HFV Mini Meet for Genelec Studio Monitors Demo @ Mahim, Mumbai

Excellent Work Denom !
Now you have enough people - it seems - 5 is good.
All can go & get enough time to listen to the different set ups & form an opinion...
You will get to listen to active monitors & to DSP Room Corrected Speakers etc. etc.
It should be a nice experience.
Do enjoy & try to take pics if possible - they form good memories;;:yahoo:
I do hope all is in place;
6 Persons will be @ Mahim by 1430 hours - latest !
I am sure 'denom' has informed Genelec - PD & CP & they will expect 6 audio HFV - FM's !!!
All the Best !
Do enjoy the afternoon & take a few pics & post - this same thread - please...

Also do remember to take your software - music - please....

I am glad this group is small - this is the right way to listen to gear - in small lots with your own choice of music - All the Best !


p.s. [addition - edit]
'denom' please do take your heavy metal CD's - this system can play it - you may be surprised ! Even CDR's will do - I suppose !!
Get H.W. & Santy too with you;;;
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Hi all,

WOW, what a fantastic time we had at the Genelec Demo room today! Before I share my views on the demo & speakers heard today, a round of thanks to the foll:

Cherian, Wlg, Coolestone, Darshanjoshi, Spirovious, Gerrythemerry, Bhagwan
For coming along & being part of the mini meet, thanks to all. I feel that we are now almost having a core team of dedicated HFV'ians who are ready to meet & explore audio/video gears on a regular basis for the benefit of all FM's of HFV. Kudos to their passion - please keep it up :clapping:

Prashant Damle - Owner of Pandam Professional Audio
Special thanks to Prashant - who also is a FM of HFV, for accommodating us & making us feel so comfortable so that we could really enjoy the demo's. His tidbits of gyaan were priceless too. Kudos to him for dissecting a brand new speaker for our benefit too, never seen anybody go to this length before, Hats off to you Prashant:yahoo: Thanks to him for arranging refreshments for us all :clapping:

Clifford Pereira - Customer Support Engineer (Genelec) for Asia & East Europe
What can I say about Clifford???? Firstly :clapping: for him to take time out of his busy schedule for our benefit & imparting such a lot of knowledge on the concept / design & philosophy of Genelec Speakers & on the vast Audio Subject in general. I for 1 learnt quite a bit today through the info shared by him & thank him for the same.
There is a proper 'workshop' to be conducted by Clifford/Prashant being planned for the future for our benefit, the details of which I will be sharing shortly.

Lastly, pat on the back to Bhagwan, for being such a good sport & facilitating contact between myself & Prashant/Clifford, so that, this Meet could take place :yahoo:
PS: Bhagwan, you are to continue doing the good work & be my 'friend/philosopher/guide' for future meets too. ;)
A trully amazing afternoon and hours very well spent at Pandam Professional Audio and going thru their range of speakers and subs. Time just flew by this afternoon. I wish we had some more time on our hands:D

Thanks to Bhagwan and Denom for making this possible and a very special thanks to Prashant and Clifford from Pandam for the courtsey extended, the insights provided and for making us feel right at home :clapping:. There is so much to learn from these guys ans it truly was a learning experience for all of us present I am sure (Denom, Cherian, Wlg, Coolestone, Darshanjoshi, Spirovious, Gerrythemerry, Bhagwan) and surely a loss for those who didnt / couldnt make it.

I'm already looking forward to the next such meet :ohyeah:

PS: Request to Darshan to put up the pics as soon as he gets the time.
Thatz a so big list of speakers you have mentioned as heard..:)Just a quick result which is good spot on will be good:)
Thatz a so big list of speakers you have mentioned as heard..:)Just a quick result which is good spot on will be good:)


Trust me when I say that ALL WERE EQUALLY GOOD!!!
That is the beauty of Genelec Speakers, their sound signature is identical across the range, what changes is the SPL as per the Size of the speaker/Drivers.

We watched a snippet of the movie 'Casino Royale' & the overall HT experience that I got today is undoubtedly the best I have ever had! In 1 word, SUPERB:clapping::licklips::yahoo: All the 'soundeffects' of the action scenes had me feeling as if I was actually 'inserted' into the movie scenes itself!:yahoo:

Next followed the DTS clip of a Yanni Concert Live - which again is SUPERB!:clapping:

Unfortunately, only the Coolestone, Darshanjoshi & myself were left to enjoy this experience:licklips:

The foll were in action for the above demo :

Genelec 1038BC - Center Channel Speaker for LCR and Surround Systems
Genelec 1038B - Monitoring System is Ideal for Recording Studios!
Genelec 1038CF - 3-way Monitoring System for Studios & Broadcasting
Genelec 7073A Active Subwoofer - Precise Bass Reproduction Tool
Let me thank to Bhagwan & Denom for arranging another perfect meet.
The Owner,Mr.Prasant Damale & Clifford Pereira ,Customer Support Engineer (Genelec) for Asia & East Europe also for making at ease in the meet.

Both made us understand the goal of Genelec active speakers & why are they preferred in aprox.70% of Indian recording studios.eg Why This Kolaveri Di-
You can see Genelec active speakers in recording room-

Genelec 6010A is an Extremely Compact Two-Way Active Loudspeaker

Coming to the sound,yes it sounds fabulous.I can feel the liveliness in music.It sounds as if music is played in front of you.I am highly impressed by small wonders -Genelec 6010A.I can say that because I compared(a short moment) a recorded guitar playing through speaker & a real guitar lying on Rt.side of us.Bhagwan just rolled his fingers on a guitar while we were listening the track.I found the original & recorded had hardly any differences as far as sound signature is concerned.When I spoke to Cherian,he tried the same & agreed.Vocals also very clean & realistic.
A small 3in driver was doing its best.Hard to believe.

When we played through Genelec 8020B,things changed a bit.Larger soundstage & impact.Some how I felt that the sweetness changed.little congested sound compared to smaller one.
Genelec 8030A changed the things & I feel it has good soundstage from Genelec 8020B & sweetness of 6010A.

6010A even performed better without sub.
In short,a serious music listener should have a look @ Genelec active Speakers before spending money.
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Just for quick grasp of price range..What is their range starts at for an ideal 5.1 setup ?

Genelec | Sweetwater.com

This should give a 'ball' park idea to you;

The prices in India are higher - but then there is a D & D present - demo room & installation & calibration etc. All that is included in the price....

:mad: ...... should have stayed back in Mumbai on Saturday 'somehow' ... what a sacrifice for ....!

You did not miss much - when ever you are in town & would like to go - to Genelec i.e. - just let me know - I could set you up ! If you want to go in a group - that too should be possible....

We just need to get a group in place that is interested in listening & learning - ready to commit time & I will try my best to help - to what ever extent I can....:rolleyes:
Wow the reactions say that you guys had a wonderful time at Genelac. Sad to miss out on it...

Sent from my GT-I9001 using Tapatalk
It was truly an eye-opening experience to see these precision speakers perform in a superb acoustic setting. The way the auditioning room is set up alone is well worth a visit.

And special thanks to Prashant and Clifford for their relaxed hospitality and expert presentation. It was a rare peek into the world of 'pro' audio.

Hope to see more HFV meets like this all over India.
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.