Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

comeon spiro. That can't be true. Are you using keyboard or game pad. I play using my xbox 360 controller. Will give it another go after your encouragement.

What,I can with keybrd.I play in PC,playing with SA on green pitch is really defficult.
What I do is,I see bowler movement ,predict & then usually Hit six on leg side which is very easy in mode5 OR try reverse sweep,which goes for six.:D
I am just finished Mass Effect 2 on PC.
Now waiting for BF bad company 2, it is gonna be kick ass game. ;)
Have heard of MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game), haven't heard of MAG...

Audiodelic is referring to MAG which is only on PS3. Metabandit - I believe you're a PC Gamer, this game is online only and has 256 players on a single match.
Finished COD 2, COD Modern Warfare, COD World at War, and COD Modern Warfare 2 in the last 4 months. My vote still goes to COD-MW. Agreed that MW2 looks gorgeous, but the very small gameplay time takes away some of the excitement. I started it with the same anticipation and hype that it had received the world over, but before I knew it, it was over. And sort of abruptly too..

Yea even I finished all COD series within the past 6 months.....AFA MW2 is concerned.....see with MW1 we had no idea what was coming, what was offered was unique and absolutely new and that is why feels better for most of us when infact MW2 has better environment and action, but we had an idea what was coming and hence very high expectation.

As far as addiction goes, The Half Life Franchise gets my vote here. While Half Life was a novel experience, Half Life 2 is just mindblowing. The levels are awesome, there are several small puzzles to be solved in each stage ,the Source Engine scales very well to any average PC configuration, the music is great, and Gordon Freeman is one legendary character...
I have also finished HL2 - Episode 1 & 2, and eagerly awaiting Episode 3. But the original missions take the honors here

HL 2 is the only game of recent times that I have not played......few reasons...... first............ is it true that you need an active steam account to activate the game even if you buy the retail. Also I have heard that the game does not work with system having more than 2GB ram. All this has drafted me away from the game...other wise after HL1...HL2 was the first on my list
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Aliens vs Predator is out but pretty poor review] by game spot....just 5.5...damm I was seriously looking forward for this game.......
HL 2 is the only game of recent times that I have not played......few reasons...... first............ is it true that you need an active steam account to activate the game even if you buy the retail. Also I have heard that the game does not work with system having more than 2GB ram. All this has drafted me away from the game...other wise after HL1...HL2 was the first on my list

sam9s,I guess you seems to be grossly mistaken or misinformed.
Its just a matter of perception.
My take is, I bloody like Steam concept. One particular reason that stands out is that I have changed 3 pc since 2006 and never had to re-install(except the steam client and follow the steps).
Once the game is activated, its in your account- you can play all the game even when you are off-line.

And 'bout 2GB ram. - are you talking about your system limitation or that Steam games do no allow more than 2 gb?
I have had 3+Gb ram in all my systems - never had any issue.

Set-aside these misconceptions and Game it. - its worth it.
sam9s,I guess you seems to be grossly mistaken or misinformed.
Its just a matter of perception.
My take is, I bloody like Steam concept. One particular reason that stands out is that I have changed 3 pc since 2006 and never had to re-install(except the steam client and follow the steps).
Once the game is activated, its in your account- you can play all the game even when you are off-line.

And 'bout 2GB ram. - are you talking about your system limitation or that Steam games do no allow more than 2 gb?
I have had 3+Gb ram in all my systems - never had any issue.

Set-aside these misconceptions and Game it. - its worth it.

Well I dont like the idea of downloading the entire game online. What do you get then when you buy the pack from a retail store?? I am confused. Same happened for Dirt 2 which I was supposed to get free with HD5850 but what I got was just a stupid card with a valid serial number. What am I suppose to do with that.

About RAM....... no I am not talking about system limitations. I was reading somewhere online that HL2 create problem running with system over 2 GB ram. Specially 4+GB I have 6GB and so I am concerned.......
Anyway will google it again.....
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Downloading the entire game is a problem?
well - none can help!

unless you have the patience ( which helps most of the time). say for ex. my connection takes about 8-10 hours per Gb.

Just look for the link where u can download the game and then activate. should be mentioned somewhere / else call up/mail for assistance.

Normally the retail games comes in DVD while promotions/Bundled games/clients games(usually for online games) may have activation key

I hope you have 64bit o/s as RAM in excess of 3.5+ gb may not be recognized. Anyway all steam Games are in constant updates and should not be any issues of late - there are about 25 million users using Steam and about 8% of them have 6gb RAM.

Steam Survey January 2010: Windows 7 overtakes Vista - Bright Side Of News*
My addiction :

RTS : Command and Conquer - kane's wrath.
single player againt Brutal AI with 15%handicap.

FPS : Portal ,Crysis+warhead (4th run done).

overall Lifetime: C&C - Tiberium Sun. ( Addicted to the word :cool:)
Downloading the entire game is a problem?
well - none can help!

unless you have the patience ( which helps most of the time). say for ex. my connection takes about 8-10 hours per Gb.

.........see and then they say stop piracy, why would a general use dispite of being geniune go for a download for hrs n hrs for a game he legitimately purchased.......eventually he will break his patience when all he needs to do is go to a near by local CD store and get a copy.

What about those who do not have a net connection????

But hatts off to you bro....8-10Hrs per GB damm man you got some 8 10 hours I am able to download around 6GB easily.

Just look for the link where u can download the game and then activate. should be mentioned somewhere / else call up/mail for assistance.
Normally the retail games comes in DVD while promotions/Bundled games/clients games(usually for online games) may have activation key

Ok now then tell me if I go and buy HL2 from a retail store what would I get.....just a valid serial number and the link to that how steam works......???

