HFV Mini Meet for Genelec Studio Monitors Demo @ Mahim, Mumbai

Can somebody explain why nobody is interested to make an studio visit, could not understand...

May be because its not a studio? :p

I feel the main problem is time. I could not find time to go all the way to Mumbai to demo some equipments which I have in mind for purchasing. So demoing something I can't purchase is only second in priority.

Anyway kudos to Bhagwan for taking time and pains to offer such exciting experiences. May be we could post some reviews about the equipments about to be auditioned which will attract more members.
May be because its not a studio? :p

I feel the main problem is time. I could not find time to go all the way to Mumbai to demo some equipments which I have in mind for purchasing. So demoing something I can't purchase is only second in priority.

Anyway kudos to Bhagwan for taking time and pains to offer such exciting experiences. May be we could post some reviews about the equipments about to be auditioned which will attract more members.

Thanks for the compliment;
Trust me, I am here to help - anytime - anywhere. I am serious on this front.

However, I want to suggest a change in your attitude.
If I may be allowed to comment.

Why do you not want to listen to gear do not want to buy ?
I have all my life - traveled the world - just to listen to audio gear.
Most of it I could very afford. So what ? What is the harm in listening to piece of gear - even if it is not in your budget & then forming an opinion on it ? Why trust the 'review' of someone else that has heard it ?
Please do shed some light on your philosophy - I really want to understand it...
Collect Art / Appreciate Art [what your pocket permits] but also visit the Luvre' [Paris] & look @ Monalisa / Rembrant / Monet etc. & appreciate what they have to offer - no one has asked you to buy any of it !!
Just my 2 cents worth !
May be because its not a studio? :p
So what ?
It is a very well appointed demo room.
Here you have a case where the global head - technical will be present [since Clifford is a dear friend & I requested him] to explain things to you - make you experience the worlds most sold studio monitor - in an excellent environment with no obligation to buy & no one wants to take on the opportunity ? I am most surprised....to say the least !!
Trust me - all FM's should come - if not for the Gear - Genelec - Just for the technical talk & explanations that Mr. Clifford will offer - he is a very busy man & has installed & 'tuned' some of the most famous studios in the world & I kid you not. There is so much to learn from him. The Stories he can share are just amazing... At lest I love to meet him - great fun fellow & technically very very 'sound' !!!
Who all do not come - will really miss a lot !!! :sad:
Why do you not want to listen to gear do not want to buy ?
One reason is that after listening one ends up thinking his own gear is not good and needs to be upgraded. Level of satisfaction with current gear drops. Creates a craving for upgrading. Focus shifts from music to gear. "Ghar ki murgi daal barabar" syndrome (Chicken cooked at home tastes the same as Dal)
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May be because its not a studio? :p

I feel the main problem is time. I could not find time to go all the way to Mumbai to demo some equipments which I have in mind for purchasing. So demoing something I can't purchase is only second in priority.

Anyway kudos to Bhagwan for taking time and pains to offer such exciting experiences. May be we could post some reviews about the equipments about to be auditioned which will attract more members.

I agree with bhagwan may be as an one of the top 3 organizers of the last meet you should come forward to gather members around to make a visit. Understand you are occupied but look forward some serious reviews on the stuffs which were available..

Why do you not want to listen to gear do not want to buy ?
I have all my life - traveled the world - just to listen to audio gear.
Most of it I could very afford. So what ? What is the harm in listening to piece of gear - even if it is not in your budget & then forming an opinion on it ? Why trust the 'review' of someone else that has heard it ?
Please do shed some light on your philosophy - I really want to understand it...

I did not say that I am not interested in it. Never did I. :sad:
Even in Mumbai meet, we had a chance to audition the wharfedale Jade. Because I cannot afford it (atleast for now) I did not refuse to listen to it. I enjoyed it, you know. Everyone did.:)

I just said it is not on top of my priority list and the top one is to check out some systems which I have in my mind so that I can choose one and bring it home.
If you ask me which one of the following I would choose:

1. To audition 5 amplifiers in sub 50k range or
2. To audition best studio monitor

I would prefer first option :D This is my choice and I have the rights!

