Well-Known Member
Rishi, I recently heard the denon a1 paired with a pair of vintage speakers and was really impressed. It did away with any underestimation of its capability thinking its an AVR.
Rishi, I recently heard the denon a1 paired with a pair of vintage speakers and was really impressed. It did away with any underestimation of its capability thinking its an AVR.
so why there aren't any current AVRs that can match these stars from yesteryears?
If yamaha has the capability why has it stopped making a comparable but modern avr?
Thank you so much Rishi-san! This is the most informative, helpful, and amazingly detailed post for AVRs I have ever seen.![]()
I notice that the build quality of a lot of these went down as they started outsourcing. Some of the later AVR's in the Group B category started outsourcing to Malaysia (where most of the higher end AVRs are made) but this trend really started after most of the AVR's highest end ones were built. Nowadays you get even the mid-range or lower range made in Malaysia and really low range made in China.
I wanted to ask why you didn't mention some AVR's in your post.
I have an Integra 9.1 U2 (This was the TOTL Flagship model at the time, also THX Ultra2 Certified with many of the same features as the other). I don't see much difference between the DS-989 and the Integra 9.1. The price was only $200 more when new ($3200 vs. $3000). There are a few things I don't like about it: The back and casing looks cheap, not as rich or refined looking as some of the competition... The mutichannel input is through a DB25 connector (this is strange, will this have a negative effect on sound quality? The good quality adapters have to be custom made and are expensive... but it's neater and takes less space).
Anyway, I was debating whether to keep the Integra 9.1 U2 (or the Denon 3805 I am using) or to sell and buy something else. I want the best SQ possible.
I love the sound of ADS and for me they blow away these KEF Reference speakers... However, they are quite hard to drive and sound too bright with most AV Receivers. So I wanted your opinion on what is the best to get. Here are my choices and worries:
1. Pioneer Elite 47tx/49txi (These two are excellent and I LOVE the design. The casing looks the richest and I have a Pioneer BDP-51FD as my Blu-Ray which will fit really well as they both have a glossy shine. I am only worried about the 50MHZ component video Switching) 59txi (This would be ideal but harder to find than the other two, this has 100mhz switching? I also heard that this model allows for bi-amping through the zone 2 channels. Is this the case for any of the other models I listed?)
2. Denon 5800/5803 (These also have only 50mhz switching) 5805 (Too expensive for me to afford to buy used or trade in for my Integra 9.1).
3. Denon 4802R or 4806 (Maybe these are viable options, they are also Made in Japan and high quality, although under the flagships).
4. Yamaha Z1 (I can't afford the Z9). I have heard that the Yamaha is way too bright, but it has the best looks as you say, next to the Pioneer.
I have a Loewe Aconda CRT HDTV which is 1080i via component. I think it shows better than most modern Plasma or LEDs I have ever seen. No plasma or LED can have the contrast, black levels, etc... of a CRT. It just looks so luscious and pure. Anyway, will 50mhz be enough for the switching as many of the UBER's only have 50mhz or do I need 100mhz to get 1080i full resolution?
The iLink is important for me for two reasons:
1. I will be using the analog inputs for the blu-ray and can't switch.
2. I am planning on buying a multiplayer that can do SACD and DVD-Audio such as the Onkyo DVSP1000 or something similar if you have suggestions.
Let me know what you think.
P.S. Your pictures made me drool. It's like AVR porn! Is that a Hi-Vision player I saw with your Yamaha Z9 in an earlier posting? If I was a millionaire I would buy a Hi-Vision player (with as many discs as I can find) with transcoder and feed it to my Loewe Aconda. I would get full analog HD all the way through component... Maybe one day...
Thanks for the appreciation Silverchroma.Though I write for pure fun, time permitting, it is always good to know my write-ups are of some help to others.
All AV amplifier manufactures mentioned in my above post belongs to Japan. Thus all their Ubers were designed, manufactured, tested and shipped from Japan. This holds particularly true for Group-A Ubers which had the highest degree of product quality ever seen in these category, some Group-B Ubers may have Malaysia made components. I dont know.