I hope you have 64bit o/s as RAM in excess of 3.5+ gb may not be recognized. Anyway all steam Games are in constant updates and should not be any issues of late - there are about 25 million users using Steam and about 8% of them have 6gb RAM.

yes yes I have Windows 7 Ulti 64bit addation. so I am ok in that department. Let me google on this again and see if I get some authentic info
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.........see and then they say stop piracy, why would a general use dispite of being geniune go for a download for hrs n hrs for a game he legitimately purchased.......eventually he will break his patience when all he needs to do is go to a near by local CD store and get a copy.

I am referrring to genuine Softwares only. When we say download - these are called digital copies - normally Amazon,gamespot,Steam others have this options. When a game is given as bundle 'as a Key' - Most of the time , they give you an url where u can get the digital version of the game.

What about those who do not have a net connection????
1. Dont purchase the "Software" -if the software activation requires mandatory activation over net.(but people do have options to take thiere PC to place where the connection are avlb). - its mentioned on the box.
2.SOME software allow activation thru Phone (Microsoft) but games - i am not sure.

But hatts off to you bro....8-10Hrs per GB damm man you got some 8 10 hours I am able to download around 6GB easily.

Bsnl Home UL 750 plan(256 kbps) - cant help it:).
I usually leave download overnight.

Ok now then tell me if I go and buy HL2 from a retail store what would I get.....just a valid serial number and the link to that how steam works......???

1. Its avlb as Digital download on their store.
2.Orange Box is avlb as retail box which has 2 DVDs.( includes all the Episodes hl2 ,portal,TF2 ) - if the games gets duplicated by bundle purchases you can gift them to others:ohyeah:

But Steam account is mandatory.(its more like a dashboard of what all you own,manage your purchases/updates... also if you have non-steam games you can include in the dashboard... which allows you to launch these games from here....

Actually you can create a Steam A/c before you purchase/install any - you will get an idea - its free.
What is Steam - for download and walkthru
Its avlb as Digital download on their store.
2.Orange Box is avlb as retail box which has 2 DVDs.( includes all the Episodes hl2 ,portal,TF2 ) - if the games gets duplicated by bundle purchases you can gift them to others:ohyeah:

But Steam account is mandatory.(its more like a dashboard of what all you own,manage your purchases/updates... also if you have non-steam games you can include in the dashboard... which allows you to launch these games from here....

Actually you can create a Steam A/c before you purchase/install any - you will get an idea - its free.
What is Steam - for download and walkthru

mmm So I think Orange Box is advisable to go for. I can open a steam account...not a problem.... but I dont want to go for the trouble of downloading the whole game(ofcourse if I am buying). So if I buy orange box that would contain the full version of HL2 all episodes.......right??
mmm So I think Orange Box is advisable to go for. I can open a steam account...not a problem.... but I dont want to go for the trouble of downloading the whole game(ofcourse if I am buying). So if I buy orange box that would contain the full version of HL2 all episodes.......right??

yes - contains the full version.
- half life 2
- half life 2 episode one
- half life 2 episode two
- Team Fortess 2 ( multi player game )
- Portal

Once activated, - steam will 'update' these games - normal related to bug fixes etc.
- if needed you can pause these updates...
Guys Completed COD4 MW2 and I will say AMAZING experience......thoroughly enjoyed the game. My next installment was Aliens vs Predator but with reviews and scores are that bad I am skipping this one. Instead guys checkout Battlefield Bad Comapny 2 looks seriously awsome, watched few trailers. Checkout the following videos....

GameSpot Video: Battlefield Bad Company 2 - CES Panama Canal Gameplay Movie

GameSpot Video: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Ambushed Gameplay Movie

This might land up better than COD 4
Hey I mentioned .....completed COD 4 MW 2 and now started Left 4 Dead 2 and I am happy to say that I finally found a game that has 7.1 native sound track. L4D-2 has native 7.1 sound track and playing the game with lights off gives you an awsome thrilling an creappy experience.........well made sequel and equaly engrossing......enjoying every bit of it.......

I've completed Resistance:Fall of Man 1 & its sequel Resistance 2 :)

Good FPS game based on alternate history. Heard there is going to be 3 installment also so wating for that:clapping:

COD 4-MW is going to be my next FPS game:)

Currently I am glued to the game Assassin's Creed II. I must say it is a fun game. not as versatile as oblivion but fun to play. hope to finish it by couple of days.
Guys Completed COD4 MW2 and I will say AMAZING experience......thoroughly enjoyed the game. My next installment was Aliens vs Predator but with reviews and scores are that bad I am skipping this one. Instead guys checkout Battlefield Bad Comapny 2 looks seriously awsome, watched few trailers. Checkout the following videos....

GameSpot Video: Battlefield Bad Company 2 - CES Panama Canal Gameplay Movie

GameSpot Video: Battlefield: Bad Company 2 - Ambushed Gameplay Movie

This might land up better than COD 4

Im hooked to bad company 2 demo its too frikn good, my Bad company 1 blu ray got a crack and ive been missing it heavily march is going to be the answer to my prayers with the part 2.
here are some of my favourite games:

prince of persia
wolfenstein 3d
need for speed (initial few ones)

I tried a few modern games, but I find them too bloody complicated and requiring a lot of skills with the keyboard and/or mouse. i also tried my friend's xbox, but the pad for that has more keys than a keyboard:)

If someone could suggest some simple games, I am willing to give it a try
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