No Hiten. That is not a fool proof method. People use software which automatically bids for you a few seconds before the auction closes. I have seen 7-8 bids made in the last minute.
Yes good strategy but in the past I let go few stuff as for most US auction they end at 4 to 5 in the morning. Guess I have to party.4) Look for auctions ending around 3AM in the local country as you will have lesser competition. I have won many automobile stuff like this in eBay Australia for I know Aussies will not stay awake except to party![]()
@ Joshua, one more thing you can do is join vinyl engine and post your requirement in wanted section. I posted for my Technics feet (as one rubber feet was broken) and a kind gentleman did send me turntable feet for free. but unfortunately they were of different model.
Will try vinylengine. Thanks for the tip.
Gerald wanted a dog.
So I got him a Great Dane.
Gerald wanted a dog.
So I got him a Great Dane.
Got the Classic GM mk II, the spherical one,