Fans of Television Series

If you are fan of crime Detective shows, especially set in secluded places, do catch up with "Fortitude" . Set in the remotest place of Iceland with a population of just 700 & a police force of just 4, this show does keep you engrossed all the time, you also get to see the northern lights. There is an element of creepiness to the show which keeps you on the edge. 7.5/10.

Source..??? :D
Totally off. Heroes was nice, but more of pop culture.

Sense8 is intense and not at all about superheroes or even saving the world. Its closer to what I said in the previous post.

Heroes Reborn totally sucked... I think I lasted till the 2nd or 3rd episode.

Sense8 is totally worth it. Might not always go at the pace you want, especially there is more character building in season 1 (the same as Daredevil season 1), but its still can excellent series and totally worth it.

Started Sense 8 ... 4 episodes down the line...its "REALLY" slow to build up things ...guess should pick up speed soon .... will continue for now .... Nice to see Indian actors and Indian background brought in ....:)
Started Sense 8 ... 4 episodes down the line...its "REALLY" slow to build up things ...guess should pick up speed soon .... will continue for now .... Nice to see Indian actors and Indian background brought in ....:)

It comes together nicely, hang in there.

That is if you survived the nudity and open sexual orientation. Some folks might have issues with that.
House of Cards (UK Original Trilogy)

The original British HoC consists of three series: House of Cards, To Play the King and The Final Cut, each having 4 hour long episodes. The first season (or series) is the best among them (~ one and a half season of the NetFlix series draws from this). The second is good but shares a certain similarity with the first, which brings the overall enjoyment a notch down. The third, while not bad, is a further step down in terms of overall quality.

In most things that are common to the two series (US and UK), I prefer the British version. Ian Richardson's 'breaking the fourth wall' moments are much better than what I remember from the US version. Unlike Francis Underwood, who starts with killing a dog and stays that way, Francis Urquhart starts off as a charming old hand but gets dark only later on. This FU also shows some semblance of a conscience (at least when it comes to one person) in the second and third series, which I don't think Underwood ever does. Ian Richardson's performance is great.

The Calm version of his catchphrase:
The Dark version of his catchphrase:

The British wife, Elizabeth, has a much shorter screen presence compared to Claire (though very much alike in some senses). Mattie Storin is a much better character compared to Zoe Barnes. Roger O' Neill is more annoying and pathetic than Peter Russo. Doug Stamper does lot more dirty work than Tim Stamper. Those are the obvious comparisons. But, the US version deviates and develops into its own and the comparison stops there.

IMO, The first series deserves a watch.

In Contrast, I am still unable to move past the second episode of HoC (US) Season 4. In between the four sittings it took to finish the two episodes, I have finished the following series...

Billions: I had high expectations for this series considering the cast. I was enthusiastic for the first 3-4 episodes. While lot of things do happen in the next 8-9 episodes, I felt there was only 'micro movement', but nothing much at the 'macro' (story) level. It had all the ingredients - Interesting characters, casting, the setup, but I felt the payoff wasn't there for me.

Archer: I have been binging on Archer lately. I would start with the intention of watching one episode and would end up watching 2-3. A bit uneven at times, some so-so episodes, but on the whole, it has been a great, great way to spend my time.

Rick and Morty: What attracted my attention to this series was it's high ranking (#8) in the IMDB Top TV shows list. But, let that not distract you. After all, Dark Knight was #1 for a while and unknown Turkish films often end up in Top 250 list :)

I didn't like the Pilot .... at all. But, from the second episode, I was hooked. While there are some good episodes in the first season, I liked the second season even more. Overall, it has some so-so episodes, even a couple you can call bad, but when it is good, it is really, really good (and as far as I've read, everyone's favorite episodes vary).

It is too early to call the series as great, especially since I have not watched others like Futurama etc., If you are like me, it would take a few episodes to get used to the characters, but then it's worth sticking around.

[Source for all: DL]

PS: Started Bosch yesterday. Should finish it real soon! :)
Finished binge watching both seasons of Bosch.

I liked the second season more than the first. The series has a retro, noir-ish quality. I am happy that it is neither run of the mill nor is it violent or brutal just for the sake of shock value. It also feels more like reading a fast page turner, thankfully without an overly complex narrative. As far as I've read, the fans of the books have liked the show, which is a definite plus. Titus Welliver is excellent. Good to see Jamie "Marlo" Hector as his partner. His audio setup also seems really nice (which apparently works without speaker cables, at least in Season 1)!

One page for all things related to the series: BOSCH TV - Extras -
So Season 4 (Just 8 episodes) of "Banshee" comes to an end. Must say the last season was really adrenaline pumping with some great action & suspense. Looks like curtains for Banshee with Season 4. It really had some great characters for a show to pull it through so far. 8/10.
Sense 8 - Season 1 ... well this TV series is different and very expressive in its nature. Concept is intriguing. "A group of 8 people around the world are suddenly linked mentally, emotionaly as well and must find a way to survive and help each other via their own abilities." .... The thing is, toooo much time is spent on character development and background. I understand that there had to be an emotional quotient involved in order for us to understand the relation and why they help and trust each other eventually, but the pacing was way damm too slow, I am ok with slow pacing and have seen really slow paced TV series, but the problem here afaimc, was too much verbal interaction, which actually increases the hype, which was good, BUT then you yearn for some action to give that interaction a satisfying closing, given the premises of the scenario, but action comes too late and too less. Also too much of attention is given to transgender relations, with very explicit sensuous scenes, which would have been ok, had that lead to a satisfying climax, which it didnt ......none the less it was intriguing enough to have me kept going till the end .... Wish the entire season had the same level of tension the last 2 episodes managed to get ......6.5/10 for this one.
Banshee Season 4

Finally, Banshee comes to an end and I am going to miss it. It may not be the best out there in terms of intelligent writing, but it had a unique character that attracted me to it. The most memorable thing about Banshee is its fights which brought emotion, brutality, and good action choreography together (going all the way back to Hood-Sanchez to the even more memorable Burton-Nola).

This final season was short with only 8 episodes. It is to me, the weakest of the four seasons. This whole season was a little weird. Declan Bode may have made an interesting unsub in a single episode of 'Criminal Minds'. But that whole serial killer arc could have been done without. It also did not have the caliber of fights which one would expect in Banshee until the last episode.

It could have done better with more of Job, though. Hoon Lee has been a consistent scene stealer with his performance as the tough, wise-cracking transvestite hacker (how contrasting is his role in Bosch!).

But, all's well that ends well. The final episode made up for an otherwise lackluster season and ended on a high note.
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