Endhiran - The Robot.

Here are some of Rajnikanth's capabilities.

1. Once there was a competition between Rajinikanth and Superman. The loser was to wear his underpants over his pants.

2. Rajinikanth never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself in fear.

3. Rajinikanth doesn't breathe. Air hides in his lungs for protection.

4. Rajinikanth doesn't move at the speed of light. Light moves at the speed of Rajinikanth.

5. Water boils faster when Rajinikanth stares at it.

6. Rajini can speak braille.

7. Rajini cannot predict the future; the future just better do what Rajini says.

8. Rajini can tie his shoes with his feet.

9. Rajini once won a game of Connect Four in 3 moves.

10. In a high school math test, Rajini wrote "Violence" as the answer for every question. He got an A in the test because Rajini solves all his problems with Violence.

11. Rajini can squeeze orange juice out of a mango.

12. The best part of waking up is knowing that Rajinikanth didn't kill you in your sleep.

13. Rajinikanth can build a snowman out of rain.

14. Bill Gates lived in constant fear that Rajini' PC may crash. That is why he took early retirement.

15. Rajini can strangle you with a cordless phone.

16. Rajini can play the violin with a piano.

17. Rajini was once charged with three attempted murders, but the Judge quickly dropped the charges because Rajini does not "attempt" murders.

18. Rajini once punched a man in the soul.

19. The only time Rajini was wrong was when he thought he had made a mistake.

20. In one kick, Rajini can push 20 enemies - each to a different corner of a ROUND room.

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anyone sawhindi version? how is it? and any fanatic who swa both?

Saw the hindi version yesterday. Still recovering from a splitting headache. Was the first rajni movie I saw and will be the last !
The movie was an hour too long. ( over three hours running time ). Rajni looks old enough to be ash's father . The famous rajni charm and style totally eluded me. Maybe the movie was too multilayered for my brain to grasp.
I dragged seven of my friends to the movie . They refuse to pay me back for the tickets.
The worst part was Rahman's music. Total cacophony. I went home and listened to "jasn a bahara ' on loop to Reaffirm my faith in rehman.
THe special effects were pretty good as was the locales of a couple of songs( one shot on machu pichu and other at the stunning maranhao sheets in brazil!!!) . But there's only so much Sfx can do.

The Hindi lyrics of most of the songs were hilarious.

That was my personal opinion.Now ,I am going to hide .
i just saw robot in hindi version ,awesome movie for me 9/10 ,1 mark only minus for songs ,hilarious hindi version :D songs but ash look sexier in songs :licklips: :licklips: :licklips: i never thought first that she can too look hot as compare to her previous movies aaaahhhhhhh ash :licklips:

end was great luv robo rajni style especially when he plays evil role :clapping:

luv ranjikanth ;) miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiid it :cool:
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Here are some of Rajnikanth's capabilities.

1. Once there was a competition between Rajinikanth and Superman. The loser was to wear his underpants over his pants.

2. Rajinikanth never wet his bed as a child. The bed wet itself in fear.

3. Rajinikanth doesn't breathe. Air hides in his lungs for protection.

4. Rajinikanth doesn't move at the speed of light. Light moves at the speed of Rajinikanth.

5. Water boils faster when Rajinikanth stares at it.

6. Rajini can speak braille.

7. Rajini cannot predict the future; the future just better do what Rajini says.

8. Rajini can tie his shoes with his feet.

9. Rajini once won a game of Connect Four in 3 moves.

10. In a high school math test, Rajini wrote "Violence" as the answer for every question. He got an A in the test because Rajini solves all his problems with Violence.

11. Rajini can squeeze orange juice out of a mango.

12. The best part of waking up is knowing that Rajinikanth didn't kill you in your sleep.

13. Rajinikanth can build a snowman out of rain.

14. Bill Gates lived in constant fear that Rajini' PC may crash. That is why he took early retirement.

15. Rajini can strangle you with a cordless phone.

16. Rajini can play the violin with a piano.

17. Rajini was once charged with three attempted murders, but the Judge quickly dropped the charges because Rajini does not "attempt" murders.

18. Rajini once punched a man in the soul.

19. The only time Rajini was wrong was when he thought he had made a mistake.

20. In one kick, Rajini can push 20 enemies - each to a different corner of a ROUND room.


:clapping: :clapping: :ohyeah:
Paaji a punju appreciating a tamil movie! This is united India. Now this marathi guy will watch it on your recco!

dear Hemant,Rajini in Tamil is HAVOC! In hindi he cld be more than a comedy!take ur pick! Dont forget to leave yur brain and logic behind! U wl love him.rgds.visu
Saw the hindi version yesterday. Still recovering from a splitting headache. Was the first rajni movie I saw and will be the last !
The movie was an hour too long. ( over three hours running time )...... Maybe the movie was too multilayered for my brain to grasp.
............That was my personal opinion.Now ,I am going to hide .

