Game(s) you are currently addicted to.....

audiodelic said:
BF BC2 is too damn good, loving this game ..... especially with the new modes apart from conquest and rush ..... good going EA :clapping:

Good to hear you're enjoying it. I installed it went through the first cut scene and have now come to play Badminton. Will you be playing it tommorow if so I'll join.
Guys finally finished Left4Dead 2 and I must say AWSOME game, the final finalley of the game takes place on a Bridge which you have to cross to reach the rescue, and believe me man.......I had to fight my ass off to reach at the end that too after 3 tries (ofcourse I am talking about playing at Advance difficulty) but what a gruesome battle it turns out to be, dozens n dozens n dozens of zombies coming from all directions and the combination of your shotgun/colt commando with HT Woofer :D.......Gaming Bliss Man!!! Gaming Bliss...:D :D

Well time now to start Battle Field Bad Company II ......... will report the experience soon......keep gaming gamers...... :-)
About to end... Bad Company II and I must say another kick ass must play game here, its very tough competition between Mordern Warefare 2 and Bad Company II, but I felt BC II a bit more distructive in its environment and bit more thrilling, visual quality is more or less same as MW 2, but I am enjoying BC II a wee bit more than MW 2. The edge of the seat action is in abundant in BC II and the explosions literally creates a catastrophe in the entire gaming envirionment. Superb simply Superb.
My copy of MW2 has been collecting dust since i got hold of bad company 2, the BF2 multi player is at a whole new level.
Anyone started on Final Fantasy 13? I've just started playing it a couple of days ago on my Xbox 360 and I must say the graphics rock! Ok given that it's not quite like Battlefield or Modern Warefare 2 in the sense that it is a 3rd person rather than a FPS, but it's pretty enjoyable nonetheless. I Also decided to give Batman Arkham Asylum another run. This time in the hardest level. Needless to say, I haven't gotten far since Final Fantasy has been taking up most of my time!
If every I will buy PS3 is because of Killzone 1 and 2, they simpley did not release this awsome game on PC........damm
If every I will buy PS3 is because of Killzone 1 and 2, they simpley did not release this awsome game on PC........damm

Sam ji - KZ 1 is only on PS2 though - I Agree about KZ2 such an awesome game. I regularly play it online, still has a vibrant online community.
Sam ji - KZ 1 is only on PS2 though - I Agree about KZ2 such an awesome game. I regularly play it online, still has a vibrant online community.

yea whatever .... :rolleyes: I meant the PS3 version.....I havent played it ofcourse but the trailer, nailed me right in the first viewing.......been longing to play that game since then.....
BTW, I do know if this is an echo post, but Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain (aka the Origami Killer), is an excellent game, realistic graphics, knuckle whitening decision making and an extraordinary plot. Like it almost as much as Quantic's previous release, Indigo Prophecy (aka Fahrenheit, the uncensored version in the EU!).
God of War series.......
If I ever buy a PS3 it will be because of God of War 3

Sony is currently having a bundle of PS3 Slim (250GB) with GOW3 at select outlets. Don't know how long stock will last though. I got one of the few 250GB Uncharted2 bundles.
For the gamers delight few Rocking games coming up in 2010........

1. CRYSIS 2 - Cryteck 3 engine

This looks AWSOME...

GameSpot Video: Crysis 2 The Wall Trailer




2. Split/Second

This looks rocking .... Fans of racing game just watch the trailer and you will be screaming to get the game....

GameSpot Video: Split/Second Gameplay Trailer

3. Serious Sam - HD : Second Encounter

Any one who has played the hit First Serious Sam and was dissappointed with the second installment, rejoice now as this installment looks too promising, even by Gamespot standards.......check out the trailer.....

GameSpot Video: Serious Sam HD: The Second Encounter Multiplayer Madness Trailer

Last but not the least....

4. Call Of Duty - Black Ops

Is there any need to say anything about Call Of Duty Series...... Here Comes another ones and this one too looks it wont dissappoint......

GameSpot Video: Call of Duty: Black Ops Debut Trailer
Adding few more.........

4. FEAR 3

My My My FEAR 1 was fu*kn amazing, FEAR 2 was rocking, Let see what FEAR 3 has to offer......

Teaser Trailer

GameSpot Video: F.E.A.R. 3 Debut Trailer

5. Bulletstrom

This looks like Kick Ass game, crash boom bang and blooda........check out the trailer

GameSpot Video: Bulletstorm Official Trailer

6. Dead Space II

Dead Space I was ROCKIN, very creepy and intruging, DEAD SPACE 2 offeres more dark creepy environment and new unique weapons, much like Dead Space 1.

GameSpot Video: Dead Space 2 Dementia Trailer
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