...
Hi Guys,

Can some one throw some light on the word 'wasaby' that comes in the lyrics(senthenil wasaby) of 'Kadhal anukkal'? Some say its a Japanese herb and some say its a nut.Well this is not a burning problem but i am just currious:D

Ok friends, I am fresh from watching Robot/Enthiran in Fame Mumbai.

1)Movie is entertainment rich.
2)Rajnikanth is awesome
3)Nice CG in the entire movie (I liked CG in regular and normal scenes than action scenes)
4)No rajnism by Rajni. But Robot is full of rajnism (for those who dont know, there is human rajini and robot rajini in the movie)

On the flip side

1) A.R. Rahman's music. Though in tamil songs are hit, I believe he could have done much better job
2) Comedy
3) Some illogical sequences (though not big)

Not going to tell the story. Watch it in theatre...
Hi Guys,

Can some one throw some light on the word 'wasaby' that comes in the lyrics(senthenil wasaby) of 'Kadhal anukkal'? Some say its a Japanese herb and some say its a nut.Well this is not a burning problem but i am just currious:D

Coincidence, I had Wasabi just today in the form of Wasabi coated cashewnuts.

Wasabi is a japanese herb that is made into a sauce/paste. It is edible, usually available in Japanes restraunts or shops selling Sushi. It produces a very pungent smell and sensation in your nose. Either you like it or you don't. I don't like it, but have tried it several times. It is to be tried, very difficult to explain. As for the lyrics, wasabi in honey, need to try it some time.

Wasabi - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Robot is really awesome movie.....Rajinikanth is simply superb....Aishwarya was looking stunning asusual....really worth watching ....I enjoyed a lot...
I liked the movied too, definitely good for one watch. Fantastic graphics for an Indian movie. Music was ok. Not sure if it was a case only in this theater but IMO A.R.Rehman needs to go easy on the high frequencies, caused me a lot of fatigue with his razor sharp highs. One particular song where the robot dreams about Aishwarya, I just could not sit in the theater, took the opportunity to buy some popcorn.
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Just back after watching Endhiran. Typing from mobile, so cant write much. First half was really good. Second half is scripted purely for graphics, take it out and there is void. It is evident that while graphics smells fresh, script is a decade old. As somebody said, keep your smart brains parked outside if you really want to enjoy this movie. Physics has taken a lot of beating here. But yeah it is supposed to be a science fiction which means you can't expect logic. Aishwarya is awesome. You cant say she is 35+. Surprisingly she takes centre stage in this plot.

Towards the end, VFX is very heavy and you feel a bit overloaded. BG music is poor, but SFx adds shine to the CG. Definetly a enjoyable film no doubt about it. May be watching once is just right. So here I am putting up my second ticket booked for this Sunday for sale.
I agree somewhat with Santy, I will not probably go to see this movie on theater, but IMHO is pretty overhyped, inserting CGI just for the sake of putting CGI isnt good and serves no purpose even though they might be decent, which in ROBOTS case (only judging from trailers) looks like .....errrr pasted on to the movie, they dont look real per the context of the movie. Even after spending 1.6 C!!! ....... CGI dosent look anyway near to even decently pictured low budget hollywood sci fi ...... anyway opinion differs ......
CGI is by ILM , who created star wars , and is owned by george lucas . It is not the CGI at fault , we do not have any perfectionists . We do not have enough creative people .
Regarding the music we have so many audiophiles on this site , I am no audiophile , but I do understand good music and respond to good music . All I have ever thought was AR Rahman doesnt produce any "fusion" in his music ,but his music in itself is confusion . There is no logical start and end , but that is me .

In the earlier posts somebody was talking about Shankar as a great director , but , honestly I think most of his stories are lifted from English novels and adapted to Indian cinema . he is the best of the lot who does the copying job efficiently .

I just dont understand why a super star needs so much of media coverage . It is just another film .. hmmm . I do not know when people will be able to not over hype things .