THAT was your problem ;). You were supposed to leave it when entering. Follow the rules correctly :mad: :p
I have seen Sivaji thrice! ( wice in Tamil once dubbed!)In fact was in Hyderabad when sivaji rlsed ,for a conferance. Was ready to pay rs 1000 for ticket in black...the hotel reception told me min I should shell out 2000 and then to there is SOME possibility!

BTW I regularly watch trash movies ..like Gunda,loha,Disco dancer,escape from la,harley davidson and marlboro man so you got a fair idea...and Giraftaar is my all time favorite...It was a rare GEM with 3 BIGGEST stars in Indian cinema- Amitabh,Rajni and Kamal Hassan!
I had to watch it for the second time as my in-laws were not game for it.. This time I saw it as just like another movie you would fill up your usual weekends with, unlike the first time with lot of expectations and after a long 2 year wait.. It was quite better. It also matters with whom you watch it along. My wife was excited, which influenced me as well!

Mumbai mirror has given a 4.5 star rating, higher than Avatar (ya its silly) and I feel its probably because of the sensation Rajani managed to instill. But I am sure neither its author or me or his fans expected Rajini to be as young as Ranbir kapoor to come out disasppointed. We all know his age. See, its all about expectations.
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My apologies then. I had no idea of the rules . Maybe a second viewing under the rules will help( me appreciate the movie ). :):)

...This time I saw it as just like another movie you would fill up your usual weekends with,....See, its all about expectations.


There you go! I won't watch this for another 3-4 years. I am yet to watch Sivaji.

Hemant's post reminded me of the 'great' films I've watched, though he mentioned them as "trash movies" :mad:. The correct name would be "cult classics" :rolleyes:.

There are two ways in which you can watch "Escape from LA"

Person with brain: Stupid plot! Couldn't they have spent a little? Where's the logic? Am I supposed to be enjoying this? .... Damn! Does Carpenter care where this movie is headed? What a waste of time! ... results in head-ache

Person switching off the brain:

(Before the movie begins)Wow! somebody on badmovies.org said this is a cult classic!.
(Kurt Russell: Call me Snake!) Wow! what a dialogue man!
(Kurt Russell plays "Bangkok rules" and shoots down four men) Cool! :clapping:
(Bruce Campbell makes a guest appearance) The man from Evil Dead! That made my day :yahoo:

..... and so on...

This may be stretching a bit, but that's how you watch "cult classics". Otherwise, you are "missing the point".

Rajini films are a bit like that. So, make sure you follow the "rules" correctly next time ;)
I do like cult classics. I loved evil dead , the kill bill movies , mad max , dr. strangelove ...

Maybe the style and punchlines do not translate to hindi that well .
Ok Guys, Watched the movie today.. :ohyeah:

It was an experience never to be missed. I bet, you CANNOT get as much entertainment for the money you pay for the movie anywhere else.

BTW, Iam talking about the TAMIL version. Hearing hindi songs sound funny and meaning not conveyed properly.. Tamil songs are great..

Now to the plot. I for one think you need not leave your brain home for THIS Rajni movie at least. As much as I hate Shivaji, this one is great! Mark my words, this is going to be a classic.

I wonder if ANY movie in the future can match this, now that Rajni is old and cannot do a repeat of this movie.

Aishwarya.. :yahoo:
I have been seeing aish all through my adolesence and later, never once did she look so much gorgeous! Shankar has presented all the plus of all the technicians and for aish, obviously its her beauty. You are sure to see a new and great looking aish. Man.. She is a beauty.. She was not 1/2 beautiful in Ravan. Believe me.

And Shankar.. :clapping:
While every movie of his has some scene or other that you would feel is waste of money, Endhiran has all the scenes including songs showered with only the requisite amount of grandeur (This might be because WHOLE of the movie is grandeur and 'normal' scenes would look odd).

I will watch the second time. This thought occurred to me in course of the movie itself which is very rare. Songs have great repeat value (though they felt as junk when I first heard them) for the picturization, music coordination, presentation and music (for the most part).

