HFV Pune meet

I will suggest those getting gears be ready by 9:45AM so that we do not waste precious initial hours for connectiions.

Please pardon me. I need some more approx 30 min time to reach as I have to someone before coming there.
Just had a call with Denom to clarify my doubt... I am adding some steps (in blue text) to Denom's feedback below, for sake of others who may have had same doubt.


Evaluation method is simple,
Let's say we start with DAC comparison round...(here we change the DAC's whereas the backend equipment remains same throughout the DAC-changes)
1) Does Music heard sound good/appeal to you,
2) If yes then that means synergy is good,
... and we move on to next DAC
3) if not then try to identify what component is not doing it justice.
... we make note of the "not-good-sounding DAC" and "culprit" component (say bright speaker) that's not doing justice to that DAC, and move on to next DAC
... after moving on with all DAC's, if we have time left, we pair the "not-good-sounding DAC" with a laid-back speaker and see if DAC sounds good now.
As it is we will have 2 Sets of Speakers in A/B mode paired to 1 Amp, so if 1 set sounds good whilst the other not, then we know what to do next, change amp - if still no change then source & so on.
... in case the DAC doesn't sound good with anything in backend... then we know that the DAC itself is screwed up :rolleyes:
I think rest we decide on the fly during the meet itself.
No amount of extra planning needed as of now.

Denom, pls correct me if anything above in blue is misunderstood... Or you can explain that tomorrow when we start the demo's.

Hi others who didn't receive the first email.. give me 10 mins... compiling list of remaining attendees email ID's... you'll receive soon.
Cyclops1234 I haven't received your email ID

if anybody know Cyclops1234 email ID pls PM me
Can we have 2 laptops connected to wifi - which can be passed? Viki please is it possible ? so that on the go reaserch of gear - mailing is possible...
Request following members to PM me their Full name, email ID and Cell no:
Darshan Joshi
Hari Iyer


Venue-address emailed to all* members mentioned in above post# 286 except the above members, as their ID is not available presently.

*sachin your email ID is giving error. Please PM me alternative ID.


2nd batch of email having venue details sent to following members (who were not addressed earlier)
Darshan Joshi
Hari Iyer

Pls convey if there is anybody left out.

Good morn . starting soon

BTW please can we have 1-2 laptops on venue? I was planng to get - but my lap is heavy and now acting weird.. carrying my Tab.. please can someone get laptop(s)?
Last Year the Master of Ceremonies aka Sonosphere was late himself :ohyeah:

I hope this year he keeps to the tradition of wearing the same Shirt he wore for previous 2 HFV meets :clapping:

Even I had worn the same T-shirt for the last 2 meets.:yahoo:. Now this leads to problems as outside (non-HFV) people may say all the photos were taken once & we are reusing them for many years. So, in the interest of historical record keeping sanctity, I am planning to wear a different shirt this time. And yes I did take some baths between the previous 2 meets, and will come freshly bathed & shaved.:D. Now obviously this takes time so I will land up by 10.30:p.

Only hope MOC - Sonosphere turns up on time.
Sorry guys, something come up last minute...........will not be able to make it today.
I am getting some Flac and high quality MP3s media - Pink F, jethro Tull. Wishbone Ash, Don Mclean,metallica..mix of Rock, Metal & some country..Letz see if we can play some of these..
Eagerly waiting for the 1st set of reviews to come in... Especially of Hari's Speakers... Hope u guys have a lot of fun :) ...
Just back from the meet :yahoo: It was a great experience listening to all the wonderful gear at the meet and knowing fellow FMs. A big thanks to our gracious host Viki.

I'm sure Sono/Denom would post a detailed account of the day. For me, listening to the Pass B1+Norge+Focal combo and the AudioGD DAC were the highlights of the day!

The meet was still on when we (omishra,devesh & mbhangui) left Viki's place.

Had a great time today..

Viki is a great host indeed :clapping:... Thanks a ton Viki !

For me the highlights were : CA S30's brilliant performance (considering the size & price), Pass B1+Norge+Focal combo & Audio-gd Dac-19's amazing capability of matching Marantz CDP's built-in DAC (I couldn't have identified 'left' or 'right' in a blind test .. err... '1' or '2' i mean :) ) !

(Sigh, the Audio-gd DAC 19 is no longer available ! )

Denom & Sonosphere : Great Job coordinating and conducting the session ! :clapping:

Looking forward for a detailed analysis along with the exact model nos and prices.

It was a wonderful experience indeed..

Cheers !
Great time spent, meeting with all the wonderful people sharing a common interest was indeed a great pleasure.

A special thanks to the big hearted gentleman Viki, for hosting such a big meet in such a graceful manner.

I really appreciate the efforts of denom and sonosphere for organising the event, and santy's for patiently performing speaker and dac a/b tests.

Finally, thanks to jbgude for offering me a lift to the meet, otherwise carrying the gear wouldnt have been possible.

Thanks to HFV for providing us the platform.

Amazing meet as usual. And a heartfelt "thank you" goes to the usual suspects. Viki for being the gracious host that he is. Sonosphere for once again standing tall in the chaos and guiding everyone through the chaos. Denom for being the livewire of the ceremony and keeping the tempo high throughout the event. Especially "high" towards the end. ;)
Rohit and team of Lakozy Pune for being really nice in bringing together a bunch of gear and waiting patiently till we finished listening to everything.

Sann, Omishra and Hari for sharing their amazing DIY experiences not through words but through gear. The Pass B1 is a serious eye opener.

And the entire Mumbai and Pune team for being there. It could not have been a meet without you guys. Loved the company and am eagerly awaiting the Mumbai edition of the meet.
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