Europe in general have AV amplifiers (devoid of internal tuner) but are available in stunningly beautiful titanium, silver and golden casing finishes whereas United States always get the all black AV receivers (AVR). Here is a list for you help:
With this Integra you are already at a high level in terms of SQ. Its only 10 years old and if you do have a proper DB25 adaptor then its a keeper. Only Group-A Ubers will take you on a higher level in terms of SQ and product quality. 4) Do not find any reason to downgrade to a cheaper Yamaha DSP-AZ1/ RX-Z1 when you have the Integra DTR-9.1 (U2). I have only read reviews and they are said to be musical and bright sounding. The RX-Z1 will also be incompatible with 7.1 channel analog out of BD players as it accepts only 5.1 channels. Also it does with only six identically powered channels while rest two are front presence with much lower power output. A complete NO from my side. From your post I get that you want the DSP-Z9/ RX-Z9 but is unfortunately out of your current budget.
Thanks for the appreciation Silverchroma.Though I write for pure fun, time permitting, it is always good to know my write-ups are of some help to others.
some Group-B Ubers may have Malaysia made components. I dont know.
Pardon me, as an Indian I write relative to Indian context. Our mains are 230 volts, 50 Hz which follows that of United Kingdom. Europe in general have AV amplifiers (devoid of internal tuner) but are available in stunningly beautiful titanium, silver and golden casing finishes whereas United States always get the all black AV receivers (AVR). Here is a list for you help
To me a TOTL Onkyo TX-DS989 (Ver2) aka Integra DTR-9.1 (U2) released in 2002 carries much weight (apart from its 130W X 7 power output and 22 kilo heft) than say a TOTL Yamaha DSP-AZ1/ RX-Z1 of similar time frame. It simply a standing piece of history. With this Integra you are already at a high level in terms of SQ. Its only 10 years old and if you do have a proper DB25 adaptor then its a keeper. Only Group-A Ubers will take you on a higher level in terms of SQ and product quality.
Do not find any reason to downgrade to a cheaper Yamaha DSP-AZ1/ RX-Z1 when you have the Integra DTR-9.1 (U2). I have only read reviews and they are said to be musical and bright sounding. The RX-Z1 will also be incompatible with 7.1 channel analog out of BD players as it accepts only 5.1 channels. Also it does with only six identically powered channels while rest two are front presence with much lower power output. A complete NO from my side. From your post I get that you want the DSP-Z9/ RX-Z9 but is unfortunately out of your current budget.
What are your impressions of using Integra (having @ 40MHz) with your HTDV? If positive then the other Ubers supporting 40 MHz will do for you.
I dont know if you seen these Uber AV amplifiers in flesh with titanium, gold and silver finishing like I have, they have the ability to steal your dream with their beautiful and majestic looks and the awesome quality it exudes just standing still. I have not even talked about their performance. They have this high end feel which unfortunately are completely lacking in current TOTL AVRs which feels more like AV gadgets.
Apologies for the late reply.
.Yes very useful! thank you!:clapping:
. Very useful thank you! It's much appreciated!:clapping:
Yes many are now made in Malaysia and are not as well built as they were before. The components they use are often cheaper, but also the build quality is not so good. Cost cutting (including outsourcing) is what killed these Ubers off. Look at the Z11, most people think it's a lot more inferior to the Z9 and maybe it's because it's made in Malaysia and looks and feels cheaper too... the Z11 was made in Malaysia and many people didn't find it as good as the Japan made Z9. I feel like they didn't only save costs on the component quality, but also the build quality and of course outsourcing makes them cheaper to manufacture but not as good.
What about the Yamaha Z7 you mentioned earlier, was that a Europe Only model?
I have seen the Sony DA9000ES in Silver and have never seen it in black?
I haven't used the Integra 9.1U2 with component video switching. In fact I haven't even hooked up the Integra at all in all this time. I bought it on a whim and thought it was the cheapest Uber I can buy. It was $3200 new but I got it for $200 (without the remote or any accessories). The reason I haven't tried it is that I don't have the DB25 connector yet and I am debating whether to even spend the $75 to buy it if I may upgrade anyways to something with higher component video switching. ..... The only reason I was thinking of the Z1 is that it has 100MHZ component video switching, sleeker looks (I think the Integra 9.1/Onkyo 989 both look and feel cheaper than the other Ubers), and of course the normal analog input (I only need 5.1 not 7.1). Better more "sleek" looks.
