The GE 5965 completely thrashed the Mullards in practically every aspect.
I am not surprised at all. I have had a similar experience with pre/driver tubes in my Leben.
Let me explain. I did a little reading on the 5965s. They seemed to me as belonging to the 12AT7 family, but of industrial grade, having lower gain and with extremely low noise.
Likewise, my Leben came GE 5751 driver tubes. They belong to the 12AX7 family, but 5751s have lower gain, much lower noise floor, and generally made for sturdy use.
Since then I have tried NOS Telfunken 12AX7 ribbed plates, Psvane 12AX7s and now the Sylvania 5751s (spent quite a lot doing so, completely opposite to my nature). Overall experience is that the 5751s do much better, and the Sylvania really dazzles in my amp. Both the 12AX7s (TFK and Psvane) are decent but get beaten squarely, especially by the Sylvania 5751s.
Hence, I guess, the lesson is, for the driver tubes, gain is not important. However, good build (lower microphonics) and lower noise floor is important.
Try and get a stock of GE 5965s while they are still available.