Which model was that? Yesterday, I was at a shopping festival in Pune. The LG stall was demonstrating the 3D Cinema model - the unit on display was 42LW5700 and the salesman said the deal price was Rs. 84,990.
Unfortunately there were too many people at the demo and hence could not talk to the salesman. Nor could I check the TV for PQ.
Here is my impression on the passive 3D:
- 3D pictures appear much more hosted to the naked eye - no, this is not a fault or weakness - this is how it is meant to be, I suppose
- the passive 3D glasses are very light and much more pleasureable to wear on top of natural glasses (for people like me)
- 3D can be seen at any angle unlike active 3D
- all other claims of LG from their advert are true
- :thumbsup: to LG on all counts of 3D - my vote goes to passive 3D any day
I knew it. This will be your impression. I too wear specs and wearing another was a big question for me. The same i had mentioned in my older post too.
I dont know where ppl are auditioning LW6500 47" but i am calling the LG distributor and they say its yet to launch. Only 42" is available as of now. So since one month i am waiting for 47" to launch and i will buy it the very first day. If anyone knows any showroom in Delhi where this model is available i will be highly thankful if he will share the details.
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