Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

here are some of my favourite games:

prince of persia
wolfenstein 3d
need for speed (initial few ones)

I tried a few modern games, but I find them too bloody complicated and requiring a lot of skills with the keyboard and/or mouse. i also tried my friend's xbox, but the pad for that has more keys than a keyboard:)

If someone could suggest some simple games, I am willing to give it a try

funny you keep tetris, Quake, NFS and minefield in the same list..... :-)
anyway games are not complicated, just needs practice. You can lower the difficulty at the minimal and that would give you ample amount to adjust to the game. I presume when you say Quake its the first one you are talking about. Go for Quake 2. Try half Life one very interesting game. Doom II can also be tried. But all these are FPS (first person shooters) may be you do not have much liking for FPS. Have you ever tried playing RTS (real time stratagy) like Age of Empires. Their learning curve is a bit steap but they have any all together different feel. VERY VERY addictive once you start to get the hang of it. Start with AOE II, or Commandos II both are RTS.
Im hooked to bad company 2 demo its too frikn good, my Bad company 1 blu ray got a crack and ive been missing it heavily march is going to be the answer to my prayers with the part 2.

yep same here been waiting for this game eagerly now. its releasing tomorrow :)
Slightly OT - PS3 Phat owners there seems to be a glitch which doesn't allow you to login to PSN as well it corrupts some of the Game profiles. More to read here

Sony PS3 network glitch affects thousands - Telegraph

And Internet has gone crazy about this already :D

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Guys just though to chip in. Been playing Left 4 dead 2 for quite a wile now. Have completed 4 chapters out of 6 now and every chapter has 5 rounds. This game is better than Left 4 Dead. AWSOME creapy environment, commendable graphics. point is fu*kn difficult at the hardest level mailly because there are no checkpoints as such, if you die the entire level starts all over again, makes the game DAMM difficult. I was just able to do first chapter on hardest level. Second one on second hardest and third/forth I could only do at the normal level. There is a chapter called "HARD RAIN" ...... one of the best level design I have seen after COD 4- MW -2. The entire level is in Rain and thunderstrome which greatly adds to the terror of zombie world. Believe me its a must play game for all Hard Core action fans.
Guys remember the game that started this "WAR fps" genre Medal of Honor after giving some unsuccessfull sequels is coming back with a complete reboot of the game with the same name Medal Of Honor set within morden war environment in Afganistghan. Checkout the teaser.....looks awsome...

GameSpot Video: Medal of Honor Annoucement Trailer
Finished COD-MW2 yesterday. Awesome experience it was. Will be starting Battlefield Bad Company today. And now to see MoH is releasing the fun will never stop :yahoo::yahoo: I hope it's releasing on PS3?
Finished COD-MW2 yesterday. Awesome experience it was. Will be starting Battlefield Bad Company today. And now to see MoH is releasing the fun will never stop :yahoo::yahoo: I hope it's releasing on PS3?

wow did you receive a copy of bad company 2 already ?
wow did you receive a copy of bad company 2 already ?

Whats that suppose to mean.........are you appointed for moral policing here.....I gave him a copy and you can bloody bet where I got it from.....
Finished COD-MW2 yesterday. Awesome experience it was. Will be starting Battlefield Bad Company today. And now to see MoH is releasing the fun will never stop :yahoo::yahoo: I hope it's releasing on PS3?

cool and congratts.......MW2 was worth playng.....I am currently still with Left 4 dead 2, Even this is too addictive to leave, very well made level designs.......just one chapter left and I will also probably move to Bad Company 2. I also have Dark Sector 2, not sure how that game is.....
wow did you receive a copy of bad company 2 already ?
Whats that suppose to mean.........are you appointed for moral policing here.....I gave him a copy and you can bloody bet where I got it from.....

Hold on guys, Cool it down, I'm talking about BFBC not BFBC-2. Still waiting for BFBC2, but will get it soon (I'm on PS3 so no downloaded stuff :sad:)

cool and congratts.......MW2 was worth playng.....I am currently still with Left 4 dead 2, Even this is too addictive to leave, very well made level designs.......just one chapter left and I will also probably move to Bad Company 2. I also have Dark Sector 2, not sure how that game is.....
L4D2 is not in PS3 it I'm correct? My list have AC2 next, actually tried to start it yesterday but some new version software needed to be downloaded. So left it at that yesterday.
Downloaded GOW3 demo but somehow this doesn't seems to be my kind of game. I'll stick to shooting as of now :p
Hold on guys, Cool it down, I'm talking about BFBC not BFBC-2. Still waiting for BFBC2, but will get it soon (I'm on PS3 so no downloaded stuff :sad:)

