Fans of Television Series

Watched a few series of late:
- Longmire - can highly recommend. Crust, battle hardened sheriff in a small town next to an Indian reservation. Solves crime in his own way. I really got to like it a lot, to my surprise actually. Think modern day cowboy.
- Merlin - more like a Disney production. Surprisingly entertaining actually! Proof of the pudding - I've gone through more than a dozen episodes and still want to see more.
- Orphan Black - only seen 2 episodes. Already hooked. But too early to make any kind of recommendation. Can only say it is very promising so far.
Fringe - Started watching this month. It started off slowly but now in Season 2 . Has its own interesting moments.
Finished Breaking Bad. Waiting for next episode of GOT. Please suggest some good shows that are completed, I don't want to wait for the next episode.
Watched 6-7 episodes of Orphan Black and it continues to be quite good. Nice subject line too.

P.S. Utopia seems to be quite interesting too. Thanks for posting.
I watched a few episodes of Veep and Scandal while in the US recently, both are entertaining. Got to see House of Cards Season 2, The Good Wife current season (as good as ever) and the new 24, up to this Monday.
Black Mirror S01 - Another UK Series . Twisted Plot based on Technology vs people. First episode is mind blowing literally .
24 season 9 is going awesome, but probably a former episode character becoming US president in the next episode seems to have become a practice in this series
Twisted started this TV series solely on Netflix recommendation and boy I am hooked, I usually enjoy Family drama with thriller (REVENGE being the best so far). This is also almost in the same league, except this concentrates more on Collage Kids. Characters are very well laid out, dialogues are interesting .... and has a very nice mystery going at the background. Completed 4 episodes and looking forward for the rest season.
House of Cards (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb - Did some major binge watching and caugh up on both seasons in a few days.

Kevin Spacey is brilliant and reason enough to watch the entire series.
Robin Wright is along for good company.
Michael Kelly actually plays a scary character and pulls it off well.
Rachel Brosnahan is pretty and one wishes to see more of her. She had a passing role in The Blacklist so the eye candy here is better.
Kate Mara was wow in the first season, but left towards the 2nd season.

The rest of the cast are ok.

The story and the games the Underwoods play are where its all at... hugely entertaining and one of the best series on TV right now.

Highly recommended.
Twisted ...... Completed 10 episodes, and twisted has gone from good to better to awsome ......this is really get hooked material ...... I love TV series about family, friends, relations and with a really good mystery going at the background holding the entire knots among each character. Wonderfully woven ...... Try this guys, some good stuff here.
Finished Se 01 of Twisted and it rocks, loved the last episode the last 10 minutes really turned everything around. Now looking what to watch next, as unfortunately not many Tv series showing up on Netflix.
Started watching an old science fiction cult classic (I have wanted to see for a while). Firefly.

Now I know why this acquired cult status. Very good story line, great scripts, great acting, good action, fast paced, totally worth watching even if you are not a science fiction buff.
Finished firefly loooong ago ...its in my top 5 all time TV series along with Breaking Bad and HOMELAND.
Its a movie actually that closes the TV Series with grace answering all the unanswered questions that were left in Firefly. Saw it immediately after I finished FireFly .. :)
Checked Netflix today, Homeland is still not available also did not find anything else interesting. Started watching house of cards, but not liking it much. Any other interesting series which i can watch and is currently available on Netflix. Also how to change the region for netflix, i think currently we are watching US content only.
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