I am not trying to belittle anyone out there , but I think we have much better talent , much better directors , actors etc .
It is just that SUN GROUP is trying to force "robot " into a successful venture . Personally I am sick and tired of the ADs on TV . Yesterday I was trying to find out about the AYodhya issue and all that SUN news comes out is with trailers of "ROBOT"
Hi Guys,

Can some one throw some light on the word 'wasaby' that comes in the lyrics(senthenil wasaby) of 'Kadhal anukkal'? Some say its a Japanese herb and some say its a nut.:D


Wasabi is used in Sushi.. it is pungent, green in color and mixed with long shredded ginger and eaten with sushi... it is hotter than any mirchi powder or anything... (Sushi is nothing but raw fish/prawn wrapped around small rice ball.. usually spherical but sometime also cylindrical.. sometimes rice is wrapped in sea weed... kinda weird stuff)..

Since the fish is raw if the fish comes from polluted water you're bound to get sick.. ;)
Just came back after watching Endhiran. TBH for a die-hard Rajini fan like me it was a disappointment. CG was nice but towards it was overload, which made me think that I should have walked out. Robot Rajini in the second half for few scenes was good, apart from that it looks like a typical over rated movie.
Hi Guys,

Not yet watched the film.It is interesting to read so many views all over the net.Here is one review by a blogger whose film reviews i have always had some respect.

Lightning Strikes Everyday

I was delighted he remembers writer Sujatha who had a big role to play with this flick.It has not yet sunk in me that the writer who has entertained me since i was a teen ager, with his enormous sense of humor and fantastic writings is no more among us.May his soul rest in peace.

CGI is by ILM , who created star wars , and is owned by george lucas . It is not the CGI at fault , we do not have any perfectionists . We do not have enough creative people .
Regarding the music we have so many audiophiles on this site , I am no audiophile , but I do understand good music and respond to good music . All I have ever thought was AR Rahman doesnt produce any "fusion" in his music ,but his music in itself is confusion . There is no logical start and end , but that is me .

In the earlier posts somebody was talking about Shankar as a great director , but , honestly I think most of his stories are lifted from English novels and adapted to Indian cinema . he is the best of the lot who does the copying job efficiently .

I just dont understand why a super star needs so much of media coverage . It is just another film .. hmmm . I do not know when people will be able to not over hype things .

I am not trying to belittle anyone out there , but I think we have much better talent , much better directors , actors etc .
It is just that SUN GROUP is trying to force "robot " into a successful venture . Personally I am sick and tired of the ADs on TV . Yesterday I was trying to find out about the AYodhya issue and all that SUN news comes out is with trailers of "ROBOT"

Can you please tell me where you read that ILM did the Cg for Endhiran,
I will be much obliged. I do agree with you on all the other comments :).

CG was done by "Indian artists" in Chennai, and "Animatronics" physical not digital, only was done by legacy effects in USA.
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Can you please tell some where you read that ILM did the Cg for Endhiran,
I will be much obliged. I do agree with you on all the other comments :).

CG was done by "Indian artists" in Chennai, and "Animatronics" physical not digital, only was done by legacy effects in USA.

Enthiran - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
from wiki
"The film will be edited by Anthony Gonsalves, with Manish Malhotra and Mary E. Vogt dually in charge of costume designs. Yuen Woo Ping will be the stunt co-ordinator for Enthiran, making his foray into Indian cinema, while Stan Winston Studios will take care of the animatronics in the film.[38] Industrial Light & Magic will be working on visual and special effect"
Managed to get a ticket for tomorrows show in prasads.. :yahoo:
Will pen down my observations soon after.
Will be watching the movie tonight at big cinemas in hindi. Will post my opinion tomorrow.
BTW have never seen a Rajni movie before. It was always on my 101 before I die list . (no 69 : watch at least one Rajnikant movie ):)
I watched Endhiran FDFS (first day first show). Gonna watch it again tonight. Will watch once more next weekend as well. Many of my friends have watched it twice already. :D

Now, coming to the movie - it's excellent! It's certainly not logical but then finding logical mistakes in Endhiran is like finding logical mistakes in LOTR, Harry Potter, Pirates of the Caribbean etc. :)

Even if one isn't a fan of mainstream cinema, director Shankar will certainly impress with his wild imagination and creativity. And Rajni will impress with his charisma and acting! Even if you hate Shankar and Rajni you would agree with this after watching Endhiran. If you like Shankar and Rajni, well... I don't have to state the obvious... :D
Movie Is Superb i Like the Movie very much
Ppl who dont like the movie also must appreciate the Effort taken to make this picture

Guys when yo believe (Say movie is superb rocks) for avatar,2012 why dont you appreciate and accept the graphics in Endhiran
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