different SQ of different undies elastics brands ??? :lol:
For all you know Gerald might turn out to be a cross dresser and prefer Victoria's secret!

different SQ of different undies elastics brands ??? :lol:
Incidentally saw your post on another forum asking help for my earlier problem. Really nice of you to take the time out to do that. Really appreciate it
Both the S15-T and SL15 had improved channel separation and compliance figures over that of the SPU. When introduced they were both more expensive than the SPU.
Amazed at how good a 50 year old cartridge sounds. Now I know what the buzz about the SPU cartridges are.Will post impressions soon.
Thanks, Rajiv, for that hugely informative link.
I, too, have an SL15 lying around waiting to be used. Now that I know that it's rated for 1.5 to 2 gms, I might try it out on my SME III.
In my opinion modern cartridge design like all things in mainstream Audio/HiFi since the mid 80's has gone down the path of trying to extract more detail and in the process lost the "soul" of the music.
The SME 3009(non improved) or 3012 will be better matches for the Ortofon SL15.
Do you have the matching 2K-15 transformer?
If you ever want to dispose of the SL15 please give me heads up.
Agree about the tonearm, but my only option right now is a 3009 Improved, which does not scale beyond 1.5 gms. The SME III has variable mass, and can track up to 2.5 gms, hence.
No, I don't have the transformer.
Will keep you in mind in case..., sure.
This gentleman's name is Aziz. Have set an appointment with him for coming Sat, 11 AM. He may be able to make idler wheel also. I need to give him proper dimensions.
Joshua,Took two visits: first visit got the belt for TD 124 as Aziz had similar length in stock. Second visit yielded the TD 160 belt which he custom-made after making measurements. Couldn't get idler though. One came up two weeks back in ebay but I forgot to bid as the ending time was some 7:45 am on last Monday morning! Any pointer to where I can buy one without all this hassles is highly welcome. This ebay seller from Switzerland refused to sell me on Buy Now.
I tried the TD 160 belt and it somehow doesn't sound right - very harsh bass and mid and everything sounding metallic. I think it's a bit too tight. Even free rotation is very restricted compared to earlier - stops in a few revolutions. Will measure lengths of original belt and new again and see if that is sufficient to produce so much harshness. Speed seems right.
Question: if a belt is too tight, what happens?
Any pointer to where I can buy one without all this hassles is highly welcome.
Did you try schopper for the idler or is it outta budget? You're looking out for a td 124 idler right? Will keep a look out for you
There are a few folks who will rebuild an old idler. Getting
the rubber compound right is supposed to be the trick.
Terry is often recommended.
You could try mailing this guy.
Mirko Djordjevic---- [email protected]
His ebay store.
Idler Wheel for Thorens TD-124 Turntable - New!!! | eBay
sq38s | eBay
His email is at the bottom of the page
E50 assy
He seems to be well recomended on Audiogon.
You could try these guys. I bought a TD124 belt from them years ago.
Technical & General, P.O. Box 53, Crowborough, East Sussex TN6 2BY, ENGLAND
tel +44 (0)1892 65 45 34.
I don't think they have a website.Old fashioned.
The same ebay seller has put up the auction once more. Again ending time is going to be very odd - some 7 am on Christmas morning. But I shall have to wake up and win this bid.
Bro, Don't you know the secret of ebay bidding ?Outbid again
I last checked last night at midnight, upping my bid substantially (I was the sole bidder then) but this morning I was comprehensively outbid and lost. Is there some automated way of upping bids?