Hollywood Movies to look forward to : 2011 - 2012

127 Hrs releasing tomorrow ....... I am going for it Guys ....Who else is ... :) :)
Tangled and 127 Hours for tomorrow.

127 hours is a good movie, based on the book between a rock and a hard place. Just my personal opinion but I feel the movie is over-hyped. It is good, no doubt, but not good enough to warrant all the accolades showered on it. There are sections of the movie where I wanted to throw up because the arm amputation scene is graphically shown with all the gory details.
If you regularly watch Bear Grylls doing his stuff, then you might get the feeling of having been there, done that............

As for James Franco, this role was made for him. Even at the best of times he has that sour expression on his face. Here in this movie it looks like he is perpetually sucking on a sour lemon.
127 Hours

For a movie with hero stuck for most part, it is pretty good. It surely made me thank God for a safe life.

What is unsettling is the jarring background score at the start when James is biking. Rest of the score is apt; suits Boyle's split screen acts and the fast tempo of the screenplay.

It is easy to see why Boyle did not get an Oscar nomination. There are continuity glitches galore.

21. PAUL


PLOT : Two British comic-book geeks traveling across the U.S. encounter an alien outside Area 51.

Director : Greg Mottola

Release Date : 18 March 2011 (USA)

Personal Note : Simon Peg is back, and with an out and out comedy involving an ALIEN seems interesting. I enjoyed the trailer. This one I am interested.

YouTube - Paul International Movie Trailer 2 Official (HD)

Talk about cliches!

I knew that the rectal probe joke in connection with alien abductions would be inserted somewhere in the movie, I just didn't think they'd do it so blatantly in the trailer! :lol:
Very nicer thread......Watched 127 hrs and Battle: Los Angeles.... the latter s filled with action...all throughout the movie...
Waiting for TRANSFORMERS and BATMAN and POC.....
M a Tranfromers Fan
Source Code
This from Director Duncan Jones, same guy who directed Sam Rockwell's Moon which is an outstanding effort. Trailer is excellent, I liked the Raw look of Jake Gyllenhaal contrary to his regular boy next door appearance.

Booked Sucker Punch for SUN :D .... will share the reviews soon ..... :)
Let her view "Tangled" Amazing ani movie. Get hold of it from the obvious source as its off from the cinemas ......
Most of the Hollywood movies are getting negative reviews in Rotten Tomatoes and Metacritic.......are they that bad..........??
^^ yes most of them are turning just okie ...... except maybe Source Code ..... I missed it, but its said to be pretty decent
A beautiful, well-constructed speaker with class-leading soundstage, imaging and bass that is fast, deep, and precise.