On eBay I find the Pioneer 59txi often for about $400 with the remote and special microphone for setting the volume. I think aesthetically the 59txi matches the lacquered finish on my Loewe Aconda and my Pioneer BDP-51FD Blu-Ray. ..Finally the Denon, as many have pointed out it doesn't have the clarity, although is much more warmer and some say better sound. The 5803 and 5805 are excellent but unfortunately are way out of my price range. The Denon name demands a higher price, the 5803 can go for $800-$1000 and the 5805 for over $1000 used! This is ridiculous since I can get most of the other Ubers for half the price used on eBay or craigslist! I will probably find a 59txi in my price range (I have seen them for around $400 used including the remote and mic and accessories used). . So for me I think the Pioneer 59txi is the most affordable with the features I need... If I find any other ones maybe a steal of a deal, I will of course be on the lookout.
Finally, the Yamaha Z9 is the ultimate machine as you put it so well, but it is WAY out of my price range. They still sell for over $800 minimum if you can even find them. The Z9 would be my ultimate receiver but the minimum for a beat up one without a remote is probably $800, good condition with remote is over $1000 I think on the used market.
Unfortunately things are not made like this much anymore. I always thought the Japanese TOTL Uber's looked way higher quality and had better build than their American counterparts such as Lexicon, B&K, etc... Whenever I see a B&K receiver and the cheap connectors on the back, it makes me cringe that people could have paid so much for a receiver... They don't have the same feel to them. Of course there are exceptions but not for American receivers (Except maybe McIntosh although I don't like the looks too much), mostly European. The TOTL Arcam's used to be great, and of course Meridian Seperates are perhaps the worlds best, etc...
I haven't used the Integra 9.1U2 with component video switching. In fact I haven't even hooked up the Integra at all in all this time... The reason I haven't tried it is that I don't have the DB25 connector yet and I am debating whether to even spend the $75 to buy it if I may upgrade anyways to something with higher component video switching. I COULD buy the adapter for now, and use my component video switching box which has 230mhz, but it is an inconvenience to use a separate box. I already have too many remotes and trouble programing my Marantz RC9500 (Philips Pronto NG) Remote for all my components... I know that it will take me a few hours to hook this up and once I get everything hooked up, I will probably find a 59txi in my price range (I have seen them for around $400 used including the remote and mic and accessories used)...The 59txi fits the black lacquer on my Loewe Aconda TV and my Pioneer BDP-51FD Blu-Ray so will match perfectly and has all the features I need. If I find another of the Uber receivers with the features I need for around $300-$400 used I will get one.
Unfortunately things are not made like this much anymore... They don't have the same feel to them.
Hello Rishiguru San, So I ended up trading the Integra 9.1 for a Pioneer 47tx. I couldn't find a 49txi for less than a 59txi, and I couldn't find either at my price point yet. Soundwise - The Denon did sound warmer.
From what I understand the 49txi is identical to the 47tx except for: Firewire input for SACD, a couple more DACs which may be higher quality, and that's about it? This unit is a mega monster too that weighs 65LBS, etc... I traded because I didn't want to have that HD-25 connector and just plugged in.
The output on the Pioneer specs wise isn't much more but it does SOUND a lot louder
The thing that draws me towards the 59txi is the high quality metal speaker connectors (instead of the cheap plastic), the looks, and most importantly the Windows Media USB input. I don't think any of the other Ubers have this feature?
Pioneer is often the first, in fact the 47tx and 49txi were the FIRST EVER THX ULTRA 2 certified receivers on the market...
Also the bi-amping is a bit confusing for me. From what I understand, most speakers need to bipass the internal passive crossover when using bi-amping mode and need an electronic crossover. If bi-amping without that crossover, then the high frequency signal will go to the woofers, and spoil the sound and make it sound bright... If that is the case, what will bridging the two channels in bi-amp mode do? Will this short out the receiever or will it just put twice as much power into the one speakers? If this will work, then what are the advantages of Bi-Amping (4 terminal posts on amp to four terminal posts on speakers) vs. Bridging (4 terminal posts on amp to two terminal posts on speakers)?
Thank you Sensei!![]()