Over the run of that first season, the question for viewers was whether or not Banshee was aware of just how ridiculous it was. By the time a rocket launcher appeared in the final shootout, that question had been answered without doubt, and Banshee quickly became the ultimate guilty pleasure that was fast losing the 'guilty' prefix.
The truth is that sometimes the mind needs a different kind of entertainment from the richly layered likes of Mad Men or Breaking Bad, and Banshee caters to your inner teenage boy like nothing else. Every week is a serving of gleeful, unpredictable mayhem that has absolutely no pretence as to what it is trying to achieve.
Now none of this is to suggest that Banshee is perfect. Sometimes the series is tripped up by its over-excited plotting, and its willingness to experiment sometimes results in directorial and editing choices that are just kind of odd.
Who could be comfortable with the fact that the women on the show are rarely anything more than the Strong Female Character archetype? .... Does the plethora of dangerous women holding their own in fights make up for all the stripping scenes? Not at all, but even a failed attempt at equal representation is a start, and to be fair, the show has gotten a lot better in its depiction of women since the first season.
Banshee is such an excellent and underrated piece of television because unlike so much else it has always known exactly what it wants to be and within those parameters, it can be brave, occasionally intelligent and moving, and never anything less than entertaining.
IIRC, the very reason that made you quit GoT
^^ Not the first time we would be having this discussion : #1, #2.
I'd be surprised if we agreed on everything. IIRC, the very reason that made you quit GoT was the reason I got interested in the series (I wasn't that high on GoT until that point). Even with the same series, we may like it for very different reasons. Opinions are, well just... opinions, a product of their time and environment. I don't even have a high opinion about my own opinions (since I have changed a lot of them over time). So, I am hoping you are not asking me to argue with you about why Banshee is the best ever thing on TV and try to change your opinion
OMG... he quit Game of Thrones? Seriously?
the very reason that made you quit GoT was the reason I got interested in the series (I wasn't that high on GoT until that point). .
I am sad about The Good Wife being ended; because I was in so much love with this show and its amazing characters.![]()
Still to see the final season...in fact I might re-watch it all over again .... its THAT good afaimc ...
well what should i make of this ..... you watch every TV series I hate?? .........
I think Justified is a common TV series between us. I LOVED justified ... I mean so much, it has gone in my all time fav TV series ......
Probably!(but, I am only repeating what I said in a different context)
It is actually... Breaking Bad, Justified, Firefly, True Detective S1 .. as far as I can remember. I still feel Justified is under-rated on IMDB.
I wanted to start The Good Wife based on your reviews, but catching up 156 episodes feels like a lot! :sad:. I have not watched any courtroom dramas, so not sure I will love it as you do. I will give the first season a shot and see if I like it..
HOMELAND had another powerful character to carry on, GOT atleast at the end of season 1 didnt ...... plus there were couple of other reason as well which disappointed me a lot at the end of SE01 I left GOT in rage ....lol....![]()
In the GoT universe, everybody is disposable. Obviously, I will riot and stop watching if one particular character is killed (That actor gets the top billing in credits now). But, otherwise, I am game. At first, I too was shocked by what you refer to. However, it pleasantly surprised me that a series could do that. GoT does not revolve around one person, it really is about many important characters - each in his/her own way. You can pick and choose your favorites.
You should really give it another shot. I don't know what your 'other reasons' get resolved in any season. However, I believe that your core issue has to do with your expectations. I still won't guarantee that you will love it, but it is worth a shot!
Unlike most other series, GoT dips in quality only in S05 and by that time, you probably should be well invested in characters enough to let that slide.
Those who loved Broadchurch (TV Series 2013 ) - IMDb Broadchurch.... Here is a good news. There is gonna be third and final season