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Just now completed split second and I am ready,eager and dying to share my experience with gamers out there, as this turned out to be a kick ass of a game.......To start it belongs to Burnout Genre, but I enjoyed this far more than Burnout. (This is on PC I am talking about).......



But before we actually judge this game, you have to understand that this racer game does not much depend on Racing simulation, rules or regulation, but just one thing ..... "How to get you bloody opponent blown off the track" .... :mrgreen: and the game succeeds very much with it.......its a arcade style combact racing game.......the idea is that we can trigger certain explosions laid on the track creating the distruction of the surroundings and thus blowing off your opponent........add to that great graphics, super speeds and thunderous sound effects and you got your self a thoroghly enjoyable game......

If anybody has seen the movie "Death Race" this game has exactly the same feel to it. Imagine an out of control airplane (triggered by an opponent)thundering toward you on a track which is the Airport itself and you somehow been able to manage zip past by that plane inches away at a speed of 200kmph......:D

Or when you demolish couple of your opponents by dislodging a huge concrete beam over them and you zip past by through the explosion itself.............truly satisfying man, specially with a woofer speaker system.

GAMEPLAY ::: Hows the gameplay.....amazing, fast and pacy, developeres have made sure that the action never slowes down even after you take a hit. You earn your power by drifting, drafting, jumps, when your power meter is enough, icons appear on your opponents that you can trigger the explosion, but appearing the icon is not necessarily at the correct time, so timing is something you have to adjust by your self. The interesting part is when your power meter is full and red then you are ready to trigger some HUGE a whole power plant, or a huge bridge, or a neuclear reacter......this not only can take 3,4 of your opponents at once but also changes the course of your game by creating an all together alternate Track ...... absolute cool......

GRAPHICS ::: Graphics are at par with todays gen games, though not as good as Burnout PC. But explosions and devastations are shown pretty neatly and are done very well. (Assuming that you are playing 1080p resolution with all settings set to high. 6.8/10

SOUND ::: That is where the game actually excells. It demands to be played on a Home Theater or a good 2.1 setup. The sound of explosions are huge and thunderous and you are simply thrilled by devastation. Developers have made the sound track in such a way that car engine is min, Game background score is second and the rest explosions and distruction is max, which is exactly the game of this kind needs...........8.5/10

check out the video at gamesopt

GameSpot Video: Split/Second - Power Play to First Gameplay Movie

Over All Game Score ..... 8/10
Do not really like playing games on pc.

When I am bored I switch on to the good old 64-in-1 video game using simulator and play games like Goonis, Islander, Mappy, Legendry, Ice climber etc or switch on to the Contra!! :D

Immidiately after Split Second went for this another awsome game called BLUR, why immediately as Split Second had 7.5 score on gamespot and this had 8.0, so with obvious curiosity, I was too excited to start this game.



BLUR also follows the same league as to be a total arcade non simulation type game, infact it is even more arcade style than Split Second.
What BLUR has done is introduced an innovative way to use some pretty over the top kind of weapons seen in Mario kind of games and incorporate those in a car racing game. Add to that some nifty stunts, decent graphics and pacie action and you have BLUR. Result is some very exiciting gameplay
that needs fast reflexes to conquer.

GAMEPLAY ::: Hows the and pacy much like Split second, but as I said more arcade style, as here when you shoot your opponent you dont blast him off the track, but just slow him down enough for you to take over.
You have ICONS on the track that give you specific powers, like Shield, Lazed gun, Nitro, Electric Shock. You have to use these powers to slow down your opponents and eventually win the race. At the end of all the rounds you have to challange the main Boss, whome you have to beat in order to quality for the next round. Its an one on one race and very enjoyble.

The whole experience is made pretty colorfull, with the weapons creating the distruction in a very multicolor manner. There are 63 events to compete in, topped off by nine bosses. There are three unique event types: racing, checkpoint, and destruction, with different rules. Overall Game is very engaging.

