hav finally been able to get things started towards platforms for power amps...
Roughly complete
this is just a prototype (so, part ply in there)
comments, suggestions welcome, so changes are inc. in time.
bespoke - and a work of art - the grain on the teak is superb
arre ashok
Great work hifiashok! One question though - what is the reason that the bottom of the platform is cut out? I had a thought that if the bottom was full then the platform could be filled with sand adding to mass loading. The top would still rest on the brass footers around which the sand would be added - or is there any advantage to having an open bottom?
Hi HifiAshok
I suggest you check with Cadence too. In my experience wood with spikes has never worked for me. In most cases they dull the sound and make it a little sluggish. If Cadence has designed the amp using a wood platform then its fine.
When it comes to mechanical resonance i would rather go for a scientifically designed product rather than a tuned product.
Scientifically designed racks are very expensive. What i suggest is try the Wave Kinetics footers under your amp. These footers are designed by a Stanford engineer and cost $700 for 4. A bit expensive but will be definitely worth it. Even with an expensive wooden rack like Finite Elemente, i know people end up using their cerapucs and cerabases under the equipment.
Great work hifiashok! One question though - what is the reason that the bottom of the platform is cut out? I had a thought that if the bottom was full then the platform could be filled with sand adding to mass loading. The top would still rest on the brass footers around which the sand would be added - or is there any advantage to having an open bottom?
i FEEL the sand would reduce this isolation effort by increasing the area of contact/s from the present pin-points. however, will build in a simple option to also try the platforms with sand (lead shot) loaded in them.
Hi Hifiashok
Yes Mr Shirke uses Finite Elemente platforms. They distribute Finite Elemente in India.
Do experiment with different wood types. They all sound different
Sidvees suggestion is worth trying out. Sand will enable drain out of vibrations faster. Normally people use sand boxes under speakers. But i am sure it can be tried under amps also.