That answers everything

L4D2 is not in PS3 it I'm correct? My list have AC2 next, actually tried to start it yesterday but some new version software needed to be downloaded. So left it at that yesterday.
Downloaded GOW3 demo but somehow this doesn't seems to be my kind of game. I'll stick to shooting as of now :p

yea, sadly its on xbox360 and PC only, you would miss one hell of a game, that is why I always recomend xbox360 if "gaming" is the prime cocern, if multimedia is the priority, yes PS3 outshines 360. But PC beats both in all

and GOW3, when did that come out, let me check.....I think we only have GOW 2.........anyway I played GOW 1 which was seriously a very innovative game I enjoyed it very much, and then they moved away from PC platform, for what ever reasons.........right now waiting eagerly for MOH Reboot.
yea, sadly its on xbox360 and PC only, you would miss one hell of a game, that is why I always recomend xbox360 if "gaming" is the prime cocern, if multimedia is the priority, yes PS3 outshines 360. But PC beats both in all
Yeah, my main motivation for the PS3 was the Blu-ray drive and Uncharted 2:yahoo: With PC you need to keep on upgrading and initially investment is quite high for a comparable rig with Blu-ray support and a very good sound/graphics card. So PS3 was the way for me.

and GOW3, when did that come out, let me check.....I think we only have GOW 2.........anyway I played GOW 1 which was seriously a very innovative game I enjoyed it very much, and then they moved away from PC platform, for what ever reasons.........right now waiting eagerly for MOH Reboot.
I played only the Demo version not the actual game. Demo is available on the PSN for free, but ofcourse only for PS3. I felt that this game is controller killer and finger killer too. I'm not into that kind of fast paced game.

Initial impression about BFBC (first one ofcourse) : Not gonna like this game after MW2. It's bit too crude and the smoothness is missing. Aim is bit difficult than say UC2 or MW2. Also the story is not very interesting.
Started Assassin's Creed 2 also, I think I'm gonna like this game even it's not a shooter game.
Yeah, my main motivation for the PS3 was the Blu-ray drive and Uncharted 2:yahoo: With PC you need to keep on upgrading and initially investment is quite high for a comparable rig with Blu-ray support and a very good sound/graphics card. So PS3 was the way for me.

I played only the Demo version not the actual game. Demo is available on the PSN for free, but ofcourse only for PS3. I felt that this game is controller killer and finger killer too. I'm not into that kind of fast paced game.

Initial impression about BFBC (first one ofcourse) : Not gonna like this game after MW2. It's bit too crude and the smoothness is missing. Aim is bit difficult than say UC2 or MW2. Also the story is not very interesting.
Started Assassin's Creed 2 also, I think I'm gonna like this game even it's not a shooter game.

Yea PC comes out to be more expensive I agree on that front, but I still feel, PC is more worth as a complete multimedia gaming device than console, and I dont feel you have to upgrade it too frequently, my config is the same for the past 1.5 years, except the GPU, which I had to change as I was not able to play games on my 47" LCD on full 1080p with my 8800GT. Other wise even an 8800GT was able to play all current gen games on a 19" monitor@1440x900 res. So you see that upgrade fever is all in the mind, games are not progressing as fast as the GPU hardware is....

About GOW3, yea even I am talking about the DEMO I checked in Gamespot and I could not find any title coming in near future. Anyway.....maybe its exclusive on PS3.

And there was no way you could have loved Bad company 1 after MW2, its the Bad Company 2 that is a complete rework and looks amazing, I am getting this game. About to finish Left4dead 2, on the last round and then will start BC-2. Will share the experience......
Hello Gamers,
any one playing Assassin's creed 2 in xbox 360 platform. I have a question I have been to all the viewpoints but only found 21 codex out of 30 how to get all the codex. Does the assain's tomb contain any codex pages. They are too difficult for me. can't make so many synchronized jumps within a time preriod.
hey @ KonfuSed I think I got confused for GOW-3, what I meant was Gears Of war and I am sure what you ment was God Of War, for which 3 installement has been released on PS3. Gears Of War is the one for which only second installment is released that too only for apologise for the confusion here.
Hello Gamers,
well the codex issues in Assassin's creed 2 is resolved. I just needed to finish the game and they just appeared automatically. Of course I had to collect manaully the other codex from different cities. Its fun game. The puzzles are bit strange and not staright forward. Its time to solve them all.:)
Okay Guys - Picked up BF BC 2, Anyone with PS3 able to come online. Thought it will be good to play with you guys.
Hi guys,
I tripped on "God of war" which i got for my PSP ..phew! i had no choice but to finish that game in 4 days (i am employed, so i work also ;) )

was way too addictive to be left inbetween and was 'my kind' of game with gothic theme and beasts n all with graphics to drool for.

Hv Xbox n 360 with quite a few titles as well, but well they are since way back then and my younger bro uses them now .. and i find PSP much more easy to grab a bite of ..though occasionally.

BF BC2 is too damn good, loving this game ..... especially with the new modes apart from conquest and rush ..... good going EA :clapping:
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