GRAPHICS ::: Graphics are at par with todays gen games, but more colorfull as per the game equirment. (Assuming that you are playing 1080p resolution with all settings set to high). 6.5/10

SOUND ::: Well sound is definately not as good as Split Second, but decent enough, the distructions are not the devastating type so the sound effectes are kept like the typical mario style, which is essential to the gameplay and environment..........7/10

check out the video at gamesopt

GameSpot Video: Blur - Power-Ups Gameplay Movie

Over All Game Score ..... 7.5/10
Has anybody played the FIFA 2010 on the PS3? I was planning to get it with my new PS3. So, please help me out with reviews
^^ I am not a Hitman fan, but yes have played couple of Hitman games, they were like ok for me, nothing to shout for......
Has anybody played the FIFA 2010 on the PS3? I was planning to get it with my new PS3. So, please help me out with reviews

I have fifa 2009 on PC and its really really addictive game, I have fifa 2009 on PSP as well and its one of the most engaging game along with World Snooker championship and Virtual Tennis. You can kill hours and hours with these three games loaded on PSP...
Modern Warfare I and II. I love both of these games.

Just trying to install JUST CAUSE. But it seems to just sit there. Still trying to sort that part.
^^ My Bro is playing Just Cause II currently and, its awsome AFA I can see. Its GTA mixed with Farcry II with amazing interactivity
wow crysis and farcry II and world of warcraft too......all at the same time........ u must be a student enjoying the semester break....:)
I have fifa 2009 on PC and its really really addictive game, I have fifa 2009 on PSP as well and its one of the most engaging game along with World Snooker championship and Virtual Tennis. You can kill hours and hours with these three games loaded on PSP...

That is exactly what I plan to do if I get the FIFA 2010:D. These FIFA games are very addictive. Even I used to play FIFA 2009 on my laptop, but it conked off after a while.
God Of War 3 : Kratos in HD!
Got it with my PS3, finished some 11% so far..

Amazing game, weird graphics, but love the the game! Loads of fun when u get Krato's to kill Poseidon with his bare hands, or kill Hades by ripping little pieces of him first, or kill Helios by ripping his head with bare hands..
Getting Xbox Pro soon, thorougly excited ....
Dying to play Red Dead Redemption
Getting Xbox Pro soon, thorougly excited ....
Dying to play Red Dead Redemption

I hate that egg box :p

Okay Okay - I was joking. Is that Egg box the new slim version which was recently released in E3. If not please get that Sam, it's the same price of the old elite and has much more added functionality including couple of USB ports and Kinect port (The motion controller thing) and internal disk space of up to 250 I think. But the power brick is still external and it's comes in shiny black :licklips:
Getting Xbox Pro soon, thorougly excited ....
Dying to play Red Dead Redemption

RDR is freaking amazing. I bought that game on day 1 and finished it within 2 days. :D I'm trying to play multiplayer but for some reason the lobbies I get into are always empty. R* games are worth buying a console for coz they usually mess up the PC ports.

BTW, once you get the game, finish the main story first and then try the side missions. That way, you'll get to appreciate the awesomeness of the main story.
I second that :)
Get the Shiny Black One... U can see about it here : New Xbox 360 gets official at $299, shipping today, looks angular and ominous (video hands-on!) -- Engadget

I hate that egg box :p

Okay Okay - I was joking. Is that Egg box the new slim version which was recently released in E3. If not please get that Sam, it's the same price of the old elite and has much more added functionality including couple of USB ports and Kinect port (The motion controller thing) and internal disk space of up to 250 I think. But the power brick is still external and it's comes in shiny black :licklips:
RDR is freaking amazing.

I envy you guys - You got so much of time to complete games.

Is RDR similar to GTA 4 with the former being set-up in a different atmosphere & era? If it's like AC 2 I'll give it a miss
I envy you guys - You got so much of time to complete games.

Is RDR similar to GTA 4 with the former being set-up in a different atmosphere & era? If it's like AC 2 I'll give it a miss

Hehe! I guess the game was released on a Friday and I played 7 hours a day and completed it in 2 days. :)

Comparing GTA 4 and RDR I would say, they only appear similar because they share the same control scheme, HUD and sandbox style gameplay.

The graphics in RDR is way better, the world is huge and the environments are much, much more varied. In the map, there's a desert, there's grand canyon, there's Mexico, there's a small city, lots of villages and settlements, there are thick forests, there are snowy mountains and there's even an ecosytem of wild animals for each environment. :) The single player campaign in RDR is much more fun than GTA 4. Epic missions are commonplace in this game. You'll be participating in a battle killing literally hundreds of enemies with a machine gun in a few mins, you'll be chasing trains, you'll be stealing trains, you'll race away in a wagon trying to escape bandits, you'll be running across rooftops evading enemies, you'll climb snowy mountain ledges and get attacked by bears and mountain lions... Ok, you must've got the idea. :)
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