For people criticizing, Rajni is 61 years old. I am sure I will not be able to walk 20 steps continuously at the age. :D
Imagine a 61 year old doing the 'chitti dance' and train stunts (though with the help of special effects etc) and you will know you were expecting too much.

And no, Rajni did not look like Aishwarya's father in the movie. That is mostly a preconceived over statement. In real like he looks like her grandfather and thats a different story.

My gripe is the 'scientist' Rajni is made too much of 'mokkai' to make chitti larger than life. One of the scenes, he escapes from a road bully by putting sand in his eyes.. :rolleyes: No basic heroism, No stunts.. Err.. thats bad. But chitti is realy LARGER than life and Rajni handles the character with as much ease. The villain role of Rajni is the highlight. And Gawd, he did it so well..

At the end, If you are a neutral viewer like me, who calls junk a junk (Eg: shivaji) and diamond a diamond (Eg: Badsha), You will end up going to the movie a second time.

If only this movie came when Rajni was younger (the time of Badsha), There could have been a chance someone could have performed better.

The climax scene is great and simple both at the same time. You get an attachment towards chitti which never withers off ever after the movie is long over.
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Please don't say something as naive as 'leave your brain behind'.

What if 'Endhiran' hurts your left-brain(logic,reasoning) a bit? It does awe your right-brain(imagination,creativity) just like 'Avatar', 'LOTR', 'Harry Potter', 'POTC' etc. Obviously, the production values are not as polished as those movies owing to the relatively low budget.

And trust me, I've never before awed at an Indian filmmaker's creativity like I did when I watched Endhiran. Plus, there are loads of science lingo like fibonacci numbers, neural schema, monozygotic twins, Issac Asimov's rules etc. used in perfectly apt situations. The movie is actually much cleverer than it appears to be.
There are two ways in which you can watch "Escape from LA"

Person with brain: Stupid plot! Couldn't they have spent a little? Where's the logic? Am I supposed to be enjoying this? .... Damn! Does Carpenter care where this movie is headed? What a waste of time! ... results in head-ache

Person switching off the brain:

(Before the movie begins)Wow! somebody on badmovies.org said this is a cult classic!.
(Kurt Russell: Call me Snake!) Wow! what a dialogue man!
(Kurt Russell plays "Bangkok rules" and shoots down four men) Cool! :clapping:
(Bruce Campbell makes a guest appearance) The man from Evil Dead! That made my day :yahoo:

..... and so on...

This may be stretching a bit, but that's how you watch "cult classics". Otherwise, you are "missing the point".

Rajini films are a bit like that. So, make sure you follow the "rules" correctly next time ;)

Shall I start a thread on Hindi and English cult classics? I think this subject deserves 2 threads! Also my Tamil and Telgu brothers can have their threads ( BTW Saw Subtitled Magadheera after seeinf "Jeep Flying End" on facebook ,and I enjoyed it!)

Hey man I must have seen Escape from LA 6-7 times! It is good I discovered person having similar tastes! Eypatch ,Leather,Unshaved looks and harleys... Kurt Russel's Snake Plissken is Dead Cool!

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saw it on friday evening after office hrs in tamil in mumbai .......and then again on sunday in tamil ....

First half is very good ....second half drags a bit and could have been trimmed

First half .....excellent scenes , screenplay and lot of humor by rajni , robot and ash ....the movie moves at a brisk pace ....and raises your expectations ......

Second half .....songs ... where they are not required ....and that is annoying .....if that is overlooked .....rest is mindblowing .........last 45 minutes climax is simply awesome ........

the movie has a very strong plot and everything else compliments that plot ....tighter screenplay and less songs would have made if a better movie

ARR is a let down .....songs are just average .....but background score is a let down ..........considering that he must done the background score after the movie has been shot .....

Ash is gorgeous and acts very well in this movie ........Rajni suprisingly does not indulge in any of his trademark mannerisms and sticks to the plot ..... for those who say rajni is only about style and not acting .....this movie is a revelation .....this is his best performance .............

i generally dont watch a movie more than once .....since i consider that to be a crazy thing ..........but in this case i resisted the temptation on Sat .....but then by Sunday i had to go .....
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BTW, when I was younger (read: school days), I used to be part of the 'gang' that traveled even to other towns / cities to catch a Rajini movie within the first week. That died down as I grew up!

To see Rajini "act", you actually need to go back all the way - his films with Mahendran and a few movies with K. Balachandar. He was not always this masala demi-god!

If writer Sujatha was alive, this film would be even better, sci-fi wise! May be I should change my 'policy' and catch this movie within this year just to see what the buzz is all about :indifferent14:.
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