Unfortunately, I am unavailable on Saturdays as already informed and most of the showrooms/ dealers are closed on Sundays. This is MY problem :D

So what ?
It is a very well appointed demo room.
Here you have a case where the global head - technical will be present [since Clifford is a dear friend & I requested him] to explain things to you - make you experience the worlds most sold studio monitor - in an excellent environment with no obligation to buy & no one wants to take on the opportunity ? I am most surprised....to say the least !!
Trust me - all FM's should come - if not for the Gear - Genelec - Just for the technical talk & explanations that Mr. Clifford will offer - he is a very busy man & has installed & 'tuned' some of the most famous studios in the world & I kid you not. There is so much to learn from him. The Stories he can share are just amazing... At lest I love to meet him - great fun fellow & technically very very 'sound' !!!
Who all do not come - will really miss a lot !!! :sad:

This is what I wanted to be put here ie to mention a few favourable points about this demo so that members would chip in. :clapping:

Srisundar may have thought that this is a recording studio and the purpose and experience of visiting it (especially when its live!) is totally different from auditioning an exotic equipment, which is again a different experience.

I remember in my college days, when DTS was first installed in a theatre in our city, we took special permissions to visit the projector room. It was an amazing experience, to see a huge rack with so many amplifiers. I still remember the explanation given by the manager- that in case of dolby the multi channel sound is recorded on the sides of the film and an optic sensor picks up the sound and in case of DTS, there is a timer on the film which is matched with the DTS -CD player. It was great fun.

But now taking time out for such experiences seems to be a challenge.

Coming back to Genelec, all those who can make it should definetly not miss the chance.
One reason is that after listening one ends up thinking his own gear is not good and needs to be upgraded. Level of satisfaction with current gear drops. Creates a craving for upgrading. Focus shifts from music to gear. "Ghar ki murgi daal barabar" syndrome (Chicken cooked at home tastes the same as Dal)

So what ?
If some other gear sounds good / better have it in you to appreciate it.
Thank the lord that at least he gave you the chance to experience it;
Why does ownership matter ?
Music sounds best on a headphone if a person is playing a budget game - yet we all want a hi-fi set up.
I personally have a small stand mount - book shelf speaker - 2 way design @ home & yet go and listen to audio gear in different continents & yet return home & love the way my little TAD plays - & why not ???

If I may be given some 'slack' [excuse me for this] !
We are all married [I assume] & we do happen to see & meet 'preetier' ladies every day of our existence - in real life or on screen - yet we return to our wives [at least I do] !! So go out in the world - see / listen / experience what all there is & return back to what you have & enjoy that too.

Sir, the most important thing in audio is the room & the set up - you will be surprised how much better the sound can become with the same hardware if it is 'set up' well in your room !! This you can only learn when you listen & are ready to experiment & change !! just my humble opinion.....

Please, I request you - travel & listen - soak in the sounds - you will grow - personally & as a music lover / appreciator; I know I have !! :clapping:
May be because its not a studio? :p

I feel the main problem is time. I could not find time to go all the way to Mumbai to demo some equipments which I have in mind for purchasing.

Your priority is an amplifier sub 50K ?
Is that correct ?
You need this for your Speaker - I assume - it must be 'passive' !

Now, what if you listen to a Genelec [Active Studio Monitor] & actually like it;
The for 100K [just for the sake of a figure] you can get a Speaker with 2 amplifiers built in it per side.
Your problem is solved....
It may just be a different way of looking at the same problem & finding a different solution - that is what I feel.

Besides, the personal experience can never be replaced with a 'review' written by some FM's !! Go & Listen & then decide - if you like a set up or you do not !! That is all I can say !!! Why make up your mind before you have seen / auditioned a gear - what purpose does it serve ?

Only if you listen - will you know & you have brilliant mind - that will help you to decide if the sound is down your road or not [preference] i.e. !!

Make the Time / Re-schedule meetings - spend a Saturday to do what you love !!
Even if we meet prettier ladies, we cannot 'upgrade' our wives.. hihi

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
Even if we meet prettier ladies, we cannot upgrade our wives.. Hihi even though I agree with your philosophy the analogy is not very apt!

