Hi all,
WOW, what a fantastic time we had at the Genelec Demo room today! Before I share my views on the demo & speakers heard today, a round of thanks to the foll:
Cherian, Wlg, Coolestone, Darshanjoshi, Spirovious, Gerrythemerry, Bhagwan
For coming along & being part of the mini meet, thanks to all. I feel that we are now almost having a core team of dedicated HFV'ians who are ready to meet & explore audio/video gears on a regular basis for the benefit of all FM's of HFV. Kudos to their passion - please keep it up :clapping:
Prashant Damle - Owner of Pandam Professional Audio
Special thanks to Prashant - who also is a FM of HFV, for accommodating us & making us feel so comfortable so that we could really enjoy the demo's. His tidbits of gyaan were priceless too. Kudos to him for dissecting a brand new speaker for our benefit too, never seen anybody go to this length before, Hats off to you Prashant:yahoo: Thanks to him for arranging refreshments for us all :clapping:
Clifford Pereira - Customer Support Engineer (Genelec) for Asia & East Europe
What can I say about Clifford???? Firstly :clapping: for him to take time out of his busy schedule for our benefit & imparting such a lot of knowledge on the concept / design & philosophy of Genelec Speakers & on the vast Audio Subject in general. I for 1 learnt quite a bit today through the info shared by him & thank him for the same.
There is a proper 'workshop' to be conducted by Clifford/Prashant being planned for the future for our benefit, the details of which I will be sharing shortly.
Lastly, pat on the back to Bhagwan, for being such a good sport & facilitating contact between myself & Prashant/Clifford, so that, this Meet could take place :yahoo:
PS: Bhagwan, you are to continue doing the good work & be my 'friend/philosopher/guide' for future meets too.