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
Even if we meet prettier ladies, we cannot upgrade our wives.. Hihi even though I agree with your philosophy the analogy is not very apt!
Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk

100 % spot on - I agree with you - incorrect analogy.
However, the logic for an audition is 100 % correct.
SO take out the time [make the time] & visit the showroom - there is so much for you to learn from Mr. Clifford !! I know I did;;;


p.s. Get H.W. too.
He too needs to get an idea - shall be great to see all 3 of you there - will make a great picture too !!
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Hi all,

As of now, 4 people have confirmed & agreed to be present @ Genelec Demo Room on saturday the 14th post 1430 hours. If anybody else is interested, pls confirm your attendance latest by tomorrow @ 1700 hours.

PS(1): Bhagwan, hope you are joining us :rolleyes:

PS(2): Lot of 'loose/empty' talk as usual which is derailing the purpose of the thread, request all to 'stick' to the topic. THANKS! :cool:
Pandam Professional Audio
220 Hammersmith Ind. Estate
Narayan Pathare Street
Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim,
Bombay 400016, India
Mr. Prashant Damle
T +91 22 244 59406
T +91 22 666 68263
C +91 98 673 45336
E [email protected]
W PANDAM Professional Audio

The address - where all need to come;

Gerry The Merry too will come - so he informed me.
Has he confirmed with you ?

Pandam Professional Audio
220 Hammersmith Ind. Estate
Narayan Pathare Street
Sitladevi Temple Road, Mahim,
Bombay 400016, India
Mr. Prashant Damle
T +91 22 244 59406
T +91 22 666 68263
C +91 98 673 45336
E [email protected]
W PANDAM Professional Audio

The address - where all need to come;

Gerry The Merry too will come - so he informed me.
Has he confirmed with you ?


NO. Since he has confirmed with you, pls keep Clifford/Prashant informed of the no. of people coming (as in who all has informed you of their intention to visit)

NO. Since he has confirmed with you, pls keep Clifford/Prashant informed of the no. of people coming (as in who all has informed you of their intention to visit)


I myself may not be present; :sad:
I have gone & heard the Genelec many [really lots of] times.

So, I got the programme in place.
Kindly co-ordinate the trip.
That is the reason I kept you in the e-mail loop with PD & CP !!
Else, I would have done that part myself.

I will always do the audio part 'fix' up !
The FM part will have to be done by one of the three [JD / Santy / HW] !!

Thank You.

Appreciate your help in co-operation.

Despite my fear of becoming very discontent with my entry-level monitors, I would be up for this if it was Chennai. If I was ever in any doubt about such an opportunity, your post #28 would have convinced me.

Let's face it: I was disillusioned with my M-Audios, before I even heard them, hearing the Rokits that were playing when I walked into the shop. But life decrees that we live within (well, approximately ;)) budget, and when I listen to the music I don't think too much about what I am not getting.

(and I just hear I have to spend about 30,000 on my car. Of find someone with very bad eyesight to sell it to :( )
Denom, I would like to come too. Count me in.

Hi all,

Further to discussions held here:http://www.hifivision.com/av-lounge/22020-join-party-mumbai-hfv-meet-2011-a-42.html

Kindly refer to Post No.420 :D

Planned a meet for listening to Genelec Studio Monitors at their Demo Room courtesy the good folk at Pandam Professional Audio, Mr. Prashant Damle & Mr. Clifford Pereira have kindly agreed to have us over for the same.

The meet is tentatively confirmed for the 14th January 2012 @ 1430 hrs.

How many of our fellow HFV'ians are keen to come for the same??? Kindly confirm your attendance latest by the 13th, as have to inform Prashant & Clifford of the number of people coming for them to make suitable arrangements for refreshments:clapping:

This is a great opportunity for all of us to not only learn something close to our passion & hobby but also to interact with people in the professional audio industry.

Hope we can make this an educational & fun experience.

Awaiting quick replies from all interested.


Edit: PS: Pls get your music along, forgot to mention most important point :lol:
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